Chapter Five

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Emma watched Miss Mills sat at her desk, her head laid in her hands, covering her face. Emma knew she wasn't upset in fact she quickly assumed it must be a headache, from the way her teacher would move her fingers to the temple and massage in soothing circles before once again resting her head. The motion had reminded Emma of the way Miss Mills hands had been delicately placed on her body earlier on, and she reddened just thinking about it.

"So Killian Jones is your boyfriend?" Miss Mills questioned, still remaining with her eyes closed and fingers soothing her temple.

"Ha, No he's definitely not my boyfriend." Emma scoffed.

"So you always make a habit of canoodling in the corridors upon your teachers doors then?"

"Canoodling, who says that?" Emma laughed.

"People who have manners for starters" Miss Mills replied seriously, however Emma could see the small slice of humor in her teachers feminine features and husky voice. 

Miss Mills eventually looked up, opening her eyes and focusing on Emma's face, immediately noticing the sickly large bruise which surrounded Emma's unique eyes, she had failed to notice before due to the kissing commotion, Miss Mills quickly tried to school her features to hide her shock and concern.

"Miss Swan, How in the small time we've spent apart have you managed to cause such a disastrously prominent bruise to appear on your face? And don't deny it dear because you did not have it earlier, I'm very observant." Miss Mills queried concernedly.

"I'm a clumsy person Miss Mills, and I fell down the stairs." Emma hummed.

"Have you had it checked out by anyone, other than yourself?"

"No, but it's fine, I'm used to it." Emma huffed.

Miss Mills stood and walked to the storage cupboard, if you could call it that because it was a large room at the back of the class, that was entered into by a old wooden door, a few minutes later and Emma's teacher reappeared with a white first aid box, she made her way over to Emma, pulling another's desks chair as she did and then stopping to pull the desk away from Emma's front side before replacing it with her stolen chair. 

Miss Mills then attractively, Emma noted, sat down crossing her legs in a very lady like way next to Emma's right side of her right leg.  She began to empty the contents on the first aid kit and found some aspirin, reusable Ice pack, numbing cream and a variety of more surgical aid, which didn't as of yet seem necessary. 

"May I?! Miss Mills politely asked, indicating to Emma swollen bruised eye.

Emma nodded her consent and Miss Mill immediately got to work as though she feared Emma would change her mind at any given second. Miss Mills firstly smoothened Emma's hair behind her ear, smirking as she watched Emma's eyes wonder everywhere beside the teachers face. Once the blond locks were out of the way, Miss Mills softly brought her hand towards Emma face pressing ever so slightly down to wage the reaction of the pain, she noticed Emma wince but too stubborn to say anything about it. So she kindly offered two Aspirins which Emma greedily snatched, gulping them down without any sort of liquid, Miss Mills wanted to comment as if concerned about the furiosity of which her student had snatched medicine but didn't want to cross the huge lines that led to Emma. 

Miss Mills then applied the Ice pack after she had gently rubbed in the numbing cream around the bruise. Emma eventually put her own hand over Miss Mills, mumbling she could hold the ice pack herself and allowing Miss Mills hand to slip away, however the teacher lingered as if she wanted to hold it for Emma but at the last minute pulled her hand away. 

"So you never did tell me why you was kissing Killian Jones on my door?" Miss Mills once again queried.  Emma felt Miss Mills leg accidently touch on her own, and felt the electric current pass through her whole leg, so she shyly moved it out of reach.

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