Part 3

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  I woke up feeling a bit less triumphant than the previous night. I had no clue what was to become of me. What if i got Eaton by a bear! Well i guess id be "dead" anyway so what did it matter. I got dress in some jeans that were moms when she was my age. My mom was never a small lady and im fairly small. The jeans are 4 sizes to big but i love them. And a plaid flannel shirt. The shirt is mine the pants are not stuff in my life is weired that way. I put on my old worn out sneakers, through my hair in a ponytail, grabbed my things and headed for the bus. I stood there in a trace. I had no clue what was to happen with me after today, i could die, i could be raised by wolves, but even i was kidding myself there. I just stood there. I must have been there quiet a while. Before i knew whaf happened, my old cranky bus driver blew the horn at me and told me to get on or get hit. I shook away the daze and borded the bus. Blushing an aweful crimson like color, as the other kids all laughed at me. I went and took my normal seat in the back of the bus way in the corner. It was usually the only seat open. I was the weired girl and nobody wanted to sit where i had sat. I sat there watching the other kids whisper, and some plotting their next chance to beat the tar out of some poor kid, wich was usually me. Then a new kid got on the bus. Only he was not that new. He goes to school he just must have missed his bus and had to scrammble to this bus stop to catch the bus. Then i panicked. He would have to sit with me. The seat next to mine was the only one open. To admit i have had a crush on his since 2nd grade. He has ice blue eyes, dark brown hair, Hispanic skin tone, and a smile that will knock you out. He is the high school heat throb and im embarrassed to say i like him. He makes his way to the back of the bus and plops himself next to me. He flashes me a toothy smile, i must have blushed again because he smirked at me. "Hey Piper, you look nice today." He says starring at me. "Hi James, thanks i do, i mean we do, i mean u do, really we both look good, but you you look- im going to stop talking now." I say wiceing at my own idiocy, and smileing at James. "Dont worry about it Piper." He says smiling again. "We both really do look good." He playfully punches me in t he arm and smiles and me as i burst out laughing, both from nerves and happiness. The bus come to a stop in front of Creek fig high school. We all file off the bus. James stops me and says "See you in study hall Piper!" Then he gives me a hug. "Woah!! Were did that come from!!" I think as i hurry to my first class wich is Science. I dont really care why he gave me a hug. Im just happy he did. I skip with a smile on my face all the way to Science. I figure out that people must have seen him hug me. And there are going to be some pretty angry girls. At the moment i dont care. And i will take the beating fir it after, with pride in knowing all the stupid girls beating me up will never get a hug from James Meer.

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