Part 21

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I woke up early the next morning. James already on the brain. The kiss still fresh in twisted up mind. It hit me like a ton of bricks. I had to go back to the doctors. I rolled out of bed. I still had a fluffy green blanket wrapped around me. I thought I fell asleep for a second on the floor. Turns out it was another 3 hours. I love sleep like that. It was now 9 am. I had to get dressed. I somberly showered and dressed. I traveled down to the Meer's kitchen and made breakfast. i would get a job soon if i had to stay here to help pay for groceries. ''morning dear!'' mrs.meer called from the living room."morning mrs.meer!'' i called back. I found my way to the living room and sat on the floor. James was not up yet. Mr. Meer had the news on. I was ate my cereal, and waited for james. Then the news said something that caught my attention. "Local girl dies, then is seen at hospital." The news anchor stated in an overly dramatic voice. My head snapped up to the screen. "This local girl identified as 15 year old Piper Hill." The news anchor continued. "She was reported dead by her parents in April." "The parents told authoritys Piper was killed by a bear on the camping trip." "This is what the young girls mother had to say on the death." The news lady motioned to her right. The screen went black for a second. The Meers looked shocked. My mothers face then showed up on the screen. There were microphones in her face. her face streaked with tears. Wow she even made herself cry. Well played mother. "I'm just so sad that my daughter was taken from me." my mother chocked through her fake tears. "I loved her so much!" "i miss my baby." mother finished again faking breaking down. The clip of my mother disappeared and a video of my funereal was put up. There were tons of people there, most I had never seen before. there was a small casket littered with flowers. a picture of me hung above it. My aunt had taken the picture. She was the only person who loved me. I looked so happy. Then two days after the picture was taken she died. It was a freak accident. She was driving to visit me and on her way was hit by a drunk driver. They could not save her. The memory made me even more sad and agitated than I already was. How did my mother get that picture. I only made 2 copy's! One I buried with my aunt the other I had in my backpack! This made me hate my mother even deeper. I continued watching the news cast. The picture of me was still on the screen. The a new clip appeared. It was from the yesterday. The security cameras had filmed me, and I bet the deal last later looked at the tape. There was a perfect shot of my face. The video stopped and was then compared to the picture of me. "Please if you see this girl, tell your local authorities." The news castor continued. Then it ended. Well I'm screwed! I thought. Minutes later James came down into the room. The sight he saw must have been awful, he probably saw his mom crying, his dad paler than a ghost, and me looking ticked off. "What did I miss?" He asked stupidly. I felt like punching him in the face. What had he missed! I controlled myself. I knew it was just my nerves and anger getting the better of me. I could not bring myself to speak. Mr. Meer must had seen my struggle and spoke for me. "Piper, I'm so sorry." James apologized hugging me. "Its not your fault." I told him hugging him back. "We can go toilet paper their house." James suggested. I laughed. "Sounds good to me!" I exclaimed jokingly. He hugged me one more time. "I wish I could fix this." He whispered in my ear. I smiled at the thought. He broke the hug, and sat down next to his crying mother. Seeing his family like this made me realize something. I had brought this upon them. I did this. I broke their family down. The Meers were like this now because of me. I felt the first tears stream down my face. I left the room calmly to not draw attention to myself. I ran up the stairs and gathered my things. I was leaving again. This was not for the drama. I was trying to save this family from me. It was raining but it was freezing. I put on jeans boots and a sweatshirt. I grabbed my things and headed for the door. The Meers were still in the living room. I took this chance and silently slipped out the front door. I had not left a note this time. I had no clue where I was going. I would not go back to the woods, and I couldn't go back home, and people knew I was alive. I sighed. I noticed that I still had Beans collar around my wrist. It made me feel better. I knew where I would go. I started walking to my destination. It was freezing outside. My face was red and raw. My nose felt numb, my fingers were unable to uncurl from the straps of my backpack. The wind whipped around me. Flipping my messy hair around my face. I kept walking in hopes the wind would stop.  But it did not. I kept on walking and worrying about the wind. Finally I made it to my destination, the school. I ran up the long walkway to the huge doors. They were locked just as I assumed. I walked down to the huge full bushes. I shimmied through the bushes to the back of them. I crouched then between the brick side if the school and the wall of brush. Oddly enough it was warmer than I had expected, and the wind did not reach there. Once there I set up a small camp. I pitched my tent and set up inside. The bushes were the kind that are really tall and skinny at the top. Plus there were about 30 of them lined up in front of the small wall behind me. My tent was not visible. I had a plan and when school started up again, I would implement it.

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