Part 4

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   Its not like i had to scramble to get to science. I still had a half hour left before i had to be there. But my science teacher is Mr.Hartmann. He has been like a real father to me since school started wich i guess is 6 months now. I bet your wondering how im in high school. Thats because im not 13 im 14. I did want to correct my mother. I walk into Mr.Hartmanns room and saw that he was messing with a gas faucet thing. "Hi Mr.Hartmann!" I exclaimed smiling from across the. "Hi Piper." He called back at me with a bit of frustration in his voice. He took off his goggles and put down his tools and came to talk to me. "Someones happy today!" He said half sarcastically half happy for me. "Yeah i am, you will never guess what happened!!" I exclamied excidedly grinning ear to ear. "Hmmmm, an evil alien armada abducted youe parents!" He said enthusiastically. This made me laugh until my stomach hurt. Mr.Hartmann knows that my parents are terrible...he reported them multiple times but nothing ever became of it...he also talks about adopting me someday! "Almost better!" I half shrieked as i did a dance. "Wow than it must be amazing!" He said a smile spreading across his chubbier face. Mr. Hartmann is in his 50s he has gray and brown hair and hes super funny and chill and the easiest guy to talk to. "It is James Meer hugged me this morning!" I yelled excidedly. "Mhmmm..." Mr. Hartmann's face was sceptical looking and a glare appeared. Then the questions began.

"Is he clean?" He asked protectivly.

"Of corse he is!" I replied quickly.

"Does he get good grades?"

"I think so, hes your student."

"Is he thuggish?"

"Mr.Hartmann, me, like a thuggish guy?"

"Is he kind, funny,sweet, caring,etc.?"

"Yes! All of the above!"

His glare finally broke. "Piper your like my daughter." He said sympathetically. "Im just trying to look out for you, because i love you like my own kid." He said enveloping me in a big bear hug. This statement broughg tears to my eyes. Someone loves me! "I love you too." I say through mh tears as i hug him back.

     Science started and ended quickly. Then i was on to math,history,luch then english. Finally at the very last period of the day it was my study hall with James Meer. I raced through the halls to get to the library,only to be stopped mid sprint by a fist. "Let the fun begin." I muttered to myself sarcastically. I looked up to see Sydney Ruthi, smirking maniacally. I looked a bit past her to see Patrica Jones. She loves James. But is to small to beat me up herself. I got up and started walking again. Sydney punched me once more in the nose. "More to come later!" She grunted as she lumbered away. I reached up to my nose. It was bleeding and my eye was already black and blue. "Fudge!" I whisper yelled. I reached to my bag and pulled out a tissue and held it to my nose. I ran to the library as fast as i could and stepped into class just as the bell rang. I looked around the library to find James. He was sitting at a table for two people. Next to him was an empty seat. I caught his eye and he waved me over. " What happened to you!!" He whispered briskly to me as i took my seat. "Sydney Ruthi." I said flatly. He went to hug me again. I stopped him. "No!!! No hugs!! Ill end up with two blavk eyes, and broken things!" I said joking and meaning it at the same time. "Sorry!" He said backing away. I told him all about my encounter with sydney and how Patricia put her up to it. I told hin she was going to get me later. "Not if i can help it!" He said heroicly flexing his muscles and pounding his stomach ti show off his "abs". "So you will protect me with your six pack...of pudding cups" i said giggling. "Sure laugh it up." He said also laughing. "But just so you know these are not pudding cups." James then preceded to lift his plaid collared shirt to show me his abs. My hand flew up to my eyes. " Put them away." I said smiling. "Suit yourself." James says putting his shirt down. "But most ladies love this gun show!" He said flexing and turning his face into a smolder that made me blush again. I shook my head and laughed, he laughed too. Suddenly he popped up,from his seat. "Hold on one minute!" He exclaimed excidedly as he rushed fo the other side of the library. I took this time to write him a letter. If i was "dead" i wanted someine to know where i was.


Dear james,

Its piper. You may be hearing rumors that i was eaten or something and im dead. Im not my parents abandoned me while camping. Please come visit me. We camp in the Creek fig state park, but i will have gone deep into the woods. I will be looking forward to seeing you. Please dont tell anyone!!!!!  You cant. It will frazzle people. I want to trust you. Hope to see yoh soon!  Love,

                     Your not dead friend Piper.

It was stupid. I crumpled the paper uo into a ball and put it in my lap. James came back with a huge book. He dropped it on the table and it made a big thud. "I checked this out for you." He said matter of factly. "Since my pudding cups cant protect you, use this on Sydney!" He smiled looking proud. "I think i just might." I said triumphantly. James just looked at me. I wondered what he saw in me. I was the girl in baggy cloths who never did anything. He leaned in to do something, i sat with curiosity,and anticipation. He got closer and closer. Then the bell rang. He pulled back. I got up from the table and hurried away.  James looked hurt. "Im so sorry james" i thought. "If only you understood." I hurried out to thw bus and borded before anyone else. I started crying. I was going to miss school, Mr.Hartmann, James even sydney ruthi and her restlessness. James walked by the bus and looked up at me. He was crying to. Im sorry. He mouthed at me and continued on. I was confused. What did he mean. Had i hurt him that badly. What had i done. There was no time to figuee it out, the bus started moving. I was going to be "dead" in a matter of hours.

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