Part 23

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I was dead. I found myself staring up into the beady eyes of Sydney Ruthie. "New girl huh!" She sneered. "Um, s-sure." I stammered trying to make my voice a higher pitch. "Get up!" She shouted. I scrambled to my feet, holding the hat on. "Looked at me when I talk!" She threatened with a fist. "Y-es." I chocked out. I raised my head slightly to make just enough eye contact to appease her. "Now we can do this easy or hard." She told me spiting while she spoke. "You can let me punch you or you can run and get punched." She explained. "Easy please!" I half shouted. "Good, I gotta get to class anyway." Sydney grunted. With that she pulled back her arm and punched me in the nose, she then proceeded to kick over a trash barrel and walk to class."Someone needs an attitude adjustment!" I mumbled as I got up. I was going to have a black eye. I sighed in frustration and continued to Mr.Hartman. I got there at my usual time, 7 am.  I stepped up to his Dior all ready to knock, then I froze. What if he hated me and never water to see me again? What if he dose not recognize me? What if I mess thus up? A swirling bunch of questions packed my skull. I started pacing back and forth between the walls in front of the door. I was really focused. All of a sudden a student came out of a nearby classroom and the noised scared me. I snapped my head to the right and managed the smash into the wall. I'm still to this day not sure if it was a combination of nerves and fright or just down right insanity,but I started hysterically laughing. My body was racked with powerful jolts of laughter. And for a split second I felt happy. This ended when Mr.Hartman's door opened and I felt a shot of pain run through my wolfed up shoulder. "Can I help you?" Mr.Hartman answered. I must have been making a racket. "Yes, can I come inside." I replied. "Um, okay then." He said a bit taken aback by my forwardness. Once inside he sat at his desk. "What is it then?" He asked getting a bit impatient. I sighed. "This." I watched him stare in awe as I took of the hat and let my hair fall out of it. "Piper!!" He exclaimed springing from his desk to engulf me in the biggest hug of my life. Mr.Hartman was older but not a senior citizen by any stretch. He has short grey hair and a small goteish beered. He was just so nice. I had another Mr.Hartman once in Elementary school who was mean and nasty. I thought it would be the same with this one but thus Mr.Hartman was different. He was one of the only people I truly believe loved me. I was pulled from my thoughts by Mr.Hartman's voice. "Piper, but your dead!" Mr.Hartman was either shocked or excited. "Its been all over the news!" He continued. "About that, my parents faked all that and abandoned me in the woods near the campground, they told the media I had been attacked by a bear to keep them innocent. I knew before hand and was ready. But I did not have the heart to tell you. I left James Meer a note and he found me after months. Now I'm back and I can't go out because I'm "dead"." I explained this within seconds, my voice quicked by nerves. At the end of my presentation, I smiled trying to end it in a good note. "I figured as much." Mr.Hartman confessed after my big explanation. "I prayed that you weren't really dead, and I'm so happy I was right!" He smiled. His smiles lit up his face. This made me smile to. He reached up and touched the wolf shoulder. I grimaced in pain. "What happened." He asked concerned. "Awolf." I mummbled. "A what!?" He asked again. "A wolf!" I confessed. "You got attacked by a wolf!!" Mr.Hartman almost yelled. "Yes, it scratched my shoulder." I told him.

"Let me see." He said putting his glasses on. "Fine!" I grumbled, pulling my arm from the baggy shirt. He had me sit down in one of his big conference chairs. He then got to work on my shoulder. He had all sorts of tools pulled out. He came to a spot that hurt even when he hovered his hand just over it. "Please don't touch it there!" I begged him. "Piper, I need to figure out what's wrong, and if that spot hurts the most, that's where I'm most worried about." He told me flatly, going back to work. Each time he went to touch the tender spit on my arm I flinched. After a while he gasped. "What! What's wrong?!" I asked panicked. "Piper, look what I found." Mr.Hartman said turning to show something to me. "Is that a-" Mr.Hartman cut me iff. "Yes part of a wolf claw!" He gold me holding out a small bloodied jagged piece of wolf. "That was in me!?" I questioned startled. "Yes, I was able to pull it out, that's why it hurt so bad." He explained. "Does your shoulder feel any better?" He asked inquisitively. "Well yes, a lot of pressure has been released, it feels like " I tried to sound as advanced as I could. "I'm glad I got it out when I did, it was starting to infect, but dont worry its all cleaned up." Mr. Hartman reassured me. "Okay, thank you!" I had no other way to reply. "Anything for you dear!" He exclaimed helping me back into the shirt. "Thanks." I mumbled again. We talked for a while, maybe forgetting we were in school. Everything flowed out of me. It felt nice to talk but the pain was still there. I was glad to be reunited with him, I hope he felt the same way. In the midst of our talking, we did not hear his door open, we did not hear a person come in. All we heared was "Mr.Hartman! Piper!" And a thud. I had been caught.

The Twisted Life of Piper [EDITING]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora