What should i do?- Chapter 3

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Chapter 3....

I almost dumped my laptop into the water as i shot up and out of the bathtub. I grabbed my robe and tied it around my waist as i walked into my room. I grabbed my phone from beside my bed and dialed Carrie's number, my best friend, and prayed she would answer. After 2 rings i heard her voice on the other side of the phone.

"Hello, Hello Hello, Carrie here," I walked back to my bathroom and grabbed my latop.

"Carrie, you will NOT BELIEVE what happened to me today," I screeched into the phone. I  could just imagine her wincing. I heard her sigh as i sat down on my bed, staring at the screen infront of me.

"What is is is Sam," She sighed. I tapped the laptpop screen with my finger.

"A boy came into the Cafe today.."

"Yay, anything else," I rolled my eyes.

"Please let me finish," I whined," He orderd and slipped me his number, then on the way home, that One Direction song..." I closed my eyes and snapped my fingers,

"What Makes You Beautiful?" She said, mre excited. I nodded.

"Yes, that one, it came on the radio, so i looked it up when i got home, and the music video, the Harry dude, he was the boy who slipped me his number," She screamed on the other end and i pulled hte phone away from my ear.

"WHAT WHAT WHAT, NO WAY, YOUR KIDDING ME, AAAAAAHHHHH!!" I Laughed and stared at the screen infront of me.

"Yes, im serious," I got up and picked up my jeans and fished the phone number from my pocket. I sat back down on my bed, staring at the number.

"Well...did you cal him?!" She asked, i could almost hear her pacing the room. I shook my head then remebered she couldnt see me.

"No, i didnt,' She screamed again and i rolled my eyes.

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!" She screamed in my ear. I rolled my eyes and glanced back at the screen. He had been a nice boy, and he was cute. But he probably did that to every girl he met, slip them his number, it probably wasnt even his real number. Just some way to play a girl. He probably was laughing about it with his little guy friends right now, in the low, slow, husky british accent, smiling that sweet smile, showing off his dimples as his other friends laughed along. His curls bouncing.I shook my head. What the hell was wrong with me. I sighed.

"Your going to call him, right now," She said. Her tone harsh. I raised an eyebrow and rolled my eyes.

"Carrie, im not going to call him, i have enough crap to deal with," I said, setting the  number down and walking back into the bathroom to finish my bath.

"Sam, heck yes you are," I sighed. I wasnt going to win this.

"I will after my bath," I said. She sighed.

"You better, and tell me EVERYTHING he says.....you know, he's famous, and he started on X Factor, he could help you," I thought about that for a moment. She was right. He could help me become a singer. it was my life long dream. But i wouldnt want to use him. I shook my head, that would be rude, and just wrong. Since he was so mice to me. 

"Whatever Carrie, bye," I hung up and took my robe off and climbed back into my bathtub. I leaned my head back on the side of the tub and closed my eyes. But his green eyes filled my mind, his curly hair, the urge to run  my fingers through it made me sit up and and splash water on my face. Taking some deep breathes. What was wrong with me? I had only meet the boy once. Why couldnt i get him off my mind. I took my shampoo and washed my hair, know i wouldnt be able to realxe at all. I wished it out and climbed out, draining the water from it and drying myself off. I walked to my closet, drying my hair and took out a pair of black skinnies, a blue tank top, a jean jacket and a blue beanie and slipped them on. Drying my hair and putting a little makeup on. I slipped a pair of white Toms on and grabbed my bag and my school stuff and walked out to my car and headed to school. 

I pulled up infront of the College i was attending to be a teacher and walked in, heading to my first class. English. I sat down and opened my books. The class seemed to drag on forever. Soon it finished. I left class, and school and walked to my car and drove to the nearest coffe shop. I walked in as my phone vibrated. A text from Carrie, have you called him yet? I sighed and and put my hpone back. I reached down to grab ym wallet and bumped into someone. I looked up.

"Oh, im sorry," He turned and ir froze. A smile spreading across his face.

"Its alright love," I stood back.

"Hi Again," he smiled. Infrontof me, was Harry.

I Only Ever Go In One Direction (Harry Styles) *FINISHED*Where stories live. Discover now