Harder Everyday - Chapter 23

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I was froze in my spot. So were my other friends. We looked at each other then screamed. We hugged each other tightly and i couldn't help but cry. Simon was smiling at us all. Then i remembered, this was the same thing that happened to One Direction. I stopped screaming and just stood there. They waved at us and we walked off stage. We walked out and joined the other groups. I didn't smile or say anything. I couldn't. I was going through the same thing Harry had gone through. And thinking about that, only made me miss him, and want him back more. I sat down on a chair while my, now band mates, were talking and smiling. I couldn't. I just couldn't  I sighed and walked back into the building and sat down on a couch. I pulled my phone out and went onto my memo pad, i had deleted his number, but had written it in a memo pad. I couldn't totally get ride of it. I sighed and didn't know if i should text him or not. I heard the door open and Simon was walking in. I sighed and looked back at my phone. He heard and looked up and saw me and started to walk over.

"Well hello there, why aren't you out there with your friends....and what's with the long face?" I looked up at him. He was standing in front of me now and i just shook my head and turned my phone off. He looked harder at me then took a breathe in.

"I know were i remember you, you were dating Harry weren't you," I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. He sat down beside me.

"You were the girl he broke up with," I slowly nodded. I could feel tears well up.

"And you being put into a group like them made you remember him and makes you hurt even more and miss him even more," I gaped at him. he smiled. How could he get all that by my face. I was like he could read my mind. I slowly nodded at him. He smiled and patted my hand.

"It'll be al right, i promise, we'll try our best not to make it so bad for you," I smiled at him.

"You really are like a Uncle," He laughed and nodded.

"I guess i am," He stood up.

"Now go and be with your friends, your going to be bands mates from now one," I smiled and nodded and he walked away towards the dressing rooms. I looked at my phone one more time then sighed and got up and left the building. I walked back outside and Casey looked up at me and smiled. I smiled back and sat beside Lilli. She looked at me and wrapped her arm around my shoulder and i wrapped mine around her and just talked. I tried my best to forget him but it was so hard. He was the only guy i had ever loved. The only guy i would ever love. I took a breathe and put a smile on my face for the camera. This was my life now. Faking smiles and laughs and acting happy, when inside...i was dying.


She was put into a group. I sat back. I couldn't believe it. She was getting the thing she wanted. And she looked happy. I sighed and looked down at my phone. She deserved to be happy. I wish she would text me though, say something. I hadn't gotten rid of her number. I couldn't. I clicked on her number and was about to text her, but changed my mind. She was moving on. I was making it look like i was moving on. So i should keep the act up. Even though i didn't want to. I looked at the screen and she was smiling. But i knew that smile. She was faking it. I frowned and sat forward and watched her until the show ended. I sat back and frowned.  Why would she be faking it. I thought she was happy...unless. I got up and walked into the kitchen. No, that wasn't it. She couldn't be faking it because she was reminded of me. Because she...missed me...no that's wasn't it. That couldn't be it, she had walked out on me. After you broke her heart I thought to myself. I shook my head and filled a glass with cold water and drank it all. I set the cup down and looked at the counter. I had broken her heart. I had told her i didn't love her, even though that wasn't true. I rubbed my face and walked back into the living room. I had the place to myself. The boys were all out with either girlfriends, or friends, and my and Taylor. Well, i didn't like her the way i liked Sam. I sighed and leaned my elbows on my knees. I had to find a way to tell her. I had to. I didn't know how long i was going to make it without her in my arms everyday. I was going insane. Just then my phone rang. I picked it up.


"Hey Harry, it's Paul," I rubbed my face again, and just realized how tired i was.

"What is it Paul?"

"Simon want's you boys to be on the 2 week of the live shows on X Factor, so in about 3 weeks were flying down to Miami," I almost his my face with my hand and fell off the couch. Of COURSE Simon would do this. I sighed and nodded.

"OK, do the other boys know,"

"Yup," I sighed.

"OK, thanks," And i hung up. I almost through my phone across the room. Of all the times it could happen. It had to happen after i had been apart from on of them for 2 months. Simon hated me. I shook my head and texted Louis asking if her could meet me outside the hotel. I walked out and waited for him. He pulled up and Eleanor smiled and waved at me. I smiled back and climbed in the back. She looked back at me. I could tell she was still mad at me. But she hid it well.

"Hey Haz," I smiled and nodded at her.

"What's up Haz," Louis asked pulling away from the Hotel. I sighed and shrugged.

"I don't know, i just wanted to get out and spend it with friends," Louis smiled and nodded and started driving down the road. I looked out the window. Soon all this would be covered in snow. I was looking forward to then. I loved Christmas. Just not the cold. Soon we pulled up in front of a club. The other boys there. I smiled and got out. We walked in. I didn't drink much. I didn't want to make a fool of myself, and get caught on camera. I just sat at a table the whole time, picking at a lime. Louis and Zayn tried to get me up and dancing but i just shook my head. The both frowned. I was usually the part guy, always dancing with people and having a blast, but i didn't feel like that any more. I wasn't really happy any more  Because of guilt, or sorrow, or lost love. I didn't know. I just sat there. We left soon and i couldn't be happier. Once we got back to the  hotel room Louis went and brought Eleanor back to her hotel. I climbed into bed and closed my eyes. I didn't want to talk. I didn't want anything but Sam. I rolled over and looked at the ceiling. Then gave in. I rolled over and took out my phone and clicked her number and texted her,

From: Harry
To: Sam
Message:....i know i haven't talk to you in forever, but im sorry, and im glad for you...about X Factor and your boyfriend and everything, and im sorry again, i can' t tell you how sorry i am...and how much i feel like a jerk for what i did to you....

I typed i love you at the end then erased it and sent it. I was hoping she would answer. I really wanted her to answer. I kept my phone in my hand and waited, holding my breathe.


I was trying to fall asleep before the sun rose when my phone went off. I picked it up and almost dropped it. Seeing a number i never thought i would ever see again.

From: Harry
To: Sam

Message:....i know i haven't talk to you in forever, but im sorry, and im glad for you...about X Factor and your boyfriend, and everything, and im sorry, again, i can't tell you how sorry i am...and how much i feel like a jerk for what i did to you....

I didn't know what to do. He had texted me. And boyfriend. What boyfriend. I replied.

To: Harry
From: Sam
Message: what boyfriend, Harry, i don't have a boyfriend and...thanks.

From: Harry
To: Sam
Message: The boy you were with at your audtion, your boyfriend.

I almost laughed when i replied.

To: Harry
From: Sam
Message: Harry, that was a friend, John, he's gay.

He didn't answer for a while then did.

From: Harry
To: Sam
Message: Oh :) sorry....i miss you.

I froze and looked at the screen. He missed me. I missed him to.So much. But i was never going to see him again, or be with him again, we were both now to busy, and he had a girlfriend. I sighed and told him i missed him too. He never replayed after that and i put my phone away and layed back closing my eyes. He was to hard to get over.

I Only Ever Go In One Direction (Harry Styles) *FINISHED*Where stories live. Discover now