Part 22

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I sat behind the bushes for another 12 hours until the following day hoping I did not freeze to death. I stayed in the tent all night covered in the thickest blankets I had brought. I did not want frost bite. All I had to do was wait for school hours. I looked out my small plastic window that was facing the entrance.  My plan which was fool proof in my mind was to stake out in my tent until school started up again. Then when Mr.Hartman gets there follow him into school disguised as a student. Then once in his class room tell him and hope he does not pass out. Yep, that was my brilliant fool proof plan. Throughout that day I did absolutely nothing. Which gave me more time to think about what has happened in the past 8 months. It was dreadful. I relived the day that I overheard the plan, and when I killed Bean. I heard the news cast replay over and over again in my head. The anchors voice echoing through my skull. I felt the pain of the waterfall incident pulse through my body. The picture if me flashed across my eyes, sending me into a sobbing fit. The memories were to much. They sent me into a swirling state of madness. My breathing quickened and I started sweating. Hot tears streamed down my face like a never ending flood. I covered my ears and shut my eyes, hoping to block out the memories, but it did not work. "Ahh! Go away!" I sobbed at the memories, even though they are none existent. I rocked back and forth still trying to diminish the flashbacks, that were still flowing. After about an hour the scaring experience stopped and I could continued on like a "normal" human being. It was really more like a twisted, screwed up, emotionally unstable, abandoned human being. I realized that my crazy sent on for an while and it was getting really late. I curled up in my blankets and fell asleep still facing the window. I was still scared of nightmares but sleep is a must so I knew I had to. 



I woke screaming bloody murder. I had woken myself up finally from one of the worst nightmare of my life. I still to this day makes me cry, so I will not ever speak of it again. I was covered in cold sweat and shaking. I stopped screaming and lied back down. My breathingwas heavy and hiched every once in a while with my cries. I needed to calm down, school would be starting soon. It took me and hour to calm myself. It was good timing, 3 school busses pulled up and a mob of kids flooded onto the front walk of the school. I swiftly and silently put on my disguise, it consisted of, my empty backpack, a baseball cap, I found in the bush, gross yes I was probably going to get sick, and then to top the look off baggy cloths which were no problem to put together. I wore a black thermal that was about 4 sizes to big and a pair of tan cargo pants that I had to roll up 6 times to help them stay up. With this I swung the pack over my shoulder and went to the crowd. Slowly I emersed myself into its flow of people. I kept my head down and did not look at anybody. I entered the school trying not to draw any attention to myself. But this failed. Smack! "Oof" I breathed out as I hit what felt like a brick wall. "Well well we got a newbie!" I familiar voice sneered at me. "Shoot!" I muttered under my breath. I had crashed into none other than Sydney Ruthie, I was done for.

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