Part 6

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I felt my tent being lifted at around 12 midnight. I peeked out the tiny clear plastic windows in either side of my tent. My parents were carrying me closer and closer to the woods wich went for miles behind our campsite. I surprised that the whole campground did not wake up. My parents were screaming at each other. "She is so heavy!!" My father complained to my mother. "I know she is we just have to go a bit farther, then we will be kid free!" Mother celebrated. Thanks mother! Your abandoning me and calling me fat.I thought as my parents trudged on. "Here we are." Mother said as she sighed. They were not gentle when the set me down, basically they just dropped me. I cringed as my body hit some rocks and packed dirt. I tried so hard not to make a noise even though it really hurt to hit the ground. "Let's get out of here!" My mother yells. I hear footsteps getting farther and farther away. I was alone. I had no clue where they had left me. I breathed out heavily. I started sobbing. "I'M ALL ALONE!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I sobbed and sobbed for hours. Eventually I fell asleep. I woke up to see sunlight dancing across the top of my little tent. I heard water rushing nearby. I was so afraid to step out of my tent, i did not want to find out what horror awaited me. I took my time and got dressed. I wore a tan tank top, and jean shorts.It was warm for the middle of April. I threw my hair up into a ponytail, my feet were in my multiple colored sneakers. I placed my hand on the zipper that would open my tent door. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes as i opened the door. What i saw was amazing. I was in a big clearing, there was a pond with a medium sized waterfall pounding onto the rocks beneath it making a soothing noise, behind the tent was a huge smooth vertically straight rock, on top the water fall poured down. There was an abundance of trees, grass and flowers, there were rocks,branches, and twigs perfect for things i would obviously need. "Wow Piper," i exclaimed to myself. "This was a great place to get dumped off." I made my way to the pond to examine some of the plants,i brought the book James got me to make sure i did not touch anything poisonous. I turned to the chapter labled plants and herbs of the forests. I went to the shallow part of the pond. I found, mint, and another plant the book said was highly poisonous, i did not touch those. I went closer to the bushes near the woods just past my tent. There i found some wild black berries, and wild strawberries. I had food, i just wanted to know they were there. I looked around at my beautifully sculpted surroundings. I could only coherently speak a series of wows, and wohas. After i was finished starring in awe at my new "home" i guess, i went back to James's book. What will i need? I thought holding the book. I'll need a fire pit, and a cooking place. I had reached my conclusion. I filled to the page labeled:fire pits dos and donts. I learned if i dont want to start a wildfire, to put the fire between a circle of rocks away from any trees or bushes. I scoward the area around the tent to find descent sized rocks. I found about 10 and built a small circle. I stocked it with a few small pieces of wood. This would help later. Right now it was not cold i would not need it.  I decided life in the woods was pretty boring. Nothing happened i had food i had water everything wheres the excitement in that! Not much happened. I splashed aroind in the pond, caught a fee frogs, and attempted to climb the water fall. I was about halfway up, my tan tank top was soaked through my shorts stuck to my legs, and tbe hand holds were very slippery. I continued climbing determined to reach the top. I reached up to grab a rock and when i touched it the thing crumbled. I fell down scrapeing my arms and legs on the wet, jagged rock. I looked down and saw the gurgling white-water bleow me, i was a goner, i prayed that i lived.

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