Part 20

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We arrived back at the meers shortly after. I retreated up to my new room. There was a new found pain in my shoulder. I'm wasn't sure why but I guessed I'd find out tomorrow. I thought that maybe cleaning it woke it up or something if that made any sense. It hurt to move it. What happened. It was probably just mind over matter. I dismissed it. I lied on my bed, signing and feeling sorry for myself. It needed to stop. I dragged myself off the bed and went across the hall to James's room. I knocked obnoxiously on his pale white door.

"What!" He screamed at me. "Can I come in!" I yelled a bit annoyed back. "Oh Piper it's you!" James answered cheerily. "Come on it!" He called. I opened his door and stepped into the new territory. The walls were blue and there were cloths covering every inch of the floor. The walls were decked out with trophy's, drawings, little knicky knacky things, and a few cork boards. "Whoa." I said as l looked around. "Welcome the the James cave!" James exclaimed waving his hands about magically for effect. "Is this where you spend all day?" I asked wondering, but with a hint of sarcasm. "Yes!" James shot back sticking his tounge out at me. "I'd shove you right now, but that would be animal abuse." James taunted. "Ha. Ha. Ha. Your so funny." I clapped my voice dripping with sarcasm. He smiled. "What brings you to my domain Piper."James asked, still waving his arms around.

I laughed at his gestures. I cleared a spot on his messy floor to reveal a red painted wood floor. "Why is your floor red?" I asked him. "Because." James answered obnoxiously. "Ugh! Your so annoying!" I teased. "I know!" James smiled. We sat awkwardly for a bit. Then he brought up a forbidden subject at this point.

"When are you going to see Mr.Hartmann?" He asked very seriously. "James! I've been back a day! What if he hates me!" I yelled at him. "Piper! Calm down!!" He exclaimed a bit nervous. "Sorry I snapped." I muttered hanging my head. "But you had no right to ask that!" I yelled angry again. "I know I'm sorry Piper.' James apologized. "Really really sorry." He apologized again. He then did something unexpected. I leaned in closer and held my chubby cheeks gently in both of his hands. He leaned in and kissed me. Boom! My mind just exploded! It was amazing!! I hope he felt it too. He stopped and looked at me.

"Piper, I really like you." James told me sweetly. "No really?" I said sarcastically. He laughed and hugged me. "I really like you too." I told him. "Maybe I will go see Mr.Hartmann." I finally caved in. "Yes! You can go to school secretly on monday!!" James was so excited."Fine." I grummbled. "but i wont be happy about it." It was getting late. "Im so tired. Ive gotta go to bed. Night James." I called. "Night Piper." James said sweetly kissing my forehead. I went to the room and snuggled down in the mounds ofblankets on the bed. I driffted off quickly to sleep. I was qorried about tomarrow. But i was to tired to care.
I know this is short. I want make the next part longer. And its own chapter! Thanks for reading this!!! I hope your enjoying the book so far!

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