Chapter Twenty-six

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MM and David sat patiently in the living room, gently grasping onto one another's hand. The unspoken nervousness rested in their bodies, both unsure how to deal with the grump teenager who would be slamming into the front door any moment. Principle Gold had informed them that Emma had decided to take expulsion over dealing with the consequences of her actions. The pair were mutually disappointed and shocked because they were so sure Emma was on the road to the right path.

David began to open his mouth, when Emma, just like they had thought, slammed in through the door. What they hadn't expected was to see Emma with tears streaming down her face, her breathing more so hyperventilating and how the blond teen clutched herself as if she was trying to comfort herself.

"I I I am, s sorry" The words sprung the parents into action, they catapulted Emma into a joint hug and held her. For now Emma needed to know she was safe regardless of the trouble she was in.

It lasted a long time, or so Emma thought. And when the crying and deep breathing had finally subsided Emma suddenly felt beyond uncomfortable with the physical touch she was receiving so she gently pulled herself away. MM took the lead walking through the large house into the sitting room. Once all three were sat, MM raised a gentle eyebrow hoping this would prompt the teen to tell them what happened. But it didn't.

"What's my punishment?" Emma didn't miss a beat, she knew both bad and good parents still had he same urge to punish the bad behaviours their kids did.

"Punish you for what exactly Emma, people don't just do bad things for no reason." David bargained, an easy smile on his face.

This time Emma was shocked, and confused, why wouldn't they just punish her, she'd hit a teacher.

Emma huffed, "I punched Mr Glass." When neither of her foster parents made any indication to say anything, she continued-
"I can deal with all the bullshit aimed at me, the taunts, the remarks. But I won't tolerate it about my stupid orphan status. Because Henry is one too."

MM's eyes began to swell up with tears. And with a glance to her husband she knew that Emma needed love not anger this time. She gently moved over to Emma trying to still maintain a foot between them, and simply opened her arms, patiently.

Emma looked startled, scared. She'd been tricked before, convinced, betrayed and hurt. Emma's chest pounded deeper and she felt stupid, she knew this woman. The broken teen warily fell into her foster mothers arms, it was safe. Even if the teen was tight and jittery it was a step, and for that MM quietly let the tears fall from her eyes, never letting the young girl know.

. . .

Dinner felt like it went on for hours, Emma shuffled on the wooden chair as she spun her empty plate in a small circle. Her foster parents was aware however choose to keep Emma close in a slight version of punishment for the school incident.

Emma sighed, it was strange how she'd never had a proper family and she felt more free than now, she didn't know how to explain it but sometimes safe felt like imprisoned.
Emma huffed louder.
Another sigh. A scrape with a fork meeting the plate.

Another 20 minutes passed.
Emma counted '789... 790...791'

"Emma!" MM interrupted Emma's bored head counting, the blonds head whipped to MM.

"You can go to your room if you want?" David softly spoke, a kind smile settled on his face.

"Thank you," Emma smiled already moving away from the table, she stopped, turned, "I am sorry for today, I'll get better."

The blond whizzed back round, jogging round the corner and up the wide staircase.

The husband and wife simply smiled at one another, happy and proud of their daughter.

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