Part 19

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I quickly recovered from the James incident and got dressed. I put on a pair of my jeans a green long sleeved T-shirt, andy favorite pair of really beat up socks. They are blue and have little brown green and white spots all over them. Probably not the best outfit to talk to jameses parents in but I did not care. I through. I put my hair up in a neat braid, at least one part of me could look nice.I looked into he mirror that was hanging on the door I did not look bad. James knocked on the door. I nearly jumped out of my skin."Are you dressed now?" He complained. "Yes." I said stepping out of the room. "Look who decided to put clothes on!" James applauded sarcastically. "Shut up, you were the one stalking the room!" I snapped at him. "Sorry." he said solemnly. "My parents want to talk now." James told me. "This way please!" James said in an uppity voice. I followed him down the blues and white carpeted stairs.

He led me to his medium sized living room. Mr.Meer was on the couch next to Mrs.Meer. "Hi piper, please tell us everything that happened. Everything!" Mrs.Meer started. I took a seat on the plush white carpet. James took a seat next to me, even though the chair that sat in the corner was open. "Um." I muttered shifting a bit. I felt my face flush. James reached over to touch my wrist. My head snapped over to him and he gave me a encouraging smile. "So, lots has happened." I started. I explained how my parents had told me I was going camping. And they left me in the woods. I told them I already knew so I was ready. I explained how I fell off the water fall and broke my foot or ankle. I relived the bear incident. I explained how I assaulted it and drove it away. I describe how I was beyond terrified and stayed in my tent. Mrs.Meer was in tears by now. Mr.Meer covered his mouth and rested his elbow on his knee. James place his hand over mind. I continued after a shaking breath. I was going to lose it soon. I told them that james had given me a book about survival before I left. I briefly explained the decorating of the camp. Then came the hardest part to talk about. Bean. I started bawling I could not control myself. I tried my best to describe my little bean and how she helped me through. I stared off in a daze remembering my sweet black puppy keeping me sane. I snapped back quickly and continued my story. I told them how bean and I started starving. I calmly told of how I made a bow and arrow and killed rabbits. And skined them wrong. So me and bean ate its guts to. I also told them about my fires and how I loved them. I told them how I took showers in the pond under the water fall. I remembered out loud how bean could not swim. This made me smile. Then my heart dropped out of my chest. I needed to tell them how bean died. I felt all color drain from me. I felt sick. "Honey, where is bean?" Mrs.Meer asked not knowing any better. I really lost it now. Heavy sobbeds wracked my body. Huge crocodile tears streamed down my face. James wrapped his arms around me and squeezed me to his chest. "I'm sorry dear!" Mrs.Meer exclaimed,tears streaming down her face. "I-its fine." I chocked. I proceeded to explain how the wolf attacked us. I described how bean attacked it to keep it away from me but the wolf hurt her. I told the Meers how the wolf proceed to attack me. I pulled down my shirt collar to reveal the 3 huge gashes in my shoulder. Mrs.Meer gasped. I looked down, I guess it looked bad. It was all scabbed over and gross looking. I pulled my collar back up and resumed my tale. I told them how I stabbed the wolf with and arrow I had made. I cried when I told them about beans tragic death a and how I had shot her. I explained my nightmares. I did not want to tell anymore I was done reliving the past 9 months. "Oh my gosh, sweetie I'm so sorry." Mrs.Meer breathed hugging me. It felt really good. Like I was loved. She let go and james picked up the slack and engulfed me in an even bigger bear hug. I've never gotten this much affection in my life. It was nice. It gave me a sweet feeling. "Sweetie can we go to the hospital and have them check you out?" Mrs.Meer asked cautiously. I knew I had to. "Sure." I said flatly. I seriously hated hospitals. I panic every time I go near one. It was a low blow, build me up with love then drag me to the hospital. Well played. I loaded back into there car, and they drove me to the hospital. I terrifying thought crossed my mind. "What will we tell them happened to me?!" I half screamed. I was panicked. "We will tell them you got lost camping or something." James told me. "Right mom?" He asked hopefully. "Yes that should work." Mrs.Meer replied. We pulled up to the emergency room. The Meers led me inside.  Mr. And Mrs. Meer told the cheery woman at the front desk that they had found me in the wood and that I was a friend of their sons but they did not know my parents. She nodded and asked to talk to me. She asked who my parents were. "Um, mrs. And mr. Hill." I finished. "Are they residents of this town." The desk lady asked, writing down my answers. "Yes." I told her again. She typed some things into her computer. After a minute she turned the screen to me. Is this your house. I looked at the poor quality picture on the screen. "Yes." I replied. "Okay dear one last question." Desk lady said clicking her pen open. "Can I have your first name." She asked. "Yes, Piper Elizabeth Hill." I told her. "Piper Hill!?" Desk lady asked astonished. "Piper Hill was buried 8 months ago!" "Well um, must be a different Piper hill." I told her trying to disguise the panic in my voice. "Okay then." She said handing me a piece of paper. "Go down that hall and into the first door on the left. The doctor will be there shortly." Desk lady told me pointing. "Thank you." I called as I walked to the room. I opened the heavy brown door to see a room filled with doctors equipment. Tension rose in my chest. I took a seat on the paper covered bed. And waited more and more panic rising. Soon I was barely griping sanity. The doctor walked in 30 minutes later. "Hello...Piper?" The female doctor asked. I nodded my head yes. I could not make a sound. "I'm Dr.Pain." she said extending er hand to me. "What!?" I yelled jumping back from her hand. "No,no!" She tried to calm me down. "I'm not painful, its just an unfortunate last name." She explained to me. "Oh, I'm sorry." I said taking her hand and turning red. "So what brings you here?" She asked, looking at me through her half moon glasses. "Um, my ankle and maybe frostbite and my shoulder." I explained feeling weird. "Okay let's have a look." Dr.Pain said pulling down my shirt. She looked at and cleaned my shoulder.

She typed something on her small black laptop. Then she moved on the the possible frost bite spots. Dr.Pain was a very pretty woman. She had long blond hair and  green eyes. She had fair skin and was fairey thin. And she was so nice. I liked that I got her. She finished looking, mmmhmmed a bit and typed on her computer. She looked at my ankle and then took an interest to he thin white scar on my face. She typed something else up on her computer. "Piper, were you ever malnourished or starved?" Dr.pain asked "um yes, on time." I told the woman thinking of the time when the raspberries. almost ran out. "Okay Piper. I'm not really worried. But those gashes concern me." Dr.Pain told me. "What were those done by?" She asked ready to type. "A wolf." I responded softly. "A wolf!!" Dr.Pain exclaimed was shocked. "Yes." I replied. "I want to do more tests on those." Dr.Pain finally said. "Tomarrow at 3." She decided. "Thank you Piper you may leave." She said opening the door. More tests!? I did not want to go. Dr.Pain was defiantly going to infilct pain tomorrow. I made my way back to the Meers. "I have to come back tomorrow for further testing." I told them. "Its okay piper!" James said hugging me trying to cheer me up. I smiled but I was really petrified. I never wanted that day to come.

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