Pipers tale #1

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Piper 10 years old.
She was sitting on her small windowsill, looking to the cracked pavement a foot below her. She knew her life was bad, she was just to naive to admit it. She would tell herself, things would get better. But they didn't. She told herself, that her abusive parents would change. But they stayed the same. Her mothers voice snapped her from her trance. "Piper!" She screeched. "Get your ass out here and get me another beer!" "Coming mother!" Piper called making her way into the kitchen. There where 3 different kinds of beer in the fridge. Being 10, she grabbed the bottle with the cutest picture on it. "Here you go!" Piper presented the alcohol to her mother with a smile. Her mother on end over the bottle in her already drunk state. "Wrong kind!" She screeched throwing the bottle at her daughter. Piper braced herself, turning her head and most of her body away from the glass hurling toward her. "Ow!" Piper whispered, as the brown bottle connected with her arm. Glass exploded from the bottle, sending shards flying through the air. Most of the jagged shards found their home in pipers small arm, some scraped across her face, leaving nasty gashes. The rest fell the the wood floor near piper's feet and beyond. thick red blood dripped from the cuts in her arm and face leaving splatters all over the floor and her feet. "Try again you little disgrace." her mother snarled at her. "Y-yes ma'am." Piper stammered through her tears running to the fridge and picking yet another beer. She brought it back to her mother reluctantly, afraid of the consequences if she was wrong. thankfully her mother took the beer and accepted it. she proceeded to open the top and take a swing from it. Piper walked back to her room still crying. As she started to remove the sharp glass from her bleeding arm, she realized, maybe her lie was supposed to go like this. And she had no control what so ever.

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