Chapter Eleven

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Emma sat out on the balcony of the house, the dull throb of boredom giving her headache however her lack of motivation to do anything about it made her continue to sit feeling angry as well as the constant swirl of emotions making her both mentally and physically exhausted. Emma missed Henry, just the thought of him caused her throat to constrict and with each passing day Emma grew more relentless with the time apart. It had been two weeks since Regina's personality transplant, MM and David completely unaware her teacher had blew her off and so each time it came to her scheduled tutor time Emma would leave the house, lying through her teeth as she did and walked around the block until finally it reached late enough for Emma to return. Despite her foster parents keen interest they easily gobbled up the lies Emma told them about her 'progressive tutoring' sessions.

Every time her supposedly tutor lesson should have been happening Emma wanted to march around, bang on the door and demand what was going on, but Emma's overbearing stubbornness always prevented her from doing so. 

It was 4:30pm on a basic Sunday, the winter chill furiously shaking the outside trees and causing goosebumps to rise on Emma's thin arms. Out on the balcony was Emma's newly discovered place, not only could she clear her active head but she had a great view, specifically of Regina's front yard and house entrance, even though she wouldn't admit it.

Quick taps on the door captured Emma's attention, "Yeah?" Emma spoke, unmoving from her bedroom balcony.

"Can I come in Em?" David politely asked, patiently waiting for Emma's go ahead.

"Yeah, come on in." Emma remained in her seat, however slightly turning her head to watch David enter her room with a large grin on his face.

"Good evening Emma, I just thought I'd let you know that me and Mary-Margaret are going out tonight for a few hours and so you'll be in on your own." He nervously smiled, the comment sounded more like a question.

"You want my permission?" Emma rolled her eyes, hiding a small smile as she did so.

"Yes. No, not really, We'll be sure to regularly check in on you, but we just wanted to let you know that we trust you." He smiled, joining Emma on the balcony.

"Okay, see you later David." Emma nodded, not really knowing what to say.

She felt David's form hoovering, so she turned her attention, shrugging to ask him what he wanted, David hesitated stepped closer, kissing Emma softly on top of her head, before he swiftly left. The calm action left a smile on Emma's face.

A few minutes later, her foster parents left, waving to the balcony as they drove away for their romantic candle lit dinner at a fancy restaurant, despite the excessive PDA Emma had to admit it was kind of sweet the way they cared for one another.

Emma continued to watch the view when Emma caught a glimpse of the brunette next door, Emma quickly ducked onto the floor, lying flat on her stomach. She peeped to look over the balcony to see if it was safe to come out. It wasn't. Regina appeared to be gardening domestically in a cliché Sunday stereotype, not only was Regina's boring gardening disturbing her careless balcony therapy but it was plaguing her thoughts.  Emma bolted into action, the causal gardening as if she hadn't ignored Emma finally pushing her off the edge. Emma sprinted down the stairs, phone in hand and playlist ready, she connected to the extremely loud stereo speakers which literally blasted music down the entire street.

Marilyn Manson's- The Beautiful people began to violently screech on the speakers, deafening the entire house. Emma who was now shaking her hips and banging her head to the music, intentionally hoping the music would piss off Regina and give her a headache Emma had been suffering from for two weeks as a result of her overthinking thanks to Regina. 

The blond had a white tank and short shorts on, showing of her muscular legs and thighs, as she danced around the front living room. Regina's annoyed face appeared at the windows, her knuckles rapidly knocking in a futile attempt to gain Emma's attention. Once Emma spotted her she waved and continued to dance, smirking as she did. 

The music cut off, Emma's attention turning to the speakers, shocking her system when Regina stood their with the plug between her hand, her jaw clenching together.

"What the hell are you doing?" Regina seethed angrily, Emma huffed walking to the front door of the house, with Regina hot on her heels.

Emma opened the door, her hand on her hip, tipping her head indicating for Regina to get out, Regina remained stood, clearly refusing to leave.

"Answer the damn question." Regina commanded.

"Oh so you want to fucking talk to me now." Emma laughed no hint of humor in her voice as she slammed the door shut.

Regina stammered, not expecting Emma to be so blunt.

"You practically through me out your house, refuse to tutor me and make no attempt to contact me, so what the hell are you doing in my house?" Emma bellowed, water finally poring over the edge.

Regina looked down, seemingly disappointed in herself, "I'm sorry about that but I've had a lot on."

"What?" Emma interrogated, it was time the shoe was on the other foot, Emma thought. The question caught her teacher off guard and she turned her head.

"I've just had a lot on my mind, things I don't deem appropriate to discuss with my student because that is all you are Miss Swan." Regina snapped.

The word student felt like an unnecessary stab to the back in Emma's opinion, and Emma frowned feeling physically sick at the reminder that she stood no chance with the brunette. 

"Ah I get it now, I completely understand, as my teacher I suggest you get the fuck out your students house." Emma shouted, once again opening the door for her teacher to leave.

Regina stomped forward, pushing past Emma and slamming the door shut, she walked up to Emma who flinched a reminder to both women of the terrible trauma Emma had received. As Regina got closer to Emma, she softened her approach, Emma stepped back hitting the wall, Regina still closing in on her, hesitating before taking the last step and putting her hands on the wall beside Emma. 

Emma began to panic, despite trusting this woman her darkened past instilled fear in her a sob escaping her lips. Regina removed her hands from the wall however remaining close to Emma's body.

"I'm sorry Emma, I I didn't mean that." Regina sighed, rubbing her eyes.

Emma surged forward, pushing Regina back and away from her.

"You don't get to do that tell me I'm just your student then apologize. What do you want from me. God damnit!" Emma bellowed this time causing Regina to flinch and her students anger she had caused.

"I don't know." Regina admitted quietly.

Emma stepped closer, her front half moving forward, leaning slowly towards Regina, her lips met near Regina's ear.

"Let me know when you do, because I'm not wasting anymore thoughts on you."

Emma moved away and for the third time, opening up the door, grabbing Regina by the wrist to pull her out. This time Regina didn't resist, she took a deep breath and walked through the door, and down the drive, glancing at Emma before she completely disappeared from Emma's peripheral vision.

The door shut, and despite the ominous, unknown future of the pair, Emma felt lighter with her anger off her chest and known to Regina. 

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