Chapter Two

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"Ingrid, whose car is that at the front?" Emma politely asked, she needed to tread lightly here if she wanted to avoid Ingrids fury.
No reply, she could however, here the voices of two women in the kitchen.  Who the hell is here? Emma thought.

She quietly made her way to the door, gently knocking before hearing "come in".
She opened the door and stopped gobsmacked, sat in her scruffy foster home, on the wonky second hand table chair was Miss Mills, she definitely classed the place up but it didn't stop the embarrassment Emma felt from the revealed truth that she was living in a foster home. She had always managed to keep it quiet, not telling people was the only way she felt comfortable around people. She frowned, angry that this woman would go this far to piss her off.

"Emma, get your fat ass sat down! Don't be so rude" Ingrid shouted loudly, startling both Emma and Miss Mills.

Emma stumbled straight way to make her way to the table, fumbling to sit down and not anger Ingrid. She could feel the gaze of Miss Mills pointedly looking at her and began to blush. 

"So as I was saying, Emma is going to be with me after class, to help me tutor other children." Miss Mills continued.
Emma whipped her head up, what was she talking about, Emma hadn't agreed nor been aware of that. Then it hit her Miss Mills was making a cover story for her.
"Well I can't say I'm happy, Emma picks her foster siblings up from school for me, I can't possibly do it!"
"Emma could still do that, I just need her after around 4:30 till 6:30. Surely you can manage your foster children for two hours?" Miss Mills replied, dazzling both Emma and Ingrid with a kind smile, that showed her white perfect teeth.

"Sure, do you wanna go now with her?" 

"Yes, come on Miss Swan. Let's go" Miss Mills stood up declaring they both were leaving apparently! Emma followed, until they were making their way to the door and Henry grabbed her hand.
She crouched down and gave him a hug, noticing Peter, Elsa and Anna all stood on the stairs with sad looks upon their faces.

"Kid I've got to go back to school, but I'll be back soon! You won't even realise I'm gone" Emma tried to comfort him, soothing her hand down his back and listening to his little sobs.

She soon pulled away out of Henry's grasp, she waved to her foster siblings and opened the door indicating to Miss Mills they needed to leave. And they did.

Miss Mills opened the passenger door for Emma and moved around the back of the car to get in to the drivers seat! Once both were settled in, Emma couldn't help but look around with wide eyes, gee how much did this thing cost, well if the sleek leather seat, heating, glazed windows and cup holders were any indication then very expensive.

"So you was the owner of the posh car?" Emma couldn't help but mention. 

"Yes I am, now seatbelt on and let's go" 

Emma put her seatbelt on and soon they were driving in silence. Emma wanted to speak say something but she was embarrassed and frustrated that Miss Mills had seen where she came from and Emma felt too vulnerable in her current situation.   

"I assume the little brunette boy is your sibling?" Miss Mills stated into the silence of the car.


"He seems very attached to you"

"Yeah" Emma repeated. She wasn't in the mood to talk, even more so about her home life.

"He's very cute."

"Yeah" Emma huffed

Neither knew what to say and it seemed Emma didn't want to speak about anything revolving her self.

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