Part 15

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I felt my body hit the ground. I landed on something sharp, I felt it cut into my exposed side. I felt my head get lifted and rested again on something soft. "Piper!" I heard a male voice ask. "Piper?" The voice said again."Piper, what happened?" It questioned. I opened my eyes groggily and looked up at the figure. "Who are you?" I asked. My voice was raspy and weak. "You, you dont recognize me?" He asked sadly. "To be honest everything's a bit blurry." I admitted. My vision came into focus a few minutes later. I looked up to the guy. It was James. "James!" I exclaimed. "Yeah." He said back calmly. "Can you sit up?" he asked. "Yeah." I said struggling to sit then gradually stand. Once I stood he enveloped me in a huge bear hug. "Piper I missed you so much." "I missed you too." I said hugging him back. I felt him lift his head off the top of mine to look around. My stomach dropped. "Piper what happened?" He asked shocked. I started crying into his chest leaving wet marks. On his shirt. He pushed me away from him still holding onto my arms. "I-i-i-i." Was all I could manage between sobs. "Piper why dont you have a shirt on?" "And what happened to your shoulder!?" I was paralyzed. I stood there staring at the ground. I staggered to the tent and through on a gray tank top.  I snack to the ground. Staring at nothing. "Piper what happened to your shoulder?" James asked again. I still did not answer. He proceded to grab the peroxide bottle. And dump some on my shoulder. I scowled at him. He just smiled. He procese to find the first aid kit, which I must have brought outside with me. He put a gauze patch on the cuts and taped it up. Then he finished it off with a huge band aid. "I dont need you." I forcefully spoke at him. "What?" He asked. I did not answer. "What's with the dogs?" He questioned. "Are-are they dead?" He stammered. I nodded my head yes in reply. "Why!" I asked scared. I tried to stay calm but my fuse was to short. "BECAUSE I KILLED THEM!!!" I screeched at him. "Because I killed them." I said pounding the dirt. By this time I was sobbing. "Piper I-" james started to say until I cut him off. "I said I dont need you. I can do this by myself." I yelled scowling at him. "Piper let me speak!" He yelled at me. "What did you do!?" He asked forcefully. I broke down. Sobbing. I told him about my parents and the note and the bear and bean. I barely got through the bean story. I started hysterically crying. "So that black dog is Bean?" James asked when I was finished. He said motioning to the lifless lump that was bean. "Yes." I said meakly. "And you killed her?" He clarified. "Y-yes." I replied my voice hitching. "YOU MONSTER!!" "YOU KILLED A POOR ANIMAL!" "YOU ARE A TERRIBLE PERSON!" " NO WONDER NO ONE IS LOOKING FOR YOU!" James exploded at me. "James, I had to she was in so much pain!" I replied stepping back. "No! You are wrong!" James snapped. His eyes became black orbs. "YOU MONSTER!" James yelled one last time before his face melted off "YOU MONster!" Jameses voice faded. Then I woke up. "Ahhhhh!" I screeched as I woke up. I was outside. So the fainting must have been real but everything else was fake. Beans lifless body was still on my"lawn". Maybe what dream james was right. Was I a monster? Probably. All I knew was that I felt terrible.

*****************************************(2 weeks later. Birthday.)

September. Today was my birthday. that day I buried my best friend. She was a dog. She got killed fighting a wolf for me. I killed her, to put her out of her misery and agony the wolf had inflicted on her. Her name was bean. I will never be the same. that day I woke up outside. After I got up, I clean my wolf cuts just like James did in my dream. He called me a monster. I was a monster.  I did a small ceremony for bean. I found a rock smooth on one side and wrote a description on it.

I placed her orange collar near it along with some green and blue flowers, just like her eyes. I cried all day. I was not weak. I was just sick of being strong. Bean did not deserve to die. I felt awful for her. The wolfs body I dragged deep into the woods hoping a bear would eat it. I hated that wolf. She took everything from me. Bean, happiness, blood, sanity. I barely ate. I picked all the raspberries from the bush and brought them into the tent with me. I picked at the occasionally. My birthday would go terribly. At 11:59 pm i said to myself "happy birthday Piper!" But it was not happy. I wanted to share today with my best friend. But I could not. I had killed her. I was 15. I would be in 10th grade but, I was in the woods, killing dogs. I knew the cold was coming so I prepared myself. I took a shower and went hunting. That did not go to well. Everything I shot looked like bean. I came back with 3 rabbits. I started a fired and skined my dead things. I remembered to take the organs out this time. I had to feed the last rabbits to bean. Thinking of this made me fall deeper into the swirling emptiness inside me.  I cooked the animals and chopped them up. Putting some in empty soup cans and the rest in my cooler/ lunch box. I made sure I put it in the corner of the tent without blankets to keep it cold until I could get ice from the falls. A few weeks later it got cold. I gathered my things and hunckered down inside my tent. It was going to be a long winter

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