Part 10

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   (2 days after the bear incident.) I try not to remember it. I dont want to. It reminds me that I have a big chance of being killed by something. It terrifys

me. I have been cooped up in my tent. In the same tight blue shirt, gray sweat pants, and everything. I have eaten only a few raspberries since then, every time I go to eat I feel nervous, I'm not sure why. Its not like I'm not eating on purpose, I want to eat, food is the best thing ever. So I force myself to be at a handful of berries. I feel a bit better. My ankle is healing nicely, the bruises are fading, the bone is another story but it feels so much better. I can't believe its only been about 1week, and I've already had food taken by a black bear, and broken my ankle. Its just my luck, this us exactly what my hate filled parents want. Remembering them reminded me of Mr.Hartmann, on the last day I was "alive" he called me his daughter. I was ecstatic. I thought I actually had a chance of a real family. Then I remembered my parents were getting rid of me and I'd never see him again, so that kind of crushed my spirit. Lying doing nothing terrified in the tent caused me to remember so many painful things that happened on my last day. James cried, I thought I had a father, barb was so nice, and Sydney Ruthi punched me. One of those things was physical pain, if you did not notice. James probably hated me, he was crying and he looked really sad when I ran away, and told him not to hug me. He was probably off someplace with Patrica, (somewhere I should not say, most likely,) doing whatever he wants, forgetting all about me. I started to cry, I could not take it! I was going insane! I had no one to talk to or play with anyone or anything! At least when I was "alive" I had people that were around me. Now I had no one. And no one knew I was even alive. After a half hour of bawling over stuff, I decided it was time to get out if the tent. I changed my cloths, I put on a clean short sleeves orange T-shirt that had blue writing, and some short tan shorts. I did not bother with my hair, I would bathe again tomorrow probably. I stepped from the tent, and took in a big breath of fresh air. I still used my cane but not all my weight had to be shifted each time I took a step. I went to the raspberry bush and picked some more juciy, pink, ripe, berries. They looked and smelled delicious. I did not eat them then, they were my only food and I wanted to make them last. I was walking around barefoot. There were no sharp leaves or twigs any where and most places had a lush, green, moss covering the area. So I went barefoot or barefooted or barefeeted? However you want to say it! I had made up my mind, even though this problem is not making me all depressed. I decided I needes to brighten up the place. I had convinced myself that the same old same old was dragging me down, and I refused to think otherwise. I scampered around the area picking the prettiest wild flowers. I pick gorgeous blue one with tear drop petals and a pink center. I also picked flamboyant orange ones with short fat round petals and a lovely green center. I dug around the pond and found a clear glass bottle. It looked like one of those milk bottles. It may have been scratched and chipped at the top, but it held water. I stuck my orange and blue flowers in it and displayed it on a stump a few feet from the tent. It looked whimsical. I started with the next decoration. I strung thousand of clovers ( it felt like) together and hung the chains in the trees around my tent. I was almost satisfied. I needed one more thing, but I was not sure what that thing was. I went searching around in bushes or near rocks but found nothing. I had given up. "Ughhh!" I yelled to no one. "Why did my life have to be like this!" I hated myself for feeling sorry for myself, but it felt really good to just scream. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!" I held out the longest and highest pitch scream. I continued this as I stompped angrily about the woods. I felt like a 2 year old throwing a tantrum. I finally stopped and my throat was killing me. It was worth it though, I felt so much better. I turned to go into my tent when something moved behind me. "W-whos there!" I stammered. "Show yourself!" I shouted getting out my pocket knife. "I'm not afraid to use this!" I screamed weakly at my possible attacker. I stalked around in a circle, I was terrified! What if the bear was back for revenge! I let out an involentary yelp as I heard a twig crack just inches away. I would be fine. The bear would have charged for me when I screamed. I told my self. I was terrified swaet dripped down my red cheeks, then splating down onto my shirt turning it darker as it spread. I was shaking and panting, I had no control over my reaction, my fight or flight mechanism must only be programmed with all fight and a bit of flight. I stopped circling and saw two gleaming yellow-green eyes staring back at me. Whatever it was, was surprisingly small, I only got this but judging the height the orbs were in the dark bush. My fear levels went down slightly when I imagined how big it was now. I now thought it was a bunny or something and I had attempted to stab it. But those moments faded away as I reminded myself, humans and other various animals could make themselves small. "Come now!" I shouted my voice cracking. The bush russled as the creature showed itself. I closed my eyes afraid of what I may see, when nothing happened I opened them to find the.......

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