Chapter Twenty Eight

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Emma laid awake, her eyes etching every part of the bumpy twirls that was her ceiling design, yet her mind like every night this week was another place all together. Regina Mills, they had kissed, they had confessed to having very muchly so inappropriate feeling. Emma pouted. Maybe she was now panicking, now realising that Regina didn't just want a fuck buddy, this had been originally what Emma thought she'd simply wanted too. But now she was here, in a secret affair with her fucking English teacher. 

Her English teacher who also happened to know about her extremely shitty ex house situation, Henry (well at least a little about Henry) her issues. so Yes maybe Emma was feeling insecure, and deep down she knew this was bound to happen, they had played this constant challenge nose to nose game and now Emma had thrived in the chaos but now she was supposed to what, be in a relationship and allow a woman whom didn't truly know Emma to have that type of access. 

The self doubt was tiresome. Emma tossed and turned, she lifted her head, glancing at the alarm clock. It read 3.00AM and Emma huffed it was always this time. How consistent' Emma bitterly thought to herself. Her mind wondered and suddenly she was thinking about the brunette who normally showed up in her dreams, and at least then she was well rested. 

Emma tiptoed to the window, she was beyond lucky, from her window balcony she was faced opposite to Regina's house, even though Regina's bedroom was at the front of the house she had instead the side view she could still look and wonder about her technically technically not yet girlfriend.

A light flipped on, catching Emma's attention. Huh so maybe Emma wasn't the only one loosing sleep tonight. Emma gently sprinted back to her bed, grabbing her phone and finding R in her contacts. 

Emma paused, E- So you're awake too

It wasn't long until her phone pinged back.

R- Yes Miss Swan, May I add it's borderline strange that you know that though. 

E- I happened to be looking out my window when I say your light on actually

R- Ah, Can you not sleep?

E- I don't think I'd be writing this if I could sleep Regina!

R- Hm so you're even more snarky when tired then

E- Maybe I just need someone to tire me out

R- Miss Swan I'd offer to help but based on the way you normally yawn when I tutor you but I very much doubt you could handle it. 

E- Please your like 30, I doubt you'd keep up with me

R- 30? ouch you offend me Swan, I'm actually 26.

E- Oh so you might be able to keep up still.

Emma smirked, this was fun. Finally an enjoyable way to spend her sleepless night- Teasing Regina. Her phone pinged again.

R- Sneak out and I'll prove you wrong.

Emma sprung into action, switching her under garments to something less off to sleep and more attempting to look semi decent. Looking out the window again, Emma figured the best way to get to Regina's would be climbing through the window. she couldn't risk alerting MM and David so Emma swiftly opened the window door and began to descend down the balcony.

A/N- Hi everyone sorry it's such a short one, but just a little small chapter to help get me back into the swings of writing again. Much love- Hannah

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2023 ⏰

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