Pipers Tale #3

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Piper age 36Amelia age 6

Piper and James had decided to take their young daughter and newborn son, Ethan, camping. Even against Pipers pleas of staying away from campgrounds and going to the beach for the day. She lost that battle. Still in the car they argued. "I will not have our daughter and son become some city slickers!" James whispered firmly to Piper, careful not to wake their sleeping children in the back seat. They had left early so they would have more time there, it was 4am. "Our kids will not be some city slickers, we live in the smallest town possible in the middle of nowhere!" Piper whispered back. "Piper I know this is hard for you but our E and Amelia need this." James said. "Ugh! Your so difficult!" Piper whispered half teasing. "Love you!" James told her scooping up her hand. "Love you too." Piper said smiling. They pulled into the campground way to early. "James!! You said we were going to be fine!" Piper nagged. "Sorry! I thought creek fig camp opened earlier." He confessed. "It's fine! At least I'm here with my three favorite people!" Piper said kissing James. "And I can nap!" She added before curling up in her seat. James just chuckled and did the same. The gates to the park finally opened at 6:30am. "Finally!" Piper says. As they drive through the park. They arrive at their site. The car took hours to unload. There silver mini van was packed to the brim with everything, from extra socks to food and water. As Piper set up the tent and James changed little Ethan's diper , neither noticed Amelia slip away to chase a butterfly.

"Where's Melia!!" Piper asked frantically scratching through everything.
"She was just over there." James pointed to the spot where there young daughter once stood.
Piper started to panic. "We lost her! She's probably dead!" She screamed.
"Let's go find her!" James yelled.
He let Piper put the baby in the sling and set off. The sling as they called it, was the only way Piper could carry the baby like this with her crutches, which were now just all black. She had learned to maneuver them much better of the years. She got in front of James, she knew the area much better. Once in the woods, she recognized it immediately. A wave of nausea speed over her body, in front of them was a tree marked with a "p". She pressed on knowing exactly where Amelia was now. Then she hit the clearing. The flat rock face, gave it away. She was in her clearing. Where she had spent a almost a year. Then she spotted her little girl,examine a rock. She handed Ethan to James and sped towards her baby. She stopped behind her, the rock was Beans. She played with the orange collar around her wrist.
"Mommy who's Bean?" Amelia asked, unknowingly.
"A good friend sweaty." Piper replied, tears running down her face.
"Do you miss her?" She asked trying to comfort her crying mother.
"Yes." Piper managed to choke out, before sitting down with her daughter. Over the years she had been to rigorous PT and had gained some motion back in her leg.
Piper walked over to the falls, remembering her second day here. She almost chuckled at the memory. Her fire pit was now just a few rocks, but it was recognizable. Old memories came rushing back. She announced that they were leaving, with some protest from Amelia they managed to leave.
Piper will never forget the day she had to revisit her past with her future.

The Twisted Life of Piper [EDITING]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora