Part 14

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I woke up in the morning feeling refreshed. Bean was still sleeping. She had gotten big. She was almoag full sized. She atill fit on my lap, but her back legs hung off i didnt mind her on me though, i loved her. It was a cooler morning. Augusts end was coming. That was both good and bad. It meant winter would be here soon, and my birthday was in a few weeks! Its in the first week of September. I would be 15. I took this morning to do a physical check on myself. I looked at my once broken ankle. It was still bruised and it still hurt if I stepped on it wrong but other than that it was okay. The cut on my cheek was now just a thin very white scar. I was okay. I felt good too. I started a fire to keep warm. Once that was done I sat by it looking in to the flaming beauty. About and hour later bean came bounding out of the tent. "Come here bean!" I said playfully. "Rrruf!" Bean barked happily as she ran to jump on my lap her back legs hung off. We sat enjoying the fire for quite some time.I wonderedbif anybody was looking for me. Maybe everything I thought I had, was all a lie. What if I was important to no one. What if the makeshift family I thought I had was fake. What if I had just imagined all of the things because I was longing for a family. I sat at the fire starting into it, absentmindedly petting Bean who was curled up on my lap. Hot tears of sadness or anger stremed down my face. Why did I even try to survive? It was pointless. About 5 minutes later I was snapped from my trance.I heard a growl behind me. I snapped around to see a mangy, old wolf stalking us. Bean saw the mutt and jumped off my lap. "No bean come back!" I whisper yelled at the dog. But she did not budge. She and the wolf circled growling at each other. I was up and out of my chair now, wondering if I should intervene. "Bean! Come now!" I yelled frantically at my dog. Then I heard a rough barf and the dog fight began. The wolf bit on to beans neck, drawing blood and making bean screech out in pain. Bean then made the next move, she pined the wolf down and bit him repeatedly. The flea ridden gray wolf became angry and lashed out at Bean scratching and biting her. I ran for my bow. I grabbed it and aimed at the wolf. Before I took a shot bean fell. "NO!" I screamed, anger filling up my body. The wolf spring towards me, knocking me over. It pinned me down. I struggled to free myself. "Ugh!" I exclaimed. The wolf had had enough. It scratched my shoulder and ripped through my shirt. "Ow!" I screeched. I took one of my arrows and jammed it into the rabid dogs chest. Almost immediately it died. I flung it off of me and ran to beans side. "Bean!" I said. She looked at me with her different colored eyes, she looked sad. I looked her over and noticed a nasy slash on her chest. It was really deep.  Tears came to my eyes. I knew my lovely puppy would die. She looked like she was in so much pain. "Bean, please stay with me!" I chocked out through tears. "Please." I sobbed. I still kneeled by her side. Hugging her small body to my chest. Her breaths were labored. She looked in pain. "I love you so much bean!" I sobbed into her ear. She looked up to lick my face as if to say I love you too. I sat and stroked her bloodied fur as she struggled to stay alive. I knew she was bleeding out. She was in pain and it felt terrible to sit there and watch her die. I did not want to do it but I could not bear to watch her in agony. I whispered one more time I love you to her before I stood up. I received an arrow and my bow. I drew it back. "Bean please know I love you more than anything." I sobbed. I closed my eyes and let the arrow fly. I heard it hit its mark. Which was my poor dog, in pain no more. I threw my bow down and ran back to my tent sobbing. What had I just done! I killed the only thing that mattered to me. I curled up into a ball of tears. I cried myself to sleep. I thought sleep was going to keep me away from my terrible reality but I was wrong. I had nightmares, about bean, my parents, James.  I woke covered in cold sweat, I was shaking like I was outside in a snow storm in nothing but my bathing suit. I was still crying. Nothing could num the pain of what I had done. Just two days ago bean was and happy puppy afraid to swim, who loved rabbits and fire, her eyes sparkling two magnificent colors. Now her eyes were lifeless, she would never eat another rabbit, or enjoy another fire, and it was all thanks to me.  Then I remembered there were two dead dogs on my "lawn" one I could care less about. The other would be sad. I went to sit up. I lean on my arm, but fell back in pain. I looked at my arm. Then I saw the marks the wolf left. Three huge bloody cuts marked the top of my shoulder. My shirt was torn away too. I finally sat up and found the first aid kit in my mess of blankets. I took my shirt off and went outside. I went to pour some on my shoulder. I was avoiding eye contact with bean carcass at all costs. I dripped some onto the cuts, it burned. " Holy, crap!" I screamed. I started crying. It wasn't like it hurt much anymore I was just sick of my life. I sank to my knees and sobbed into my hands. I heard something snap behind me. "Oh, great. Another stupid wolf.!" I screamed. "You see what I did to your brother! I'll do it to you too!" I yelled. "Why can't you leave me al-" I was cut off by the thing behind me. "Piper?" Was all I heard until I passed out.

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