Chapter Twenty Three

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Emma's was flustered, utterly and completely flustered. Her cheeks were on fire, her hands shaking with excitement, a deep desire roared within her stomach. Regina stood proudly in front of the blond, a devious smirk on her face completely loving the affect she was having on Emma.

Regina had walked into class, a red blouse with buttons provocatively undone, cleavage busting more than ever before, a skirt that was far too short and tight to be classed as appropriate attire for a teacher and a wide smirk on red thick lips which Emma knew was just for her.

Emma didn't hear a word of class, in fact in a blink of a second class was over, and Regina was slamming the class door shut as the last student parted ways and suddenly pushing a dazed Emma harshly against the wooden door that the blond fortunately hadn't managed to escape out of like her class mates. Lips met in a hurried frenzied fight, while hands explored curves and edges of each other, gasps from both women got louder and louder and louder, until all Emma could hear was a blazing noise and a continuously polite shake to her body.

"Sweetheart, you need to wake up. Your going to be late. EMMA!" Emma shot up as if a cold bucket of water had been violently poured over her, distinguishing any burning built up fire that had previously been flaming.

MM appeared in the door, "Good your up. Do you want a lift to school?"

Emma still in her own fantasying, incorrigible mind simply managed a yes before MM had once again toddled off to do more important things than wake Emma up from her slumber again. With a shit tonne of effort and more than enough huffs and sighs Emma had managed to pull herself out of bed to look semi decent for the school day.

The car journey was quiet and peaceful, music lulled in the background and a comfortable silence and enjoyment of one another presence remained in the car between Emma and MM. For the first time in forever, Emma felt safe and although it was a confusing emotion for her, she knew she could trust her foster parents and their parental intentions. Emma know just longed for Henry, the missing piece in her puzzle. Nothing felt right without him. Even if her mind was mostly spent, busy thinking about the brunette teacher, her heart pounded for the boy she had raised like her own child.

"You're awfully quiet Emma, more so than usual. I understand if you don't want to talk about it but i would like you to know that you are not alone Emma" MM's soft voice pulled Emma back to reality.
Emma smiled at her foster mother, she felt safe and without any pressure or fear of judgement! But most importantly she felt like she could trust MM, so first the first time in her life Emma turned to the adult and told MM how she was feeling.

" I just miss Henry." Emma mumbled quietly whilst she watch MM's soft facial features soften than humanly possible.

"Emma," MM began, "Me and David will never give up trying to get Henry back home with you, with us if you'd like that."

Emma gulped hard, her throat was tight and she was stumped for a few seconds on how to reply. In her entire life, she had never had anyone fight for her, put her first or show any form of love it was always for a pay check. Emma cleared her throat.

"I'd like that." Was the only sentence Emma could manage in an attempt to hold it together, she wasn't quite ready to let all her walls that had built up for years and years down just yet.

The rest of the journey to school, was peaceful, a comfortable silence rested in the car. Once MM had parked up the car Emma hoped out, deciding against her better judgement she got back in the car and gently hugged MM in awkward embrace which was over before it begun but to the wanna be mother it felt like the entire world.

Without another word or second glance Emma quickly vanished from the car, a loud thud echoed into MM's ear and the the blond hair disappeared into the school entrance.

Emma continued on her journey to class, maths with Mr glass made her want to run back home and delve between her soft, warm bedding but regardless she entered the class, found her seat and began talking to her friends who looked just as bored as she was.

Maths class with Mr Glass always seemed to be a challenge for Emma, no matter what she did the grumpy man always seemed mirked off by Emma in every way. Sometimes he'd purposely ignore her hand when it was raised, downgrade her exams even when they were correct and suggest Emma cheated in class. Today was no different.

The clock indicated that there was 20 minutes left of algebra, Emma smirked soon to be happy at the fact her headache which was purely caused by the teachers boring melancholy voice would be gone and she could once again fantasise about the pretty English teacher; how her hips curved, how soft her skin must fell, how she'd look without any clothes on.

"Miss Swan." A thunderous voice startled Emma, "Miss Swan, are you even listening to me?"

Emma looked up to see a large frown upon the elder man's face, with a slight nod she began to open her mouth to apologise.

"Don't with your excuses Swan, I don't want to hear them." Mr Glass lent closer, his words had a sharp bite to them, "We all know the reason your thick skulled head couldn't understand the learning I teach."

It was a challenge, one which Emma wasn't going to back down from.

Emma snarled, "Yeah? And what's that then Mr Glass?"

The class snickered at Emma's comment, only adding more fuel to the fire which was the teachers red anger.

"Foster kids clearly lack the intelligence that normal kids have. I wonder how little Henry Swan is doing."

At the mention of her little brother's name, a loud crunching noise could be heard as Emma's fist connected with the teacher's nose. Blood immediately submerged down Mr Glasses face, his hands clutching at the nose which was now crooked at reddened.

Emma didn't wait around much longer to see how the teacher would have continued to act, she leaped up and left the room, sprinting down the corridor and going straight to Regina's class.

The sound of pained cries and footsteps screeching in the empty hallway pulled the attention of many students and teachers in the proximity, including Regina  when Emma got closer. The door to Regina's classroom was slammed open and the blond followed soon after.

Regina was sat at her desk, the look of concentration was broken when the loud noise of Emma's body falling into her classroom was heard.

Regina stood from her seat, concern now rested upon her tan face. "Emma, what are you doing here?"

"I've really fucked up" Emma gasped, adrenaline still coursing through her body from her previous actions.

"Language" Regina huffed, "What's going on Miss Swan?"

Emma began to pace back and forth, mumbling so incoherently that Regina didn't know what to make of the situation. having seen enough of the young blond walk rapidly up and down her classroom, she stood infront of the girl, gently placing her hands on the blond shoulders.

Regina smiled, "Talk to me Emma"

"I punched Mr Glass" 

Regina tried to hide her surprise but clearly failed to do so when Emma moved out of the brunettes clasp.

Once again Emma began to pace, until the rational one of the pair once again stood in front of the student and held her shoulders softly.

"What happened?" Regina asked, her voice soft in aims to not startle the clearly on edge girl.

Emma sighed, "He started talking crap about me being a foster kid, and my lack of intelligence."

"Therefore you assaulted him?" Regina exclaimed, her voice sounding accusing without meaning to.

"No Regina, it was when he brought Henry up that I lost it and decked the dumb fuck." Emma shouted, feeling herself disappointed at the teacher's accusation.

The school intercom screeched before Mr Gold's slimy voice could be heard, " Can Emma Swan please report  to my office this instance."

A/N- Hi everyone, Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I hope we're all okay and we enjoy this new chapter. Please let me know any tips or suggestions you'd like to give on how you think the story should continue- H.F.S

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