Part 1

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PIPER HERE NOW!!!" my mother screeched at me form the living room.

"I'm coming mother." I called from my room wich is about the size of a closet by the way. I ran to the side of my mother. "Yes mother." I asked ever so polietly.

"Closer you little disgrace." I moved closer. "I need you to do the chores your 13 now do them or you will find yourself homeless." My mother snapped at me. She then handed me a list longer than me. "I need them done in an hour."

"Why?" I questioned with a bit of attitude.

"Don't pull your tude with me young lady!" She yelled, raising her arm, she was going to hit me but the blow never came.

"Im very sorry mother. I meant what can a do after the hour?"  I asked with a hint of anger so small she thankfully did not notice.

"You can cook dinner for your father." The dirty woman sneered, retiring her hand to lap. Why didn't she hit me?

"Yes mother." I said as i scurried away to start my chores. "First, vaccum the drive way!!!" I was outraged!! "HOW DOES ONE VACCUM A DRIVEWAY!!" I screamed. I instantly regrted it. My mother must have heard. I snuck from my room only to find my mother passed out on the couch. I let out a sigh of relife that I realized I had been holding. I snuck back to my room and started on the chores. I cleaned every room in the house, scrubbed the bathroom floors till my hands were raw and shriveled, and gotten screeched at from my mother for a beer about 12 times already. She was drunk by noon. I did every chore on the list except vaccume the driveway. Finally resting to make dinner for Father. It was chicken, corn and mashed potatoes. It didn't even look half bad.

My father got home at 6:30. He's a garbage man. Wich would be great if he did not waste almost all if his money gabbling and drinking. Mother and Father are the reason we live in a 4 room house. The kitchen is in the living room and the dining area in mother and fathers thankfully there is a bathroom and i have a room.

We all sat down to dinner soon after father was home. Apparently he did not want chicken.

"CAN'T YOU GET ANYTHING RIGHT!!!" my father bellowed, punching me square in the face. There it was there was the hit I'd been waiting for.

I had lost it i started to bawl. I ran to my room and locked my door. It's the only place I truly feel safe. Examining my face in the cracked mirror figuring out what he had done to me. Sticky, warm blood was caked all over my pale freckled face, and some dribbled down my lips. My dark brown eyes red from crying. Along with the right one being almost swelled shut. My deep brown hair was meesy and dirty. I was a mess. A shower would be nice.

On my way to the bathroom, I walked by my parents room and heard something I never would have wanted to.

"We need to get rid of her!" My mother wispered harshly to father.

"I know!" He replied. "But how?"

"I already have a plan." Mother informed him getting a bit giddy. " Tomorrow we will say we are taking her camping after school, then in the middle of the night we will leave her and tell the authoritys she was eaten by some critter!"

It made me sick. I ran to the bathroom and threw up all the remaining contents of my stomach. They were evil. But this was low even for them. Did they not know I was 14 ( mom stuff) and I could most likely find my way back?It did not matter. Getting in the shower I had my own plan, I would go into the woods and never come back.

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