Chapter Twenty Two

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Emma walked determined, her eyes forward, music blasting in her ears and a will to get to her destination. The blonds hands were still shaky with nerves from her previous encounter with Regina, despite the excitement she couldn't help but feel a deep twist in her gut and a million doubts on her mind. It was risky, too risky and no matter how much she wanted the teacher she couldn't risk the impending repetitive manner of their relationship, which ultimately resulted in Emma being angry with Regina and her inability to commit.
But most truthfully Emma couldn't bare to have another piece broken as a result of trusting someone. It was just to risky!

While her mind was completely occupied, Emma had unconsciously arrived at her destination. The group was loud, obnoxiously so, and even though Emma adored them she also wanted to remain in her peaceful demeanour. Before she could turn around and leave, she heard a soft familiar yet fairly new voice speak.

"Emma!" Ariel declared, keen enthusiasm on her face. Emma returned the smile, happy to see the beautiful red head. Walking over and removing her head phones, she could feel every single pair of eyes on her.

"Ems, nice to finally see you.. Took you long enough eh." Ruby laughed, her eyes peering closely at Emma, like she knew something was going on with the blonde.

Emma huffed jokingly, "Some of us actually shower Rubes."

The dramatic leggy brunette put a hand to her chest and faked sadness at the remark, Belle whom sat in between Ruby's lean legs just smiled at the girls banter.

Emma joined the ever growing circle that the group had made on the floor, Ariel sat close to her, the growing teens shared cheap beer that had clearly been stolen from each members parents locked wine cabinet along with the pile of cigarettes that were placed in the middle of the circle for anyone to grab if needed, every so often Emma would catch the girl sat close next to her bluntly staring at herself until Emma would turn her head towards the red head and enjoy the power that came every time Ariel blushed scarlet red from being caught.

Hours had passed and the teens started to excuse theirselves one by one until all that remained was Ruby, Ariel, Belle and Emma Swan, herself.

"Hm lets mix this up a bit, shwall weeeee?" Ruby slurred, obviously tipsy and giddy from the alcohol previously shared.

Emma rolled her eyes at the antics but nodded her head in agreement, "Okay any suggestions then?"

Ruby smiled mischievously "let's play truth or dare?"

"Pardon my lack of knowledge but which one is this game again?" Belle there everlasting innocent one politely questioned outloud.

Whilst Ruby drunkly explained the simple rules that were truth and dare, Emma pulled out her phone and began to wonder if she should email the brunette that was on her mind. However the trance was broken when Belle had declared she now understood how to play.

"Ariel, let's start with you as your the newest." Ruby smiled.

Ariel gulped by feigned confidence "okay, give me all you got Ruby, I'm going for truth"

Ruby paused for a minute until the lightbulb clicked and she was opening her mouth, "Got your eye on anyone from school yet?"

"I, I do. Yeah" Ariel stammered sweetly.

"Ooh who?" Belle questioned her curiosity peaked at the answer given.

"That wasn't the question!" Ariel pointed out and to the groups disappointment the game continued.

"Emma, Truth or Dare?" Ruby taking charge again asked loudly.

Ever the daredevil Emma went with her gut, "Dare. Always.."

An evil smirk crossed Ruby's face and Emma felt her pulse quicken and the type of dare Emma knew Ruby would come up with.

" Emma I dare you to egg Miss Mills window?"

Both Ariel and Bella gasped at the prospect of egging someones house, let lone a teachers.
A determined mind set instantly overtly became Emma's mind frame and she stood abruptly, before the group followed her home. Emma couldn't help but think that this was the perfect opportunity to get back at Regina even though she had easily forgiven her.

Eggs were stolen from Emma's house, oblivious to MM and David who sat snuggled up to each other on the sofa watching a clearly romantic cheesy film.

All girls hid behind the large manicured hedges of Regina's mansion like home. Psyching herself up Emma jumped the fence of the teachers garden and opened the eggs, perfecting her aim and ensuring a tight grip, she harshly pulled back her arm and released the egg in her hand! Bullseye the egg smashed against the window.
Another one flew at the window again and again until a bright light turned on and Emma was sprinting to the gate and jumping.

The door slammed wide open just as Emma hit the floor, bent down hiding out of sight with the others.

Emma peered over the hedge, taking in the perfect body infront of her.

The teacher huffed looking at her egged windows, shocking the teens when she shrugged and walked back inside her house.

"well that wasn't the reaction i was expecting" Ruby huffed, annoyed that she hadn't got to see her teacher shout about in the street!

"Well that sucked balls, didn't it?" emma agreed as well.

It was 11pm when the teens finally parted ways, Ariel tightly hugging onto Emma before she left.

Exhaustion quickly took over Emma'a body when she got home and she soon found herself upstairs asleep and immersed in her duvet.

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