Afraid of Losing You - Chapter 36

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I stood in the hallway of the hotel, tears streaming down my face. My heart slowly breaking as i watched her run to the elevator, her shoulder's shaking, her hand at her mouth to quiet the sobs. I dug my nails into my arm as i watched her walk into the elevator and watched the doors close. I walked to the railing and looked over. I saw her run out and outside. I knew she would get into a rental car and go driving. I knew he too well in a way. It broke me to know i had killed her again. I couldn't seem to stop. I had talked to her yesterday, she said she knew that all those paps tried to do was break people apart, i don't know why i thought she wouldn't freak out if she saw that picture. I would have acted the same way if i saw a picture of her with some other guy. But for some weird reason i had hoped with all my heart. I saw Louis walk out. He looked at me and sighed, I know i must have looked like an emotional wreck. He started to move towards me but i shook my head and turned away from him and headed towards my room. I knew he would be standing there watching me walk into my room, wondering what had happened, but i didn't feel like talking right now. I opened my door and closed it and walked over to my bed and sat down. I felt the bump in my back pocket and sighed and pulled out the little blue box. I rolled it around in my hands, my shoulders slumped forward. tear streaming down my face. I was such a jerk. An ass. A total bastard. I kept breaking her heart, over and over again. It seemed like the only thing i could do. The only thing i was ever going to do around her. I sighed. The last shot for the music video was going to be akward. Because of me. I had ruined everything. I sighed and looked at the little blue box and opened it. The ring sat there. Un touched. I sighed. I wasn't going to give this to her now. She probably never wanted to see me again. I closed the box and set it on my bed side table and curled up under the blanket and closed my eyes, my arms wrapped around my chest. 


He walked into his room and closed the door. I sighed and rubbed the back of my neck. I turned towards the elevator and walked in and pushed the button for the lobby. I walked through the lobby, i waved at fans and paps. They took picture after picture. I climbed into the extra car and drove away from the hotel. I had a pretty good idea were she was. She had been really happy when we were there yesterday, so i was pretty sure that was were she was going to be. I drove onto the highway and drove towards the beach, not stopping to think twice.


I had my arms wrapped tightly around my legs. The sun was beating on my back but i didn't care. I was wearing shorts and a t-shirt, i was fine. I closed my eyes and rested my chin on my knees. I felt the dried tears, making my skin tight, it was quickly cleaned by more tears as my heart slowly kept breaking and falling to the pit of my stomach. I know paps always took pictures like that just to break people, but i couldn't help but hate him, even though i loved him. I couldn't help but never want to see him again, even though i wanted his arms around me right now. I wiped my face and looked at the ocean. The waves crashed up against the sore and i sighed as the mist flew over me and cooled my hot skin. I closed my eyes tighter and listned to the ocean. Then i heard the sound of tires driving onto the gravel of the parking lot. I heard an egine cut and feet walk their way towards me. I didn't know who it was, but i was thinking Louis. They sat beside me and didn't say anything. I sighed and looked over.Sure enough, Louis sat there. He looked at me and moved closer to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder and brought me to his side. I closed my eyes tighter as the tears broke through again. He shsed me and rubbed my back.

"Hey, it's ok," I shook my head and looked at him.

"He kissed another girl," He sighed and nodded.

"Yeah, he did, but you know what, he was pretty broken up about it," I frowned and looked at him.


"Because, he dosen't like hurting you, he never wanted to hurt you, he never wanted you to the see the picture, but you know the internet," I nodded and he rubbed my back again. He looked at my face as i looked back at the waves.

"Don't give up on him Sam, he really loves you," I looked over at him and he smiled. I sighed and wiped my face.

"But he's done it so many times," I whispered. He nodded.

"It's because he's scared," I looked at him.

"He's scared, because, to him, your the most beautiful girl he has ever met, and because he believes your so beautiful, he's scared if he makes a huge mistake, your going to leave him, and never come back, and he;s going to lose you forever, and trust me, that would be the last thing he would ever want to happen," I looked back at the ocean. Taking in what he had just said. He kissed my forehead.

"Don't give up on him yet Sam," He said. He got up and i heard him drive away. I just sat there. He was scared of losing me, i was scared og lossing him. I sighed and rested my chin on my knees. I wasn't going to give up on him, never.

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