Part 5

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The bus pulled up to my stop. This. Was. It. I was still hysterically bawling. Questions raced through my head. Why was James crying? Was it something i did? Did he take me running out to seriously? Was he upset i did not hug him? Was i going to be eaten by a bear? I had no clue what the answers were. I got off the bus slowly and solemnly. "See you tomorrow Piper." Barb my bus driver says waving. At this i fall to pieces. I sink to my knees in my small ripped up drive way. I sob into my knees. Barb looks puzzled. "Y-you can g-g-go barb." I manage to say through tears. " i'm fine." "If your sure baby." She says as she drives away a bit to fast. I compile myself just enough to stand up. I walk into my house with my head hung. Then i realized, that i was not hurt that my parents did not want me, heck, i hated them, i was hurt because i would never see my real family ever again. James, Mr.Hartmann, even Barb! They were the reason this was so hard. I had to stay strong. I wiped my eyes and packed some extra cloths in my bag, i grabbed a towel, im not sure why but you never know, i also grabbed a small pot a few utensils and a small bowl. I wiped my eyes one more time before entering the living room where my mother sat drunk on the couch. "PIPER!!" My mother screeched at me. "Where have you been!" She prodded. It was like she thought i was hiding something. "I was at school mother, its monday." I said in the most polite way possible. "WHY THE H#$% WERE YOU AT SCHOOL!" My mother spat at me. "YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO TAKE CARE OF ME TODAY!!!" "AND NOW LOOK AT ME! YOUR A DISGRACE!!" Mother screamed at me.  " I'm very very sorry mother." I said hanging my head. "You better be." She snapped as she fell back to sleep. "You're the worst, i hate you." I whisper harshly through my teeth. My sleeping mother will never know i said anything. I retreated back to my room, i triple checked my bag, i added a bit more food and the book that James had given me. I hadn't even looked at the title. I looked down at the incredibly thick book, it was titled "survival for armatures." I flipped through the book and found pages and pages full of things i would need, what and what not to eat, how to construct a bow and arrow, how to stay safe, where to put your tent, everything i could ever need to have. He had no clue what was going to happen to me. He grabbed a random huge book and brought it to me. "Thank you James!" I squealed softly. As i looked through the pages i realized other things i may need. I ran around my house looking for things, i got and packed, some fishing line, a sheet, a hat, gloves, a scarf, and other very important things like a heavy duty first aid kit just in case, and some medicine for fevers and pain and things like that. I was ready. I heard my dad walk in. He called me into the kitchen and told me we were going camping, and to get my mother and tell her we were leaving in five minutes. You may be wondering why my parents take me camping when they cant stand me. They only bring me so i "watch" they site while they go drinking. This would be the last time for that. The three of us packed into,our tiny oldsmoblie, and headed for Creek fig campgrounds. It is only a 30 minute drive away. I double checked my bag in the car. Then we were there. The place my parents would leave me. We pulled up to the window and checked in. The drive to the campsite seemed to take seconds. Everything was moving at a high speed. I set up my tent. It was a nice tent. It was built for one person, but you probably would fit two if it was just me in the tent. It was a ground, and its nicely insulated. I put all my things in my tent and made sure they stayed there. Nobody said much as the evening came. I got a few "Piper get me another beers!" From my parents but that was it. Finally night fell. I said i was going to bed. My parents gave each other looks. I crawled into my tent and made sure all my things where there, they were. I zipped up the doorway behind me. This was it. I sighed and bundled up. Tonight was going to be interesting.

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