Chapter Twenty-Four

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Emma gripped her bag strapped, a frown deeply etched on her face. A million thoughts raced through her head, Her foster parents- would they be mad? or worse. Disappointed? School- Was she finally going to be expelled permanently what would she do? Regina- Why would she just assume Emma had acted unprovoked?

Emma was irked and abashedly hurt by the teachers accusatory tone. Even though she still felt like she could justify it she was pretty mad at herself for running to Regina like a lost princess in need of rescue. that was the last straw with Regina, unless she was able to explain herself something Emma felt like she'd easily be swayed which couldn't happen.

The walk stretched on, she could still see Regina's facial expression when she had gotten angry with the brunette, rejected her touch and then called her a bitch. The door to the classroom was slammed and how she had flinched at the touch. 

Mr Gold's office was in sight and a sigh slipped Emma's lips, Two knocks and she was summoned in by the sly Principle. 

Emma looked around as she always did in Mr Gold's ugly office, it was slimy like his personality, full of deep dark green sparkling leather that somehow managed to brighten the miserably dark environment, the blinds were closed preventing any sunlight from entering the suffocating room- Emma smirked to herself, the lack of exposure to sun explained the old man's pale disposition. 

His sleek bony figured appeared and Emma grimaced internally. The principle nodded mutely at the chair in front of his desk, Emma quickly got the hint and shuffled to the chair. Sitting oppose from the man, she watched as he neatly crossed his arms over one another- accentuating his authority.

"Emma Swan, You really do love pushing everyone's boundaries. What must we do with you? Hm." It was a rhetorical question, his tone proved just that.

"Chances after chances, you've been given yet you remain unable to comply with my deals." Principle Gold smiled sinisterly.

Emma opened her mouth, but it was jolted shut when a pale hand rose in the air.

"Expulsion is the only option." Principle Gold muttered, "unless...."

Emma felt her stomach drop as the ominous pause, "Unless?", Emma egged on.

"Unless you provide Mr Glass with an apology, agree to five weeks of after school detention and continue to be monitored by a teacher of my choosing."

Emma rolled her eyes, she knew the true trickster the old man was and felt like it was trap, this was far too easy.

Emma squinted at the man, "And why would you allow that? After all I'm on so many chances and I assaulted a teacher breaking multiple rules of YOUR SCHOOL?"

The question caught the principle of guard yet he spoke, "You had made improvement; grades, general attitude- so to speak. And quite frankly Mr Glass is a dim-witted poor excuse of a teacher."

"Ah so you want Glass gone?" Emma puzzled.

"He's useless and my school has outgrown him, although I don't agree with your methods of retaliation. He did poke a grisly bear." 

Emma's frown deepened in confusion.

"Your friend, I think, Miss Lucas showed me a video recording of Mr Glasses inappropriate language."

So it seems Ruby was much smarter than the world gave her credit for. Emma smiled despite her previous ever-growing anger.

"So dearie," Emma shivered, "Do we have a deal?"

"Yeah we do."

"Good, now seen as your already Miss Mill's teacher aid and mentoree, it makes sense that she monitor you more closely." Mr Gold smirked.

Ah the catch, more time with the woman she was currently raging at, it seems Gold knew just what got on Emma's nerves and that was the brunette teacher.

Emma stood, indicating to the principle she was done with this conversation, situation and school entirely.

"Now Miss Swan go see her, and try not assaulting her if she speaks too harshly."

Emma ignored the comment and excused herself before walking back to Regina's class. Hating the silence and breaking yet another school rule, she put her earphones in and made her way outside to sit on a bench, she needed to think for a minute before dealing with the ever angering woman.

A/N- Hi everyone, sorry it's a short chapter. I just didn't want to let anyone think I was once again inactive. Hope you enjoy it. thanks for the continuous support and positive feedback, it's a great motivator and muchly appreciated.

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