She Don't Like The Lights (Part 2)

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HEY, sorry about the last chapter being so short, i had to leave but didnt want to NOT put a new part, so here you go, hope its better then the last one :) just a continuation :)




I drove home in complete silence. Just thinking. I had to find a way for everything to work. I couldnt lose her. It wasnt even an option. I pushed down on the gas pedal and speed home. I pulled up infront of the hotel room and climbed out. Locking the car behind me. I went up to my hotel room. I sat down and counted the mintues. Knock Knock, 7 minutes, wow, longer then his personal record. I got up and opened the door. And was greeted by not one person, like i thought, but all 4. Louis smiled at me and walked in, the rest of the boys following him in. They sat down on the chairs, bed and even the coffee table. I sat down on the bed and looked at them all as they looked back at me. I shrugged.

"What?" Zayn sighed and rolled his eyes. i threw a pillow at him, making him fall off the table. Niall and Liam burst out laughing and Louis turned to me.

"How was the shopping trip," I shrugged.

"like it would be with any other girl, to long, for so little," Liam and Louis and Zayn all nodded. Niall came and sat beside me.

" Anything else," I shook my head and Liam got up.

"Told you, didnt i," Liam hit Niall on the back of the head and left the room. Niall followed behind, after patting me on the back. Zayn got up next and threw the pillow back, smacking me in the face. He smiled at me and closed the door behind him. I turned and Louis looked at me.

"I doubt thats it," He said matter of factly. I sighed and layed down.

"People starting taking picture of us, and she got upset, and tryed to hide herself," I probed myself on my elbow and looked at him.

"What if she starts to complain about it, and tell me she dosent want it anymore, Lou i can't lose her," He got up and sat beside me. He looked at the ceiling and sighed.

"Well, when i first started dating Eleanor, she didnt like the lights either, the pictures and everything, but then she became  model, and all that changed, she got uset to it cause she now had to deal with it all the time as well, just wait, she'll get uset to it, and if she says she cant take it anymore, talk to her, if she really loves you Haz, she'll work it out with you," He finished looking at me. I nodded.

"Thanks," he smiled and pushed my head back into the bed cousins and left the room. Closing the door lightly behind me. I rolled over and looked at the ceiling. I had to work it out. I knew i would be able to. but what if she wanted me to give it up, to be with her. I dont know if i would be able too. I sighed and rolled back over and buried my face in the bed and let out a groan. This was harder then i ever thought i would be.


I set the bag down on the floor beside my bed and sat down on my bed. I sighed and looked around my room. It had been 2 months since Harry had come back into my life, and totally changed it. 2 months we had been together. I smiled. It had been the best thing to ever happen to me. I frowned. But there was only one down side. People always taking pictures of us. Not leaving us alone. I know i wasnt uset to always being the center of attention, but i dont think i could ever get uset to it. Always in my face, always taking pictures, always following me around. It was going to drive me mad. I groaned and fell back onto my bed and looked at the ceiling. But i knew one thing for  a fact. I couldnt lose him. I would go threw a thousnad painful tortures before i would even THINK of losing him. he was my life. He had made my lfie 110% better. I just wished there was a way we could have alone time, and no would be following us around taking pictures and asking questions. my phone vibrated and i picked it up. It was a text from Harry.

Goodnight love, sweet dreams! 

I smiled and put my phone on my night stand and changed into my pajamma's. I cralde into bed and curled up under my blanket and closed my eyes. His voice ringing around in my head. I smiled as i feel asleep.


I rolled over and opened my eyes. And almost screamed. He smiled and kissed my forehead. I smiled and he walked out of the room. I rasied and eyebrow and climbed out from under my tangled blankets and hurried after him. He walked into the kitchen and i followed him. I peered over his shoulder at what he was doing. I heard a beep and looked over, and saw a pot of coffee made. He was working over the oven. I smiled and kissed his cheek.

"Maybe i shouldnt have given you a key into my apartment," He laughed and watched me get a mug.

"But isnt this nice, hvaing breakfast made before you get up," I turned and smield at him.

"Yes, but it would be nice if you didnt do it every morning, you make me feel awful, like you have to do all this," I gestured around me. He shook his head.

"Just think of it as me paying you back," I raised an eyebrow and filled my mug.

"Paying me back for what," I said staring at my mug. I felt his arms wrap around my waist and he kissed my neck.

"For coming into my life," I smiled and felt my face go hot and shook my head.

"No, i should be paying you back if thats the case, you changed my life more then anyone," He smiled and flapped his eye lashes. I laughed and pushed him away and walked to the table and sat down. he set a plate down infront of me and sat down across from me. I looked up at him. he smiled.

"Eat," I looked down at the eggs and bacon infront of me and looked up at him.

"Are you TRYING to fatten me up," He laughed and shook his head. Then stopped, and noddede. I gaped at him and threw a piece of toast at him. he grabbed it and frowned at me.

"Dont play with your food missy," I laughed and took a bite of the eggs. They were actually pretty good. After i walked into the living room and sat on the couch. I looked over and saw him clearing the table. I sat up on the couch.

"No dont, i'll do it..." He turned to me, an eyebrow rasied. I made the motion of zipping my lips and he smiled and walked back into the kitchen with my plate. I sighed and flopped onto the couch and turned the TV on. Then changed the channel, and changed it again. What was going on. every channel i turned it to had pictures of me and Harry out shopping together. Harry walked into the living room and i sighed and turned the TV again and another picture came up. I let out a groan and turned it off and threw th remote across the couch. He looked at me worried. I looked up at him. he sta down beside me and we both just sat there. I dont think either of us realized how hard it was going to be to be in a realtionship in the celebrity world. I felt him wrap hs arms around my shoulders and pulled me close to his side. I leaned my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes, listening to his heart beat. I didnt care how hard it was going to be, as long as i heard that heart beat, i would walways make it work. not matter what.




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