Chapter Ten

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Regina led the way, through her modern home, her curvy hips swaying captivating Emma in the process. It wasn't the first time Emma had been unable to tear her eyes away and it wouldn't be the last, just as Regina turned to glance at Emma, the forest captivated eyes looked up, watching as Regina's lips curved into a smile.

Once in the living room, Regina sat atop her sofa her posture rim rod straight, reminding Emma of royalty, and patted the seat beside her.

"So what are you teaching me today?" Emma asked, sitting down and trying to lighten the thick tension she was feeling.

Regina scratched her head "I was thinking simple introductions into poetry."

"Poetry?" Emma grumbled, she had always found poetry completely insufferable and boring and Emma just couldn't stop the sigh of discontent that left her lips.

"Yes, Poetry. Despite your obvious dislike for it, I think it would be really important for you to catch up." Regina raised her eyebrow, looking at Emma's face which showed obvious distain.

"Okay.. Fine." Emma agreed, sitting back on the sofa, trying to make more space between herself and Regina.

Regina stood up, searching for a book from her glorious bookshelf which was completely filled with various books, Regina's long slender fingers glazed over many books, until her hand stopped and she pulled out a small flimsy book, it looked as though it was falling apart as if it had been read multiple times over the years. Regina swiftly walked back over to Emma, handing her the worn book.

Emma couldn't help but laugh as she read the title, "The best love poems of the 19th century?"

"Yes Emma, love poems are more expressive and are much easier to analyze and read." Regina informed, sitting down she continued, "Turn to page 68."

Emma did as she was told and turned to page 68, and began to read the poem in front of her.

Consider your many years,
Now let them fall irrelevant.
Make me the only colour you see,
Your one distraction.
Tremble and shake when I touch you.
Feel your ears ringing,
And your stomach churning,
As you stumble in my wake.
Your eyes burn with the sight of me,
And your heart races when I am close.
When you lay down to sleep,
May lust keep you awake.
I wish to haunt your every thought,
Only to see the guilt leave you through a smile,
The moment I say hello

Emma looked up, the poem some how felt like it was her own words, her cheeks reddened at the words that felt so connected to her own precise feelings.

"What do you think the poem's message is?" Regina asked, in her teacher like tone.

"It sounds like," Emma coughed she felt embarrassed but continued, "Like a forbidden love to me, the poet wants the person they love to reciprocate those feelings that are similar to their own, in fact the poet sounds wishful to me."

"I think that's exactly what the poem in conversing." Regina agreed, watching Emma's green eyes purposefully avoid her own brown swirls of chocolate colored eyes.

"What do you think of the poem?" Regina said, a small tremble in her throat.

"It's nice, painfully understandable but nice." Emma admitted, looking at Regina who was staring intently at her.

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