Hurt - Chapter 25

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My phone rang to loud for the room. I had just finished my twit cam and the girls had gone off to get some food. I picked it up and didn't bother looking at the caller ID. I answered while picking up my clothes.


"Hey," I dropped my clothes and stood bent over. I knew that voice. That deep, husky voice with the British accent. I sat down on the bed and didn't say anything. Had he really called me. He had gotten the nerve to call me, after ignoring me for almost a 9 months, and called me now? I felt anger bubble up in me and i frowned deeply and took some deep breathes, closing my eyes.

"What do you want," It didn't sound as harsh as i wanted it too. But i still got the pint across that that i was angry at him. I heard him sigh on the other end.

"Im sorry," I rolled my eyes.

"Harry, all those other girls might have fallen for that, im not falling for that load of crap, you've broken me once, i wont let you do that again, IM done Harry," He was quiet, but i knew he was still there, i could hear him breathing. he took a deep breathe and cleared his throat.

"I know i messed up but Sam, please let me prove it to you how sorry i am, please let me, im begging you," I ran my fingers through my hair. I had died it when the colour was coming out, so it was still brown. I shook my head slowly as t ears formed in my eyes. I felt a sob catch in my throat and i cleared it,

"Harry," my voice cracked and i tightened my closed eyes, " Harry, no, i don't want to be played along again, im done," I hung up then and threw it on my bed and put my face in the blanket and let the tears come, i still lived him, i couldn't deny that. I put my hands into fits and i felt the tears come even heaver the more i thought about him, 9 months trying to forget him and i still couldn't get him off my mind. I heard someone walk into the room but i kept my face in the mattress. Someone put their hands on my back and rubbed it as i cried. I sighed and sat up. I turned and Liam smiled at me. I let out a squeal and hugged him tightly. He chuckled and hugged me back. I wiped my eyes and looked at him.

"How did you get here?" I asked looking up at him. He smiled and rubbed my shoulder.

"I don't know, someone said that you missed us all," I smiled and hugged him again. He patted my back and just sat there with me. It was true, i had missed them, all of them. They were my best friends. Liam sighed.

"Why were you crying?" I closed my eyes.

"He called me Liam, after 9 months, ignoring me, acting like i never happened, going and dating not even a week after we break up, he calls me and tells me he's sorry, that he wants to prove it too me.....why?" I cried into his chest. He kept rubbing my back. He let me cry, and didnt say anything, just let me cry, i didn't know how long i sat there, him hugging me, me crying. But after a while i started to feel better. He pulled back and looked at me. I wiped my eyes and looked back at him.

"Maybe because he still loves you, and misses you as much as you miss him," I looked at him.

"I don't miss him," He raised an eyebrow and looked at his phone.

"I think you do," He stood up. I looked up at him.

"What should i do then?" I asked. Wiping my face again. He smiled and kissed my forehead.

"Give him another chance, I'll see you around, Danielle is waiting outside, love yah," I smiled slightly and he walked out of the room. I crossed my legs and looked at my phone. I shook my head after a while and stuck it under my pillow and layed down. No way was i giving him a chance. I was starting to do something i wanted to do, he wasn't going to ruin that for me. Even though i did miss him. More then anything.

I Only Ever Go In One Direction (Harry Styles) *FINISHED*Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang