Chapter 38- House Hunting

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I rolled my eyes as we pulled up to the 4th house that day. I had complained about every house we had looked at. I wasn't going to let him buy me a house. No way. Yeah he was my boyfriend, yes i loved him to pieces, and yes i only ever wanted to me with him, but there was no way IN HELL, i was letting him buy me a house. NO WAY. Of course i had told him that, but he wasn't listening to me, he never did when it came to things like this, once he set his mind to something, he was going through with it. He laughed and stopped the car and looked over at me.

"Come on Sam, please be a little happier, if i buy a house, i could live with you," I rolled my head and looked over at him. He smiled and i smiled and shook my head.

"Fine," He chuckled and got out of the car. I opened my door and climbed out and looked up at the house in front of me, gaping at it. It wasn't like the other ones, they had been big, and fancy, this was a beautiful beach house. White and clean. I loved it. But like i was going to tell Harry that. he would just rub it in my face. He smiled at me and i rolled my eyes and walked behind him towards the door. He opened it and walked in. A lady looked up and smiled.

"Hi, would you like to look at the house?" Harry nodded.

"We would," She smiled.

"Take all the time you need," Harry nodded and grabbed my hand and walked towards the stairs. we walked up and looked around the upstairs. There was a game room. and 3 bed rooms. I sighed and leaned on his shoulder as he left the second room.

"Why would we need 3 rooms?" I asked. He shrugged as we neared the master sweat.

"I don't know, guest's," I looked up at him and smirked. He opened the door and i gasped and ran into the room. It was huge. And there was 2 glass doors that opened to a patio, over looking a huge back yard and you guessed it, the beach. I gaped at it and walked out to the porch. I leaned against the railing and looked over. Harry started to whistle. i turned and he smirked at me but kept whistling  He strutted onto the porch and leaned against it, looking over. He glanced at me and smirked cheekily. I rolled my eyes and pushed his shoulder, smiling.

"So, im guessing you like this one," He asked. Wrapped his arm around my waist and pulling me up against him. I rested my hands on his chest and acted like i was thinking. I sighed.

"It's all right, i guess, it's not amazing..." He rolled his eyes and raised an eyebrow at me. I sighed.

"Fine, yes, i like this one," He smiled and  rested his hands on my hips. He leaned his head down to my ear and i could feel his breathe wash over my ear, his curls brushing my face. I smirked.

"Just imagine  waking up every morning, beside me, and then seeing this wonderful view," He whispered. I laughed lightly and wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned by his ear.

"Or, imagine waking up beside me....and well that' already a wonderful view," He laughed loudly and wrapped his arms tightly around me and kissed me, cupping my face in his hands. He pulled back and rested his forehead on mine.

"Soo..?" I sighed and looked around me again and smiled.

"Fine, yes," He cheered and wrapped his arms around my waist and brought me up into the air and twirled me around, walking back inside. He dropped me on the bed, (the place had furniture, like every show house) And looked me in the eyes. He smirked and kissed me. putting his hands on my legs. I groaned and tangled my fingers in his hair and kissed him back. Then remembered where we were. I pushed him back and got up off the bed.

"It's not our house, Harry," 

"Not yet," He whispered in my ear, intertwining his fingers with mine. I smiled and shook my head. How had i let him do this. It was so hard not to say no to him. He skipped down the stairs and walked over to the lady. She looked up at us and smiled. Harry smiled back and leaned against the counter.

"Well take it,"


We Walked around the furniture store. I dragged my finger along the arm of a couch and sighed. I didn't like shopping for furniture. Maybe that's why we had brought the boys along, to make it fun, but they had just ended being kids. Niall had pounced on Zayn numerous times. Louis had gushed over the color's and fabrics. And Liam, yes Liam, had hopped and jumped on a show bed. Harry almost had to drag them out of the shop, but they had promised to act like men. But had run off and disappeared not 2 minutes later. Harry just sighed and stayed by my side.

"OK, at least pick a couch, table, chairs and a bed, please pick a bed," he whined. I laughed and looked at him. 

"OK, OK," I said. I walked over to the bed and looked at them all. I dragged my fingers along the bed covers and glanced back at him. He was biting his lips and bouncing from foot to foot. I laughed and turned to him.

"Would you like to pick it?" He sighed.

"If that mean's well get doe faster YES," he walked around and tapped one.

"This one," I laughed and sighed.

"OK, couch, table and chairs now," He sighed and looked at me.

"Your a cruel person," I smiled and winked. He laughed and picked the rest out, when we walked to the front to buy them, the boys were there, all with lamps, and bed side tables and picture frames and sheets and pillows. They all smiled.

"Surprise," I laughed out loud and hugged Niall.

"You guy's are the sweetest," Louis and Liam smirked and Zayn bowed. Harry shook his head and smiled.

"Come on lets pay for them," I smiled as they piled everything up and Harry told them what bed and couch and chairs and table she wanted. I just stayed back and watched them. Harry looked over and winked at me. and mouthed. ' we have a bed now' i shook my head and felt my face go hot. I was going to be living in a house, with Harry Styles. My life had only become crazier.

I Only Ever Go In One Direction (Harry Styles) *FINISHED*Where stories live. Discover now