Take a Chance - Chapter 24

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He never answered. For 9 weeks he never answered. We got through to the live shows from the judges house.Simon was our mentor. I couldnt be happier. We had gotten through each time. People loved us. Me, Casey, Lilli, Sara, Diana. There were 4 sisters to me. So we called ourselfs Sister Rosetta. We didnt know if there another band out there with this name already, but no one told us we had to change our name. So we went with it. I had people telling me all the time how much we reminded them of One Direction and that just brought Harry into my head. ANd it was driving me NUTS. I had avoided him when One Direction performed on the X Factor. I was trying to get over him. But everywhere i turned. There was his face, or his name, no matter were i was and it was driving me nuts. There was only 2 more weeks left in the show. We were in the Semi Finale. And you could feel the excitment run through all 5 of us when he practiced. We wanted to win. But at the same time, didn't. Because the winner, never became as big as the runner ups. Simon was so proud of us, he told us that everyday. And i couldnt help but smile. He was really like our Uncle now. Uncle Simon. I smiled as i walked off stage from our last rehearsal before the show tomorrow. Diana and Sara were jumping all over the place. Talking and laughing. Casey and Lilli were just walking with me. They knew how hard this was for me, how much this reminded me of Harry, and they were here for  me. I loved these girls with all my heart and no matter what happened, we would ALWAYS stay together. The song we were singing tomorrow was by Rascal Flatts, I Wont Let Go. I thought i fit perfectly.  We walked back to the X Factor house we were all staying at and walked up to our room. It was a mess. Just like any room with 5 teenage girls would look like. I layed down on my bed and opened my laptop and logged into twitter and tweeted as fast as i could, i was going to do a twitcam for the fans. I did them as much as i could.

Doing a twitcam, come watch and talk with me :)

I logged into my twitcam account and started the live stream. IN about 4 mintues i had 19, 609 people watching and asking question's. I loved talking to the fans, they were the reason we were here, they were the reason we had come so far. And i loved them for that. I smiled and looked at ym friends all talking on the floor. i turned back to the laptop.

"Wanna see everyone else, and our room?" I had 50 tweets after that saying yes. I laughed and climbed down the ladder of the buckbed and showed them the room and everyone else. They all smiled and waved, yelling greetings. I knew the fans wouldnt be able to make out half of what they where saying but i knew they woudlnt care. I sat down with them and turned back to the screen.

"Should we prank call someone?" I asked. The girls all went nuts, yelling who, The fans wanted it too. I nodded and pulld out my phone.


"LOUIS!" Diana yelled. I smiled and nodded and got out Louis's number. Just because i wasnt talking to Harry anymore didnt mean i wouldnt talk to the 4 other boys who had become like brother to me. He answered after 4 rings.

"Ello?" I tried not to laugh and started to talk in a french accent. I had it on speaker phone so all the other girls had to be quiet too,

"Ello there, i was wondering if you were interisted in buying a brand neewww tv!" He was quiet for a while then laughed.

"Sam, your horrible at prank calling, i can hear everyone else whispering in the back round," I groaned and laughed with everyone else.

"The fans dared me," I said. he laughed and mummbled something to someone. The fans were going nuts, saying i should prank call Miley, or joe Jonas. I didnt even have there numbers so i just rolled my eyes and shook my head.

"How is the fame life treaten you all," I smiled.

"Pretty good, its busy, but awesome, Semi Finale week," I cheered. Louis cheered with me and everyone else laughed. I smiled.

"Miss yah Lou," I said. I felt the tears will up in ym eyes. I missed all of them. Eleanor, Danielle, Perrie, Liam, Niall, Zayn, and Lou, i even missed Harry, but i didnt tell anyone that. I heard him sigh, and i knew he was smiling slightly.

"We all miss you too Sammy," I smiled and wiped the tears away before they feel. I didnt need fans seeing me cry.

"Well, i'll let you go, i'll text you later,"

"Alright love, see yah," I hung up and looked at my friends. They were all smiling at me. I smiled back and turned back to the fans.

"What should we do now huh?"


I hung up and looked over at Harry. He was looking down at the ground. I coudl see the pain twisted in his face and i sat beside him and hugged him. I shook out of my grasp and walked across the room. i sighed and cuped my hands. He had been like this ever since the news about him and Taylor went viral. I knew he didnt feel the way he flet for Sam about Taylor. He was just trying to move on. But he couldnt. I could see that in his face whenever she was mentioned. I opened the door and stomed out. Not saying anything to me. I sighed and rolled my eyes. Then my phone started to sing. It was Ruby. Zayn's sister. I answered.

"Ello there  love, whats up," I stood up.

"Hey Lou, i was wondering if you knew were Zayn was?" I grabbed my coat and headed for the door.

"No i dont, but im pretty sure he's with Perrie," She sighed.

"Thought soo, thats probably why he isnt answering my texts, little shit, thanks anyway Lou," I laughed and nodded.

"Welcome lovley have a good day," She laughed and hung up. I walked to my car and hopped in. Harry was already gone. I pulled out and started to drive to were Eleanor was staying. She was coming everywhere with us now, Just to be there for Harry, even though she was still pissed at him for what he did for Sam, she stilled cared for him. I drove to the hotel and walked inside and knocked on her door. She opened it and smiled.

"Hey," I kissed her lightly and walked in.

"Hey," I put my coat on the back of a chair and sat down on the couch. She sat beside me.

"Whats up?"

"Sam called me," She nodded, still watching me. I sighed. she could get anything out of me.

"Harry was in the room," She gasped and i nodded.


"How did he react," I shrugged. 

"He was upset, and stormed out of the room, she didnt know he was in the room though, i didnt tell her, she didnt need to know," She nodded and curled up to me.

"She's gone and is going through so much, that was smart of you," I nodded slowly.

"I hope so,"


I drove and didnt knwo were i was going. And didnt care. She had called and Louis had answered. He knew i was in the room and he didnt tell her. Why didnt he, i wanted to talk to her so bad. But i couldnt text her back, because i couldnt look at that text. She missed me. But she had called or texted after that, maybe she was waiting for me to reply. I didnt know. but i wanted her to know that i still loved her, because i had never lost feelings for her, ym heart and hbroken when she left. And when i saw her on TV that day she aduitioned. I had felt so happy and alive again, i hadn't seen ehr smile in forever. And i knew i probably never would again and it was driving me insane. I had to see her again. But i couldnt get up the courage to text or call her. I was such a jerk. And i knew it. No one had to tell me that, i could tell, i knew i had broken her, i knew i had broken her more then once, but the only thing i wanted was her, it was so close to christmas, all i wanted was to have her back in my arms. TO help me put up the tree, so i was able to buy her a gift and kiss her under the misltoe. I wanted her back more then i wanted anything. I pulled over and out out of my car and walked through a park. people started taking pictures and whispering but i ignored her. Maybe if ihad kept her a secret, if i hadnt gotten her over welmed by the lights and fame of being with me, maybe it would have worked out better, or maybe if i had just thought before i had spoken, i would still have her here with me. I didnt know. But all i knew it that i only ever wanted her and i was going to get her back, i didnt care how hard i had to work to show her i still loved her, i didnt care how long it took, i wanted her and needed her and i was going to have her in my arms again, i would die if i didnt. So i pulled out my phone and dialed her number without thinking.

I Only Ever Go In One Direction (Harry Styles) *FINISHED*Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant