Part 8

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When i woke up it was the next day. I fell at about noon time yesturday amd now it was the crack of dawn. I had a pounding headache, it felt as if someone was throwing rocks from inside my skull. I dont think i hit my head when i fell but i checked anyway, i was fine in my head area, but the rest of my body had taken a beating. I had scratches all over my face, torso, legs and arms, my head pounded, my eyes was still black and blue from my little encounter with Sydney Ruthie, and last but not least my foot and ankle was in terrible shape. I lifted myself from the dirt and brushed myself off balancing on my good foot. I hobbled over to the tent and crawled inside. I unwrapped my foot and ankle to find a twisted, mangled bruised something. I would not even call it a foot anymore . It stuck out in a weired position. It was inevitable, my foot was broken, i had to reset it. I knew i would have to do it myself. I took a deep breath and placed my hand around my foot, "1...2.........3!" I counted down, on 3 i snapped my dangling foot back in line with the rest of my foot. "Ahhhhhh!" I screech. " Holy s@#*!" I cussed. Normally i dont belive in swearing but this called for a swear. After about ten minutes of searing pain throught my body, i checked my lower leg. To my delight my foot/ankle was in line with the rest of my leg. "Yess!!!" I whooped. Finally i could work on healing other things. To start i washed my foot, then dried it with the towel. I knew it would come in handy. Then i wrapped it up in the bandages, really tight. Then i took some of those wipey things from the first aid kit, and cleaned my scrapes, i found one on my face that was deep, and in some parts was still bleeding just a bit. The cut stretched from the far side of my right cheek bone down to the middle of my right cheek. I know there ia a whole thing about picking off scabs but i was worried about infections, and what could be in thw scab. So i picked it off, underneath was clean healthy healing skin, if your wondering how i saw my face, i learned that the pond makes a good mirror. Im very lucky i picked the scab off, it was full of dirt and small stones, that must have accumulated when i was on the bank of the pond. The only down side was that when this cut healed i would have a scar down my cheek. But i did not care, no one would ever have to look at me again. No one would ever see this scar. I tested out my foot and i realize now that was not a good idea. Red searing pain shot up through my leg and to my head, making me dizzy. I stumbled my way to the closest tree. I used the thin white birch to steady myself. This was not good. But at least my foot was finally healing. Hopefully. I slowly sank down the tree, I turned around, extended my leg and slowly, making sure I did not hit my foot. I sat there thinking how I would get around if I could only hop. I saw a thick stick just a few feet away. It looked sturdy, and it did not have many splinters sticking out of it. I crawled over to it keeping my bad foot in the air. I sat back down near the stick. Now I see that it was a branch. It had attached to it, another branch a bit thinner and shorter. I dragged the attached branches back to the tent. The smaller branch was slightly curved and quite flexible. The branch it was attached to was rigid, and straight. I crawled into the tent to get my pocket knife. I grabbed the branch and carefully removed them from each other. I put the knife away and placed it in my pocket. The curved branch went into my tent. Let's make this clear now, I was getting really good at crawling on 3 limbs. So I got the rigid branch and stood up. I grabbed the top, the branch was the perfect size for me. It would work amazingly as a cane or a walking stick. The point was I could get around better. I took a few steps with the branch. I put all of my weight on my right side onto the branch, and tokk a step, it worked great! I kept my right side weight on the branch at all times, and I could basicly walk again. I was so happy. I was getting around. I also realized now back in my senses that I stunk. I had gone 5 days without a shower! I was gross. I could stand again. Maybe I could take a shower in the waterfall. So, I took a handful of mint, a few raspberries, some water, and some baby powder I found in the first aid kit and mushed it all together in the small bowl I brought. When I thought it was all combined I smelled it, it did not smell bad! I had made soap. From there I got undressed, I stepped into the tent and took off my dirty smelly cloths. I stepped out of the tent completely naked. My hair was down and it had grown long. I was standing in the woods in the nude. I grabbed the

towel and my homemade soap. I put on a pair of flip flops I brought with me, So I did not cut my my feet on any sharp stones. I had to unwrap my foot so I did not get the bandages wet. I finally hobbled my way over to the falls. I stood in the freezing cold water. The initial shock took my breath away. "Cold cold cold cold..." I went on and on as I danced around in the water. "Okay, into the falls!" I yelled as I jumped into the rushing water. "Yikes!! That's cold!" I yelled as I was instantly drenched in freezing cold water. I had set my towel on a dry rock near the bank. I took the bowl of soap with me. I washed my entire body twice after I got used to the water, then my hair. I rinsed off and wrapped up in my towel. My long hair now darkened by the water, hung down stringy by my face. It was going to be a nightmare to do anything with. I grabbed my stick and hobbled back to my tent. I dried off and of course put on clean everything. I put on a new orange T-shirt and light colored cut off jeans with flowers on the side. I dried my hair as much as it would dry, and French braided it quickly down my back. I wrapped my foot, and it looked a lot better. It was defiantly healing bruises wise. The bone was definaly still out of whack but, the bruises looked so much better. The cut on my cheek had healed and behind it left as I predicted a huge white scar. It was sunset and I decided to eat a can of soup. I started a fire and put the soup in a small pot I brought along. After the soup was cooked I happily gobbled it up. Feeling full I decided it was time for me to sleep. I tied my food up in a tree, I'm not sure why, I'd seen it done in movies, so I did it. I crawled into my tent and changed into some sweatpants, I kept my hair in the braid and covered up with a blanket. And almost instantly fell asleep. This living in the woods thing wasn't so bad after all.

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