Chapter Fifteen

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Heated tension filled the car as Emma watched the world drive by, she could still feel the essence of Regina on her lips and the unenvying feeling like she was going to combust of disbelief. Emma turned to look at Regina, the women beside her, intently focused while she was driving, her eyes never leaving the road and her body rim rod straight.

"What are you staring at Emma?" Regina smiled, her eyes still glued to the road in front of them.

Emma continued to stare at Regina, "You." Emma mumbled, feeling completely memorized by her.

"Don't you know it's rude to stare." Regina laughed, and for the first time turning her head to meet the younger blonds ever lasting stare.

"Your just so beautiful, I think it would be a crime not to." 

"Flattery will get you nowhere." Regina mumbled, as though she was trying to chaste herself.

"It got me a kiss." Emma argued, reaching for her teachers hand, before she stopped and placed her hand back on her lap. Emma suddenly felt silly, they had kissed. That was it, that didn't mean Regina wanted to be with her. In fact she certainly wouldn't, after all Emma was just a foster kid who happened to be her student. 

"No our tearing of each other's throats got you a kiss."

Emma didn't reply, instead she chose to look away from the brunette and instead focused on the trees passing by. Every few seconds she could feel the older woman glance from beside her but neither made any attempts to break the thick silence. It wasn't long until they pulled up into Regina's driveway. 

The pair remained seated in the car, the adrenalin from the kiss long gone and instead it left two blubbering idiots both two stubborn to bring up their new founded feelings.

Regina sighed, "Emma, I'm sorry but the kiss, the kiss well that was just a spur in the moment accident. I am your teacher and nothing can happen between us. I truly am sorry dear that I gave you the wrong impression. I shouldn't of allowed this situation to get so out of control"

Emma rolled her eyes, furious at the nerve of the woman beside her. She could hardly stand to be around the infuriating woman any longer.  Emma got out the car, slamming the door shut so violently the noise echoed down the painfully quiet suburban street. She walked out around the front of the street, entering her own driveway as Regina climbed out the car and walked to the gate that now stood between the pair.

Regina held her hands on the gate, drawing Emma to her.

"Emma." Regina hummed softly, Emma's heart thudded but when Regina made no attempts to continue the conversation. Emma scoffed.

"Don't worry Miss Mills, I lied about the poem. The only thing I feel towards you is anger." Emma seethed through the gates, the harsh words causing Regina to visibly startle.

Emma turned her head not wanting Regina to see how upset she truly was, and walked up the porch, tears slowly seeping from her eyes as she opened the door. Once inside she ran up the stairs, ignoring MM and David as they appeared from the living room their faces full of concern at seeing Emma's now uncontrollable sob.

In her room, Emma continued to wail at her own stupidity. She couldn't believe how she had let Regina break down all her walls to see her so vulnerable. 

A short time later, Emma resided on her bed, tightly clutching her tear soaked pillow, when the door slowly opened. Emma made no movement to raise her head or attempt to speak refusal to the newcomer in her room. The bed sunk below her and a large gentle hand stroked her head until finally Emma lifted her head and reached for David, they met in a coddle like position.

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