Part 27

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I couldn't move, the sounds of pounding footsteps and struggle were muffled in my ears and then echoed through my head. Something had ahold of my hand. I tried to open my eyes to see what or who it was but they seemed to be glued shut. The thing holding my hand spoke to me, I could not make out the words. I got the words, strong, help, worry, and okay. None of this made sense at all. What was happening? Then I felt my back begin to get wet with a warm thick liquid. I had no time to think about this though. Before I could do anything I was lifted up and I blacked out
I woke up what seemed like minutes later. I was in a strange white room with only one window, a thin blue, knit blanket covered me from my ribs down. I was in a strange bed with very scratchy sheets. I tried sitting up but was blinded by excruciating pain up and down my lower back and right leg. I lied back down slowly. I looked to the right of the bed and saw James asleep in a small black cushioned chair. He looked terrible, purple puffy bags hung under each of his eyes, his hair was a mess and he was drooling everywhere. Even if he needed sleep he was getting up. I reached out my hand and grabbed his shoulder. "James!" I whisper yelled as I shook him. Almost immediately his eyes popped open. He nearly fell out of the chair. "What what happened!" He yelled springing to his feet. I giggled. "Piper!" He exclaimed flustered. "You weren't supposed to make it!" He either panicked or rejoiced. "I wha-" my panicked question was cut short by James's lips crashing into mine. I froze, shocked for a moment before I melted and kissed back. When we broke apart he just stared at me in disbelief. "Speak James speak!" I smiled as I teased him about his spacey look. He smiled dazzling me with it for the millionth time. "Right, Piper there is no easy way to tell you this." He stared, scratching his arm. "It's been almost a year, you were in a coma." He explained steadily. "What!?" I yelled,shocked by the new information. "I'm sorry." He apologized not knowing what to do. "What happened?" I asked wanting the answer to why the heck I was in a coma. "Your mom went to shoot me. You jumped in front of me." James told he chocking up. "She shot you twice, once in your lower back and once through your side." He continued. "When the EMTs got there, you had lost 10 percent of your blood. In the ambulance you went into coma." James fought back tears as he continued his story. "When they got you here you flatlined." He burst into tears when he said flatline. "Piper you were dead. For 5 minutes." James struggled to say. "We thought you were gone." He stated. The word we sparked something, but I would let him finish. "The revived you and you got rushed to. Emergency surgery to fix you." James said fix with sarcasm. "When you came out, they gave you a week." James sniffed. "You supposed to die 3 weeks ago." James told me. "But here you are!" He exclaimed hugging me. "Here I am." I repeated still a bit shocked. I remembered my question. "Hey where's Mr.Hartman?" I asked. James groaned. I immediately was struck with anxiety. "Piper, he's.......gone." James finished rubbing the bridge of his nose with his thumb and forefinger. "What do you mean gone!?" I asked even more panicked. "He's dead. Piper, he killed himself at 12 am on the day you were supposed to be dead." James explained still massaging his nose. It felt as though I had been punched in the stomach. My heart dropped, along with my jaw. Tears instantly started streaming, non stop down my cheeks. "James, you can't be serious!" I begged him. "I'm so sorry Piper." He tried to comfort me. He enveloped me in a hug. The doctor came in shortly after to tell me the damage and examine me. I would be okay. They were keeping me for another 5 days for observation. I guess I got lucky, only my right leg was paralyzed. How this happened is beyond me. As for the damage in my side/stomach, I would need to be checked twice a month to make sure nothing happened to the organs around the bullet wound. There was a scar in my side and stomach marking and exit and enter hole. There was another on my back, which was still healing. The doctor left. I was still crying. I just wanted to be left alone. James must have sensed this. He got up kissed me on the forehead and left. I slept most of that day. The next day the doctor examined me again, I was doing well but would be extremely sore for the next day or so. James did not come to see me that day. I was very bored. There was nothing exciting. The walls were white, there was one window letting me peek out onto the gray overcast sky. I needed to get out. I kept having to remind myself that I'm only for a few days. I probably would have gone mad. The next day I was very sore. The doctor came in early and cleared move. I sat up and regrets it. My whole body felt like it was dead. James came in a bit later. "How do ya feel?" He asked as he entered my dull room. "Like I got hit by a bus." I replied flopping back dramatically on the bed, and wincing as I did. "Well someone's full of sunshine today!" James jeered sarcastically. "I'm sorry I woke up in a hospital shot with a loved one dead." I barked back at him. If looks could kill he would be dead. "Woha, bad choice, sorry Piper." He blushed looking at his shoes. I smirked at his embarrassment. There was a silence. But to my surprise not awkward. "Hey two questions." I told him. "Mmhmm." James answered nodding. "One, how old am I?" I asked. He said almost a year so I was curious. "16." James replied simply. "Okay, and why didn't you visit yesturday?" I questioned. "About that." James answered rubbing his arm. "What is that?" I gestured to his arm. "What are you doing?" I interrogated. "Sorry I just feel bad for not showing up." He confessed. "James I'm not mad. I just want to know why." I answered sweetly. "Right." He stared again. "Well I was helping my mom at work." He said not getting out the whole story. His mom I had found was a florist. "She said I had to work for her for a day to earn these." He said pulling out a beautiful bouquet. It was daffodils. Which are my absolute favorite. "James these are beautiful!" I exclaimed sniffing in their sweet sent. "I thought you would like them." He said smiling. "I figured this aweful room was getting you down." He told me chuckling. "You were right." I confessed making a face. The doctor came in shortly after this and asked about any pain. I told him I was sore. He examined me and gave me some amped up Tylenol. I must have fallen asleep. When I woke up James was gone and it was the crack of dawn. I was less sore and felt considerably better. James visited me. I only had 1 more day in here before I could leave. The doctor came in and gave me more Tylenol and I drifted off to sleep after a very uneventful day. The next day I was released early in the morning. The Meers came to get me out. James helped me to the elevator, that went down to the lobby. Before I left I was sized for permanent crutches. They were back with turquoise cuffs that when around my upper arm. The handles that stuck out from the sides were also turquoise. They were nice. I put them on and tried to walk. It was difficult. But they were my new reality, and I would I have to get used to them. I walked out of the hospital and was barely on the street when I was blinded by millions of flashing lights.

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