Chapter Twenty

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The Warm sun was beginning to settle down and in it's absence, a pale glow shone over the High school, it felt comforting. A long day of sun and blue clear skies always seemed to bring out the best in people, and the same could be said for Emma. A lighter shade of blond could be seen on the curls that hung down Emma's muscular back, green eyes held a furious shine in them and Emma's pale skin complexion shimmered with the sun. Not only was their physical changes that could be spotted under careful attention but mental changes that what not so easily seen to the regular surveying eye.

Emma could breathe in this weather, that's what it felt like at least. The air was fresher and kinder on her lungs and with the sun a dispense of stress was lifted from Emma. Stress that had built up over the harsh winter weathers and the colder than usual spring.

The grass had recently been cut, Emma noted as she trotted her way through the thousands of razor blade cuttings of grass, school got closer and closer until Emma reached the pavement and continued towards the school again. Just before she disappeared completely into school, the blonde stopped, gazed at the resting sun lowering down in the clear sky and inhaled. Another load of stress feeling as though it simply left as her lungs exhaled.

Detention was painfully boring for Emma, especially without the normal attention she usually had from the brunette. Whether it was negative or positive. She was frustratingly missing the longing glares they held, flirtatious words that held a shred of innocence and mesmerising figure which was Regina Mills. It was clear to Emma that Regina was trying to maintain the boundaries that she had asked from the younger girl, however the tense ache in her shoulders and visible disgruntled expression made it clear that she too was missing their normal interactions.

Emma felt her phone vibrate in her jean pocket, she quickly fished it out after checking that Regina wasn't looking at her. unlocking her phone it was a message from Ariel.

Hey Emma Swan, I just wanted to say thanks for showing me the ropes today and i can't wait to see you later- Ariel xx

Emma smiled at her phone, her heart thudding slightly faster at the prospect of meeting the beautiful red head later. 

"Miss Swan, your in detention. Put your phone away instead of smiling at it like an idiot." Regina harshly spoke, causing Emma to jump in surprise.

Emma furrowed her brows, it seemed that the teacher wasn't in the best mood today. Despite being told that she shouldn't be on her phone, Emma ignored her and texted Ariel back.

Hey little mermaid, don't worry about it. It was my pleasure, catch ya later xx

After sending the text, Emma shoved her phone back into her pocket before once again working on the homework she had been doing. The echoing of heels brought Emma out from her focus and when she looked up, Regina stood in front of her. One slim hand outreached towards Emma and the other resting on her curvy hip. Emma tilted her head in confusion.

"Phone now, I warned you to put it away." The outreached hand moved closer.

Emma huffed loudly, rolling her eyes at the pettiness of the brunette, she then once again reached in her pocket and handed over the phone. Their hands briefly touching causing both woman to gain tingles in their finger tips. 

Just as the phone was deposited into Regina's hand, the phone lit up and brown eyes fell to the notification. Emma saw the teacher's eyes squint with scrutiny and then a deeper frown forming on her face at whatever she had read on Emma's phone. The teacher then twisted furiously to a 180 degree turn and tauntingly walked back to her desk, the phone been placed next to the teacher's own phone.

"Someone's a popular girl today." Regina mumbled moodily, however Emma heard and looked at the woman.

"And what if I am?" Emma spoke, her voice challenging the brunette.

Regina gulped, not expecting to hear an answer to her remark, "It's just not appropriate to be using your phone in class."

Emma laughed callously, "You really need to stop using that word, its super fucking hypocritical."

"Language Miss Swan. I am your teacher." Regina yelled, standing up.

"Yes and don't we all know about it." 

"What does that even mean?" Regina huffed, her head shaking disapprovingly.

"It means that, that is all you go on about.  Appropriateness and oh I'm your teacher, blah blah blah." Emma now stood up, her temper rising with every word she spoke, " Get over yourself, YOU just made a childish remark, YOU offer me car rides and YOU flirted with me."

Regina opened her mouth, put the excuses which both expected to fall from the brunettes lips never came out. The brunette fell on her seat, her head leaning on her desk and Emma stood there not knowing what to do or say, hesitation was all Emma could feel but then she found herself moving to the teacher. She pulled the older woman up and hugged her, tension released from both women, deflating so quickly that both melted into the hug.

Regina moved her mouth to Emma's ear, "I've missed you." 

The words were a mere whisper and Emma's heart raced, before she pulled back and patted Regina's shoulder. she wasn't going to fall in this trap, she could never have Regina and she knew this because the teacher had made it so abundantly clear.

"I'm gonna go, have a nice evening." Emma declared, giving the teacher a shy smile, grabbing her phone from the desk, followed by her phone and then making a swift break for the door.

Emma had never left school quicker, the whole time worried that if she stopped Regina would come running up behind her like so many times before. And deep down Emma knew that she wouldn't mind one bit if that happened, she just didn't want the rejection that always followed the brunette teacher around. 

Emma then remembered her phone, and quickly grabbed it. It had been another message from Ariel.

Little mermaid? she's far too pretty for me to be called. Maybe we should call you Cinderella as you match her beauty xx

The message made Emma blush for two reasons; Ariel was clearly flirting with her and Regina Mills had seen the message and was without doubt completely jealous. Her recent behaviour had clearly justified it.

Emma walked her home, the words repeating in her head on a mantra.

Regina Mills is Jealous, Regina Mills is Jealous, Regina Mills is Jealous.

A/N- Hi everyone, sorry I haven't been updating much recently. However I just wanted to thank you all for being patient with me, I've had a pretty bad case of writers block. Hopefully I will be updating more regularly from now on. Thanks for the brilliant support and encouragement for my story- I really appreciate it.- HFS

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