HOLY - Chapter 22

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I sat on the couch, turned away from the TV i HATED that thing now. Everything that happened in my life was up on it and it was starting to piss me off. Royally  I heard the sound of the X Factor theme song. We were in New York for a concert so we were watching the USA one. But i didn't bother watching it. I hardly paid attention to anything. All the other boys were watching it though. It was probably half over when they all gasped behind me. I rolled my eyes and kept looking at my phone, replying to the tweet's about me and Taylor. I sighed, i was getting tired of all this crap. We were dating, so what. No big deal.

"Harry," Louis said. I ignored him and kept answering.

"Harry..." Niall said it this time. I rolled my eyes. Then someone grabbed the chair and spun me around. Zayn was looking at me, I frowned at him and put my phone away,

"What the hell is your problem"

"LOOK!"  He moved out of the way and i looked at the TV and almost passed out. Someone i never thought i would ever see again was on screen. A smile on her face as she walked to the middle of the stage looking hot. I shook my head. She had left after i had broken her, i wasn't aloud to think about her like that any more  She answered the question's and the music started. And she sang...really well. I was taken about. The videos i had seen she was good in, but she was AMAZING now. The judges loved her. Simon was smiling. Sam looked so happy up there. I couldn't help but smile too. The other boys were watching me. She finished and the Judges gave her their opinion after the crowd went quiet. They were so loud. she got 4 yes's. She looked so happy. She ran off stage and hugged her friends tightly. There were two boys there. she hugged one of them tightly, tighter then the other. She was probably dating that guy. I sighed. Good for her, she was moving on, doing something she loved. I turned back around and looked back at my phone. The boys sighed and didn't say anything to me. I didn't want them too. I still loved her. She was still my world. My everything. I would do ANYTHING to go back and ask for her forgiveness. But she was gone. She had a boyfriend. She was doing something she loved. I was nothing any more  Just an ex boyfriend. I got off the chair and walked into the septate room of the hotel room and layed down. I didn't want to think about her, but she was all i ever thought about. She was in California, she was going to Miami for boot camp. I was going to try to forget her. She was forgetting me. I had to move on too, even though i didn't want too.


2 weeks later i arrived at the boot camp area. I couldn't believe i was here. I was on X Factor. This was amazing. They showed me my room. I was with 5 other girls. Casey Holder. Diana Field. Lilli Fair-weather and Sara Fowler. They were all really sweet girls. Super sweet girls actually  The first day we were called on, in-front of all the other people and we had to sing. I wasn't to nervous. But that was before i heard the other singers. They were all so good. I didn't know how i had gotten in. But then my turn came up. The music started playing to Give It Up By Arians Grande. The judges were smiling after and i smiled and sat back down. This was awesome. And then. The first elimination came. I stood in the line, Beside my room mates. I took some deep breathes. Name after name was called. I didnt think i was getting through, all my roommates were. Then my name was called,

"Samantha Golding," I let out a breathe and blew the judges a kiss and walked back stage. My room mates screamed and hugged me. We were all threw. He just had to get to the Judges house. And then lives shows.

A week went by and i sang again. Against a lady who was 30. I didn't think i had a chance. But she forgot the words. So i kept singing. And got the song finished  Then, when everyone was done. It was time to find out who was going through to the judges house. I stood beside Diana and Lilli, holding their hands tightly. We had all become awesome friends, and i wanted to keep them with me. But only 6 people went through in each. The first 3 names were called and it was none of us. I closed my eyes tightly and prayed one of our names was going to be called.

"The last person going through is...." I took deep breathes and Lilli squeezed my hand.

"Aaron Carter," I opened my eyes. None of us got through. I almost feel over. He left the stage and i looked at my 4 other friends i had made, we were going home, we would never see each other again, tears filled all our eyes again, this was like breaking up with Harry all over again. I couldn't do it.

"Sorry girls, and boys, that's all, but don't give up, ok," Demi said. We walked off stage and then got into a group hug.

"I'm going to miss you guys,"  I said through tears. They all nodded and then a lady came out and started calling names,

"Diana Field, Lilli Far-weather, Casey Holder, Sara Fowler, Samantha Golding, Billy Scott, and Bob Hilary  please come back on stage for a second," I looked at my 4 friends and we walked on stage. We all looked at Simon. He was talking to the other judges. I was so confused. Simon told 2 boys to join another 3. One person to join another group and we were already together. He looked at us and smiled.

"We love all of you guys, and we want to see you all go far, your through to the judges house, as groups,"

I Only Ever Go In One Direction (Harry Styles) *FINISHED*Where stories live. Discover now