Part 26

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"PIPER HILL!!!! YOU DISGRACE OF A CHILD, WHY DO YOU HAVE TO RUIN EVERYTHING!!" My mother screeched when she saw me.  "I love you too mother." I whined, my voice driping with sarcasm. James flashed me a warning look. "Piper, I hate you with a passion." My mother stated plainly. "I pretty much figures that the day you left me in the woods." I sassed back at her. The battle continued. I felt myself become more and more uncomfortable. Sweat started to collect in my palms and blood rushed to my face. "Piper, no one ever or will ever love you." My mother spat at me. I had had enough. In the past months I had lost my shy shell and at this moment it pretty much exploded off. "That's it!" I yelled as I jumped for her. "Piper!" James yells grabbing for me. He caught my waist just before I tackled my mother. His grip did not let up, even when I squrimed around like a toddler. My mother stood there cackling. This put me over the edge. I struggled even more to free myself but failed. "Your ridiculous Piper." Mother hissed at me. I sighed in defeat and James finally let go of me. "Look, I just want to talk." I offered a bit put out. "There's nothing to talk about, your dead." My mother taunted. "That's what I want to talk about, can we come in." I asked trying to be polite. "Whatever." She gave in opening the door. She walked in and immediately grabbed a beer from the small refrigerator. "Be alret." I told James and Mr.Hartman. before walking in before them. "Sit." Mother motioned to the beat up couch. I stood and the boys sat. There was no way I was getting that close to my mother. Once we were all awkwardly situated in the "living room" I started to talk. "So, will you confess and let me live normally." I started glareing at my mother. "No." She said simply. "This is bad on both ends." I tried explaining. "Not for you, you get to go live Scot free and I have to rot in jail." She spat at me. Her expression changed. She had looked remotely calm, but her features had twisted to insanity and anger. "Look I dont want any trouble." I reasoned trying to calm her down. "Yeah right!" Mother scoffed. "I just want this set right." I said practically begging. "So do I." Mother stated calmly. Something was not right, anger still dominated her face but she was acting like a human being. Something was wrong. "Excuse me for one second." Mother said getting up and walking to her room. "James you need to call 911 now." I whisper frantically to him. "Piper wh-" I cut him off. "Do it!" I commanded. He immediately sprung up and hulled himself outside. I listed to my mother rummaging through things in the room. I did not know what she was capable of. I knew I was unsafe. After a few minutes the sound of her sifting stopped and James ran back inside. "The police are on their way." He whispered to me on his way to the couch. I sighed in relief. I heard the sound of keys clicking together and more movement from my mother. I knew what was happening. "James they need to get here now." I panicked. He looked at me wide eyed and nodded. He went back to check on their arrival. "Be alert." I warned Mr.Hartman,who was very calm given our situation.  My mother was still in her room. James sped back in the house again. "1 minute." He whispered to us. I nodded. The noise stopped. I heard the click of something unlocking and the creak of old hinges. There was a small pause and then I heard it locking.  My mother reentered the room looking like she was barely clinging to sanity. "Piper, you were right, I do want to set things right." She stated shakily. "Mother please-" she cut me off. "SHUT UP YOU LITTLE INSECT!!" She screamed at me pulling out a pistol. "Go!" I yelled frantically at James and Mr.Hartman, trying to get them to leave. They did not budge. "Who's first?" Mother hollared pointing the gun. "Eanie meanie!" She yelled pointed the gun at James. I heard the blast of the gun. Then black.

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