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      "So aren't you glad you decided to come afterall?" Alison asks and I scrunch my nose "No I'm not, kindly start paying up." I say and pass round my opened bag and they each drop a ziplocked bag that's filled with assorted candies and I grin.

        "I'm a bit glad now." I say and Alison rolls her eyes "I can't believe we had to bribe you with candy like a toddler to make you come for the biggest school event." She says and I grin.

        "Compared to you guys I'm a toddler." I say and Beverly stops walking "What's that supposed to mean?" She asks folding her arms and I shrug "You guys are old." I say and there's a collective gasp and I laugh at the look on their faces.

         "We're like just a year or so older than you!!" Jonas says and I grin "My point exactly." I say grinning and Mei frowns "You're enjoying this aren't you?" He asks and I nod "So much." I say laughing and they just roll their eyes.

       "May!" Kam calls out; yes I can finally differentiate them a teeny tiny bit, I'm soooo proud of myself. And we walk up to him "So who finally convinced you to attend the great sleepover?" He asks and I point to Mei.

         "Along with all the candies she made us buy her." Mei mutters and Kam chuckles.

         "So what's the plan for tonight?" He asks them and Alison clears her throat "First things first we're going to collect our glow sticks and bands." She begins but Kam raises a finger.

         "Already got enough for everyone." He says handing us a bag each "I'm really liking this whole being friends with the popular guy, its got great perks." Jonas says putting on his band and we laugh.

         "So what are we doing next?" I ask and Mei grins "Pyjama runway?" He says in a hopeful tone but the group shut it down.

        "Bedtime Clubbing?" Jonas asks and that is also shut down, "Stargazing?" Beverly asks, there's no answer this time just agonised groans.

         "How about the photo booth?" Alison asks and Mei clucks his tongue, "We've all got smartphones now." He says and there's a small murmur of agreement.   "Go-cart hallway racing?" Kam asks and everyone's quiet for sometime.

        "Hell no! That shit is bloody." Beverly finally speaks up and I realise that this is the first time I've heard her swear. "I agree." Mei says and the rest follows.

        "I'm up for it." I say and they all turn to stare at me "Are you deaf girl? That stuff is pure violence." Jonas says and I grin "Exactly." I say and Kam laughs  "You're exactly my type of girl." He says and I grin "What are we waiting for people?" I ask and we start heading there admist their groans.

         Someone suddenly screams and everyone stops before they start moving again most of them running in the same direction and I notice that even my friends are heading in the same direction.

        "Guys!" I call out but it's too noisy for my voice to be heard by them "What the blazes is going on?" I ask the girl I stopped as she ran past me "It's started." She replies hurriedly before running off.

      "Gee thanks you've been a tremendous help." I mutter sarcastically to her retreating form.

       After trying and unsuccessfully trying to avoid contact with people especially of the opposite gender I decide that it's time to leave the hallway rather than wait till I get a visit from the spiders and nudging my way through I finally get to the end of the hallway and start heading to my destination.

     My destination by the way is the rooftop of the administrative office, it's bound to be less crowded seeing as no one is willing to risk their life for peace and quiet...no one but you...and the other person who's been using it, most times I've found books and stuff there that suggests I'm not the only one using it.

       Reaching the rooftop I fold up the legs of my too big PJs to avoid tripping on it which would lead to me falling to my death before getting up on whatever it is they call the roof edges and begin the slow walk to the other side.

            Swinging my leg quickly I jump over and enter my peaceful place and by that I mean the administrative office rooftop.

         Spreading my sleeping bay, I take out the most important things first; earphones, book, and the first bag of candy.

    Plugging in my earphones I pour out the contents of the candy bag on my bed and rest my back against the wall before breaking a glowstick for light.

      That done I start reading my book, this is as close to heaven as I can get, I think as I turn the page and continue reading, measuring the time by the songs I'm listening to...I'm not the only one that does that am I?

        Glancing up I notice a figure heading towards me and I take off my earphones waiting for whoever it is to arrive, whoever it is is obviously going to be who I'm sharing this place with because like I said not everyone is insane enough to risk their life for peace and quiet.

           Lighting a cigarette I calmly wait for the arrival of my spacemate. There's a thud and a muttered curse and I give a light chuckle, obviously didn't land as well as I did.

          There's a bit of murmuring and I make out the figure moving around their gaze settling on my form.

         "So you're the one who I've started sharing this place with huh?" the figure says and I give a long sigh before I groan... it just had to be him and nobody else...whyyy? I think just as a flashlight switches on and is pointed at my face.

          "Are you sure that you're not stalking me, because I'm getting a bit creeped out." He says and I scoff.

         "Get your head out of your ass Kaifar, nobody in their right mind will stalk you." I say as he slumps on a bean bag and stretches.

        "Well you're not in your right mind are you? You seem to be showing up wherever I am... cupcake you can admit it, you're stalking me." He says and I give a long sigh...

        "I'm just going to go." I say getting up and packing my things angrily into my bag.

      I was about to climb when he grabs my hand..it's not forcefully but I feel it, the spiders.. "Kaifar.." I begin but he cuts me off.


May and Kaifar (REWRITING)Where stories live. Discover now