Chapter Twenty-Seven

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A/N-And I'm back, sorry for being away so long from writing in apologies here's some smut from our two fav ladies. In response to that warning SMUT/ sexual intimacy.

Emma hadn't moved, hadn't open her eyes or even thought about replying to her phone that would ping every so often. The blond laid on her bed, her mind focused on the day and the toll it had took out of her, Regina had once again managed to piss her off, managed to break her trust and prove her right. Right that no one really understand Emma, it was all a lie and it always would be.

Emma heard the echo of footsteps coming up the stairs, immediately becoming alert. Emma huffed, years of foster care would do that to a person.

A loud knock at the door pulled Emma out of her head, MM appeared through the door, a smile delicately settled on her face.

"It's 7pm sweetheart!" MM spoke softly.

Emma frowned, had the day really made her forget something that clearly her foster Mother hadn't. MM's smile faded when peering at the younger woman.

"You have a tutor lesson with Regina." At those words Emma's frowned deepened, her mouth begging to open to oppose the news her Foster Mother had brought. However MM raised her hand fluently in sign for Emma to be quiet.

"Just because you were excluded from school doesn't mean David and I will allow you to fall behind and be at a bigger disadvantage to your peers Emma" 

It was fair, Emma couldn't deny, and it made sense but facing Regina wasn't something that she could bear with. Emma looked back to MM and within seconds it was clear the young blond was not going to be getting out of spending her evening at the teacher's house. Emma huffed loudly in protest but it was clear to both women Emma would be going to Regina's house.

Emma pulled herself from her bed and followed MM down the grand staircase, her feet felt heavier almost as if her body was protesting as much as her mind. The huge mirror that hung in the hallway met Emma's peripheral vision and she vainly began to check herself out, wanting to feel more attractive for her impending meeting with Regina. Suddenly it occurred to Emma , did Regina know Emma was arriving in mere minutes, mere seconds. 

"Right I'm going, see ya." It was a blunt statement that both foster parents had heard. But neither knew how to reply, MM and David instead offered the blond a warm embrace and a gently push out the door. 

It was too quiet, Emma thought, as she made her way around her front garden to the teachers.

After Emma had knocked, time felt like it had been slowed. it had felt like forever, Emma had almost began to turn on her heel when the teacher appeared in her angelic way that was always over stimulating for the growing teen.

Words weren't exchanged, however Emma made a point to shove past the brunette catching her body with her own. It tingled and Emma had almost regretted the decision. Almost.

Regina followed the blond girl who oozed with confidence and passive aggressiveness, which intrigued Regina. The au pair ended up in the sitting room, simultaneously glancing at each other, but both to stubborn to speak first.

It had to end eventually and it was the teacher who took that step.

"Swan, Let's get straight to work, and not waste anymore time, hm?"

The blond rolled her eyes, shrugging. Almost purposefully acting like a child.

"Miss Swan, it's your education. And I really do despise it when you act like an insubordinate little child." Regina pushed, the silent treatment was thoroughly angering her, and Emma had to fight the smile that threatened to appear on her face.

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