Part 16

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I must have fallen asleep sometime since I got in the tent. I woke up, my wet hair all over my face. I immediately felt loneliness crash onto me. My heart was heavy and I felt lethargic and slow. I stayed curled up in some blankets reading my favorite books. It was the only thing I had. Everything had been ripped from my life. My home, my dog, my friend. Everything. I changed out the bandages on my shoulder, the last thing I needed right now was an infection. Once that was clean I went back to reading. It was freezing outside. I could feel it through the tent. It was now around September 7th. It was not to cold but the mornings were getting there. I refused to change cloths. I cared about nothing. What was there to care about? I already killed my dog! I ate a few raspberries and a few pieces of rabbit. I was extremely bored. I thought about my home, school, james. I wondered if they were looking for me or if they truely beloved my evil parents story. Either way I was still here.


1 month later. October 7th.

I woke up on october 7th the same way I did every morning. Cold and depressed. By now the cold had set in. It had even snowed. Winter was going to be brutal. My cooler was warming up. So for the first time in a month I stepped out of the tent. I brought my pocket knife and cut away icicles hanging down from the falls. I brought then back to the tent. I filled the cooloer back up. It was freezing outside. Once inside the tent, I put my hat and gloves on. My tent only know kept me warm so much. Over the weeks, my nose has not thawed out. Once the first snow it has been red and cold. There was still snow on the ground. Not tons but enough so it snapped beneath my feet when I went for ice. I was coming down with something. My throat was killing me and my nose ran 24/7.  The woods was no longer my friend. Maybe I would die out here like my parents said.  I couldn't. I had to live. I had to stop feeling sorry for myself. This is what life threw at me, and I was going to hit it out of the park.


3 weeks later.

Tomorrow Is Halloween. I love Halloween. Only im in the woods this year. This could get interesting. It snowed about a foot last night. I'm freezing my butt off. I had to get out of the tent to clear the roof off of the whole tent would have collapsed. I stopped feeling sorry for myself, this did not help the traumatic part but it helped be feel better and less depressed. It was getting late, so I cuddle down in my pile of blankets and fell to sleep. In the morning I woke up to a gusting wind pounding against the side of my tent. I feared it would be demolished. Fortunately I was enough to weigh it down. It was Halloween! I love Halloween. Today would be awesome in the woods, until nightfall. I did not go outside all day. I probably would have been blown away by the big gust of wind, dealing havoc on my clearing.  I ate some raspberries like I do every day. I sat and read for the remainder of the day time. My life is soooooo boring! You get tried reading the same books over and over after you've read them three times before. I was deep into my favorite Harry Potter, book when night fell. It happened so fast. It got dark so early now. I set the book down, and curled up in the blanket mess I had made. I did not know why that nigh scared me more than any other night, it just felt bad. I had that feeling in my gut that something bad was going to happen. I told myself I was wrong and concentrated on sleeping. About an hour later I was still up. Thinking about the things that lurked in the woods tonight. Soon after things got weried. The wind whipped outside. It was enough to snap a giant tree limb. The branch snapped and fell making a mound cracking noise accompanied by a loud thud, making me jump and scream. I was physically shacking now, I was terrified. Then the wind started to moan through the trees leaving an erie echo behind. I buried myself deeper into the blankets hoping they would protect me. (This is silly, what will blankets do!) Through the moaning of the trees I thought I heard my name be called. "Its just I figment of your imagination." I told myself. Then I heard it again, clearer this time. It sounded like it was getting closer. I knew I was a goner. I started saying things to myself to calm down. "My full name is Piper Elizabeth Hill. I was left for dead in the woods about 7 months ago." The thing said my name again making me cry out. "My parents hate me, and I killed my dog." The thing then stepped nearer to the tent. It broke a stick maybe 10 yards away. "I'm terrified." Was the last thing I said before I heard the beast say "piper!" From outside my tent. I dont know why but went that happened I felt aware of everything in my body. I felt as my blood turned to ice, and my stomach drop to my toes. I felt the coldness in my finger toes and nose. The beast tried one more time "Piper! Let my in!" It hollared at me through the wind.  "W-what do y-you want with me!" I stammered back. "Piper its me." I recognized this voice. "Oh my gosh!" I yelled ripping the tent door open, to reveal a guy wrapped up in warm cloths. "Come in!" I yelled through the wind, which was wiping my face. He enters my small rent sitting across from me. I zip up the door and seat myself again. "I can't believe you found me!" I say excitedly.  "Neither can I." I speaks pulling down his hood to reveal the face of.................

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