Chapter Six

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It was Saturday afternoon, Emma and Bell were stood outside the movies, waiting for their tickets to watch the newest horror film available. It was Belle's idea to go to the cinema and after a long week of detention, Miss Mills and her awful foster Mother, Emma had agreed to go. Whilst out Emma always felt safer and freer than she ever did at home, she worried about Henry and her foster siblings but knew that Ingrid usually left them alone in the house, they were sensible kids and Emma knew they would be fine.

The queue moved up slightly, and Emma noticed Belle watching her. She laughed.

"Belle, what's up?" Emma asked kindly.

"I heard about you getting caught kissing Killian, I didn't realize your bi." 

"I'm not bisexual, I just wanted to piss off Miss Mills. I don't even like Killian, I just wanted to get caught kissing someone, you know how teachers get about PDA." Emma admitted truthfully.

"If you wanted to kiss someone you could have used me." Belle replied.

Emma whipped her head up, questioning that Belle was insinuating she'd like to kiss her.

"I I mean its just not fair to Killian is it? He probably thinks you like him now."

Oh. Emma hadn't really thought about that in fact she had only been thinking about how to annoy Regina. 

"Well next time, I'll keep you mind then. " Emma and Belle laughed.

It was 6:30 when Emma and Belle came out of the cinema. And not wanting Belle to have to walk home alone in the dark, Emma insisted she walked her home. 

"I had a really nice night tonight Em" Belle spoke, as she gently clung to her thin jacket. 

"Me too, so thank you" Emma Smiled. They continued to walk, occasionally brushing hands, and smiling at one another.

Belle's house was a moderately large cottage, with a large garden filled with blooming flowers and trees that portrayed the essence of spring. The paved walkway to Belle's wooden blue door was lit up by white fairy lights that hung on the trees that sat along the path.

"Wow Belle, your garden is literally a Disney movie" Emma spoke in awe.

"You haven't ever been in my garden at night so I guess you wouldn't know I'm a princess" Belle laughed as she watched Emma unabashedly stare at her garden.

"How long have you been keeping this broom in the closet?"

"Emma swan I'm a princess not a witch" Belle joked.

As they continued walking to the door, Emma awkwardly followed unsure of whether she should just say bye, something about walking Belle to her door seemed inappropriately intimate. Emma shook her head, she was being silly, Belle was her friend.

At the door, Belle stood facing Emma, her petite hand on the door handle and her other hand tucking hair behind her ear.

"Thanks for coming with me tonight Em" Belle finally cooed. 

Before Emma could reply Belle had swiftly moved her hands to hold Emma face and gently pulled their lips to meet. Emma stood, eyes open, arms limp to the side and lips unmoving, she saw Belle's soft pale face, with her eyes closed and for once in her life she felt wanted by someone. Emma slowly lifted her jelly like arms and moved them to Belle's narrow hips  with the intention to push her away but instead she felt her self drawing Belle closer to her body as she did this Emma closed her eyes, enjoying the moment which she knew later on she would regret. Their lips began to move in a synced rhythm, occasionally with a slip of tongue. It was a frantic kiss, that left Belle tingling. It was only when Belle moaned that Emma pulled back with the image of Ruby in her head. She wiped her lips and stepped back out of Belle's reach.

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