Chapter Twelve

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It was Emma's first day back after her expulsion, the day was cold, cloudy and dark, motivation to get out of bed at it's lowest. The pre-set alarm bellowed into Emma's room, waking her up as it continuously blared, rolling out of bed, switching the alarm off,  Emma then took a shower allowing the cold water to wake her up.

Emma looked in the mirror, she donned new clothing curtsy of MM and David, a red leather jacket, crisp white tank top that showed of her sculptured muscular arms and blue skin tight denim jeans. Her blond hair freshly curled and light makeup donning her features.

Emma felt slightly flushed at the obvious stares she got when arriving at school stepping out the range rover MM drove, the boys gazed with lust gleaming in their eyes whilst the girls held jealousy on the face at Emma's busty features and stylish outfit.

"Emma, do you need picking up tonight sweetie?" MM smiled, her head popping out the window.

Emma shrugged, "Yeah, thank you."

"I might be a little late but I'll text you if I am." MM smiled, before declaring her farewells and driving off, leaving Emma to the hungry stares.

For the first time in years Emma was seen by everyone, it was as if she was the new girl, the old scruffy sad eyed Emma had vanished and now people thought they had some right to talk to her or get to know her. Emma continued through the school parking lot, making her way to the walkway when it was suddenly blocked.

"Hey baby, your names Emma right?" A basic jock stood In front of Emma, he held a know it all stance as if he was god's gift to women and fell under every stereotype of a jock. Emma remembered his name as Graham and how he had briefly taken American history in 10th grade with her before flunking.

"Yeah." Emma mumbled, moving to walk past him.

"Hey hold up a minute, I was wondering if you want me to walk you to class." He smiled, his hand gliding through his curly hair in a Ill attempt to charm her.

Emma rolled her eyes, "No thanks, I've gotten myself to class before."

"Fine, I actually came over to ask you out, you free this weekend?"

Emma laughed, "No a thousand times over, now please move out my way before I make you."

The tall boys previously happy face had gone, replaced by a sniveling glare a clear result of his ego being bruised from rejection.

"So it's true, your a dirty dyke." His harsh words caught the attention of multiple students, all stopping to pay attention to the new drama that was about to be bestowed on them.

"I guess I am, so move." Emma clenched her jaw, her patience for this kid wearing thin by the minute.

"You just need a good piece of dick."

That was the last straw, Emma's clenched fist then pulled back, assumingly about to meet with Graham's face. Just as Emma went to push it forward, a hand grabbed her wrist preventing her movement completely, a tingle shook down her arm.

"Mr. Humbert go to Mr. Gold's office, before I call the police for hate crime." Regina's voice harshly throbbed in Emma's ears, causing a low tingle to appear in the pit of her stomach.

Graham huffed, however it seemed him and the rest of the school had enough common sense to make haste before the Evil Queen was unleashed upon them all. As soon as Graham had left Emma's path, Emma pulled her wrist away and continued to class, she heard the heels clicking behind her but made no effort to turn around or acknowledge Regina.

Through the halls Emma awkwardly pushed past the crowded groups, speeding up when she saw anyone looking or approaching her. In the corner of her eye she saw Ruby holding hands with Belle, both holding doe eyed dreamy looks that made Emma want to barf at the humor of it. Too stubborn to go over to them, she continued on her way to class, hoping and praying that neither noticed her before she could get there.

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