Chapter Three

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"I do not have a crush on my teacher!" Emma bellowed over Ruby's loud laughter.
Ruby quietened and peered softly at her, before she broke out into a mischievous grin.
"Em, I never said you had a crush, I asked if you fancy her" Ruby managed to chuckle out.

"Yeah same thing. I don't fancy her neither"

"Rightttttt.. Em you just fangirled over her" Ruby drawled out.

"When the fuck did I do that?" Emma shrieked
Granny who was over listening had heard the girls and decided to put a stop before this humorously escalated.
"Girls, stop with that bad mouth language, hm! And gowon get to bed now, it's getting late"

" Granny it's 8:25" Ruby reminded looking at her watch.

"Yeah, gowon get out my sight, I love you girls" granny solemnly replied, before giving each girl a loving hug and a motherly kiss to the head then sending them upstairs.

Emma and Ruby quietly got changed, facing away from one another, into the pjs that Granny had left out neatly on each bed for both girls, they continued to ignore each other until both were laid in bed.

"Okay so maybe I think she's attractive, it isn't a crime" Emma eventually spoke into the darkness.

"She finally admits it! And yeah I know it's not a crime Em, it's just funny considering you hate all teachers" Ruby gently informed.

"Not all teachers" Emma admitted

"That's all the proof I need" mumbled Ruby before gently falling into a deep sleep of relaxation and dreams.

Emma unable to fall asleep quickly anymore, after the trauma and nightmares she consequently receives due to the likes of people like Ingrid who didn't care about being a foster mother, only the money that came with it. She laid wide awake partly because her bruised ribs were soaring in agony or because she couldn't stop thinking about Miss Mills.

Streams of bright sunlight shone through the curtains in Ruby's bedroom, Emma twisted trying to escape the light however she was thundered directly in the face by a soft puffy pillow.
"Ughhhh" Emma moaned, lifting the covers from her face and opening one eye to see who needed to be destroyed for waking her up.

"Ruby you're a god damn annoying fucking bitch"

"And your gonna make me late, so get ya ass up" Ruby slapped Emma's ass in hopes of making her suddenly gain a brain. However she hadn't realized Emma was hurt and was Witness to a painful groan that unleashed from Emma. 

"What the hell happened?" Ruby questioned, automatically lifting Emma's top up and searching for marks, this time she was gifted to a glorious hateful bruise, a mixture of black, purple and yellow and largely covered a oversized portion of Emma's ribs. 

" I'm okay." Emma Lied

"No your not, how long?"

"A few days" Emma admitted pulling her top back down.

"Which fucker did that, this time" Ruby demanded pointing down at the bruise.

"The boyfriend" Emma spoke

Ruby kissed Emma on the head and quickly gathered new cleans clothes from her wardrobe to give to Emma, Ruby's slag tactic dress code, which Emma called it, was clearly apart of the clothes chosen for Emma
Skin tight black leather jeans, a red tank top and a black cardigan to go over it, the shoes given were Doc Martins a pair which Ruby specifically bought for Emma but didn't want to tell her as Emma often felt guilty.
Once both were dressed and groomed they greeted Granny, stole some breakfast, quickly gathered their school equipment, a plastic bag in Emma's case and hopped in Ruby's rusty car to make their way to school.

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