Part 18

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  We had barely left camp when I realized I had forgotten something. "Omigosh! James! I forgot something!" I screamed as I dropped my stuff and ran back to camp. "Piper where are you going!" James yelled to me. "Just stay there! I'll be back!" I called back still running through the snow covered woods. I was glad james had convinced me to wear shoes back to town, I'm pretty sure I would have frostbite by now, I probably already do, but 1 problem at a time. I reached camp, and ran to Beans grave site. "Goodbye bean, I love you!" I called to the dead dog, tears streaming down my face. "I'll be back,I promise." I told her. Then I saw her little orange collar and grabbed it. I wrapped it around my left wrist for now. I started running back to James, tears still blinding me. I  wiped my eyes and steadied myself before letting James see me. "Hi, I'm sorry I forgot something really important." I explained to him once I was ready. "Oh, okay, what?" James asked tilting his head slightly. "I'll explain later." I mumbled, almost crying again. I gathered up my things and we continued on back to my town. We reached the back of the campground in maybe a half an hour. "Well Piper, how's civilization?!" James breathed motioning to the empty campsites. "I dont want to be here." I said flatly.  Being in this stupid campground brought back terrible memories, anger rose up in me. I clenched my teeth and balled up my fists. James must have seen my anger. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me behind him as he kept walking. It brought me back to my sences. I squrimed out of his grip, and walked. We came to the main road in a few minutes. It felt weird to be here again. We walked to the visitors parking lot. To my surprise there was a blue SUV sitting in it. "James?" I questioned squinting at the car. "Well you see, well,I ugh," james blabbered scratching the back of the head. He led my to the mysterious car. I kept my distance. "Piper," james started to explain. "You can go to the car, its only my parents." He finally got out. "Your what?" I asked jaw dropping. "I my or may not have told my parents and asked them to bring us back." The words exploded from james like he was puking them up, just a constent flow of words. I took a breath. "Okay then." I said calmly. He walked over to the car and opening d the back door. Ad I approached the car, james mom caught sight of me. "Hi!" She said waving. She was a perky woman, who looked a bit over 40. She had short blond hair and blue eyes. She looked in good shape to. "Hi!" I said waving a bit back.  I climbed over James into the back seat. His dad was driving.Mr. Meer was a plump man with brown hair and blue eyes just like james. He has thin wire rimmed glasses on. He looked nice enough. He smiled in the mirror at me. I could not help but smile back.I put all of my stuff into the big hatchback of the SUV. "Here we go!" Mr.Meer yelled as we pulled out of the barren parking lot. I stayed quiet for most of the ride. I mainly stared out of the car window at the snow covered trees as we wizzed by them. Mrs.Meer was asking me questions. Like how old am I. I long was I out there. Was I hurt. Did I meet any animals. That last one made me want to laugh and cry simultaneously. "Umm, can, can I explain this later?" I asked my voice cracking. "Of course sweety, I'm sorry." She apologized.  "Its fine! But theres a lot, but I promise to tell you all later." I stated. Mrs.Meer smiled back at me before turning back around to talk with her husband. James looked over at me and his eyes widened. "Piper what happened to your face!" He whispered. "Oh um that." I winced I was hoping he wouldn't notice. I did not feel like explaining my stupidity. " I got it when I fell off the water fall the first time." I explained, touching the pale white scar on my cheek. "Piper!" James groaned. "Sorry!" I whispered quickly back. I sat in silence for the remainder of the trip. Finally we arrived at James's house. It was a nice house. A lot bigger than mine. It was gray with black shutters and a red door. It had a small front yard with a little lamp post at the end of a walk way, and a smaller maple tree to the right. I got out of the car and proceeded to grab my things from the back. "Piper!" Mr.Meer called to me. "You can leave your outdoor things in the garage." He told me. I went over to the opened door and placed my tent and cooler inside. The garage was not big enough to fut a car but it sure held a bunch of other things, and boy was I a mess. But it was none of my business. I brought my cloths and first aid kit with me. James walked over to me and showed me inside. It was rally nice on the inside. The floors were wood and it had a carpeted saticase leading upstairs. Most of the furniture in the dining room was wooden. The kitchen had wood cabinets and nice things. The living room had a huge TV and was carpeted with fluffly white stuff. It had a brown couch and matching recliner. "You have a really nice house!" I eclaimed to James. "Thanks!" He replied brightly. "James, show Piper to her room!" Mrs.Meer called from the kitchen. "Kay mom!" James answered In a sing songy voice. "C'mon Piper! He said turning around and running for the stairs. I followed him and clammered up the steeper stairs behind him. He opened and oddly shaped wooden door on the right side of the stairs landing. I stepped inside to find a small yellow painted room. It had a bunch if girl stuff in it, like perfume and peace signs and animals and books. Plus a bed that looked so nice and plush. There was also a small white desk with pens, paper, markers, stickers, everything on it or in it. The room was also carpeted. "James this is amazing!" I said beeming up at him. "I hoped you would like it!" He smiled. "It was my older sisters, but she is like 20 something now and lives with her husband not to far from here." He started to explain. "Mom kept the room the same for some reason I do not know." James finished. "Well its perfect!" I smiled again hugging him.  "Oh and Piper,I forgot to tell you that there's a bathroom at the top of the stairs." He said pointing outside of the door. "Cool!" I said excidedly. I walked around my room I guess examining every nook and crany. Mrs.Meer called something up the stairs to James that I could not hear. But it made James laugh. "Hey Piper?" James asked still laughing. "Yeah what's up?" I answered looking up at him. "My mom says for me to leave you alone so you can freshen up." He continued laughing hysterically. "And that's funny why?" I asked making a face at him. "She thinks you smell!" He said rolling around clutching his stomach. "Your an idiot." I said to him. I couldn't help but laugh a bit though. It was hilarious to watch him doubling over with laughter. "Okay Piper I'll go!" He said standing up and walking down stairs. "Theres towels in the closet!" He called up to me. "Thanks!" I yelled down. I got undressed in my room leaving only my bra and underwear on. I checked the hallyway first before running from my new room the the bathroom. Once in there I turned the water on and quickly undressed before jumping into my first real shower in 8 months. "Ah!" I breathed out in relief. The warm water felt so good on my cold body. I had forgotten all about the wolf scratches on my shoulder until now. The tape unstuck from one side and came off. There was a big patch of dried blood. "Gross!" I exclaimed taking the rest of it off. I threw it away in the waste basket and went back to my shower. I would check the cuts when I got out. So I had to wash my body 3 times before the woodsy smell went away. The warm water was still thawing out my frozen body. I washed through my now mid back length hair. I stood for a bit longer in the water, not wanting to leave its heat. I knew I had to get out. So before I could not bring myself to get out of the small tub. I shut the water off. The faucet that would fill up the tub let out the excess water, making a splashing noise at my feet. I then wrung out my long darkened brown hair, I was in desperate need of a haircut. I dried off with the big fluffly white towel and threw it in the hamper. It was in the bathroom and labeled towels. So I just assumed that's where I would put it once done. I slipped back into my bra and underwear. I there my long hair into a bun on the tip of my head and started for the door. If I had run from my room like this I could run back like this. I flung open the door and made a mad dash for my new room. But clumsy me, I smashed into something. I fell on my butt, I really hoped it was not a person. I was terrified to look up. If it was a person I was praying for the face I saw to be Mrs.Meer.That would be the leat embarrassing of any of my options. I mustered up the courage to look up. I saw the face of none other than James looking down in me. "Shoot!" I snapped to myself. "Piper what are you doing!" James said startled. "I-i, umm, you, shower, run." I managed. "Why arnt you dressed!" James questioned again still a bit flustered. "I was gonna run to my room, but I crashed into you. I was in the shower." I explained soflty getting up and running the remainder of he distance to my room. How emabarrasing! I thought. "Piper why were you running from the bathroom without real clothes on!" James called through my shut door. "I put the towel in the hamper and ran for it." I replied. "Well I'm not complaining!" James said again. "James! What!" I called back shocked. "Nothing." He replied, sadly. "That's what I thought!" I called out disgusted. Or maybe not. I'm not sure. I did know now that james did like me. Hopefully. Now all I needed to do was explain my entire woods experience to his family and I would be golden.

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