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I followed Kam downstairs passing Kaifar by the hallway who was on the phone but suddenly stops talking and rushes into the farthest room slamming the door as he enters.

"Dramatic much?" I mutter and Kam laughs "He doesn't really like it people listening to his conversations except when he wants them too." He says and I shrug, "Wasn't going to listen." I say as we go past the dining area into the kitchen.

Liar, you were totally going to listen....Wasn't... Totally were,.. Oh shut up..

"May?" Kam says and I blink "I'm sorry, I spaced out." I say and he chuckles "I'm used to you doing that now." He says laughing and I whack him on his head with a newspaper.

"This is Miriam, my sister." He says as a slender girl turns from the sink.
"Hi." She says waving and I smile at her "Hey." I greet and she moves towards me placing the back of her palm across my head and I frown "Is that a form of greeting?" I ask and she laughs.

"I'm checking you're temperature, you were out in the rain for a long time." She says dropping her hand "You're temperature is fine, I'm guessing you're hungry." She says and I nod.

"Get the rest of yourself down here to help set up the place so we can eat." Miriam says to Kam as she leads me to sit at the counter and pushes a tray of carrots to me. "Slice those anyhow you like doesn't really matter." She says moving to stir whatever's on the gas.

"Kam said you were the one who changed my clothes I say and she nods " You saw them didn't you? " I ask and she shrugs "Do you want me to unsee them?" She asks and I sigh, "I would also want to unsee them too." I say trailing my fingers over my ribs through the sweatshirt I was wearing.

"I like to call them battlescars..." She begins moving away from the gas and I raise a brow "From that movie " The great Gilly something, I can't remember her last name. " she says as she sits in front of me.

"Battlescars huh?" I ask and she nods "Yeah, we all have them, internally and externally, sometimes some of us have them inside and outside. Like we do." She says and I frown "Why do you say 'we'?" I ask and she smiles before pulling her huge sweater sleeves up.

They're ten slashes in all, five on each hands, four arranged horizontally and the last one going across vertically. I trail my fingers around them slowly,

"Everyone has their dark days and battle scars May, we didn't choose them but we can choose how they control us." She says squeezing my hand and I nod.
"Those carrots won't chop themselves May." She says grabbing a tray and start shredding some cheese.

"Nice tattoos by the way. Aren't you underage though?" She says suddenly breaking the silence we were working in. "Oh those...I know a guy." I say and she nods.

"I like the mayflower that's on the middle of your back, is it like your initial or something?" She asks and I shake my head swallowing the lump that had begun to rise, "I actually hate that, its the only tattoo that I didn't pick or that doesn't symbolize something." I say quickly and she nods "So you got it on a dare or you were wasted?" She asks and I shrug "Something like that." I sat not wanting to start explaining that it wasn't a tattoo but a brand.

"You're not the only one." She says laughing as she moves her hair to show me a tiny moon tattoo winking at a sun and I start laughing, "I know right, its tacky." She says and I shake my head, "Its kinda cute in a whimsical way." I say and she snorts. "Hold on, I've got to call up the guys, be right back." She says walking out.

"May baby!!" Karim says coming in through the back and I raise a brow "May baby? Really?" I ask and he shrugs "It was either that or Mayflower." He says and hearing the word sends shivers down my spine.

"May baby it is." I say swallowing down the lump. Moving to grab a carrot stick his left hand lingers above my head, I pretend not to notice his conflicted actions before he shrugs and ruffles my hair like he always does.
"Kam told you guys about the haphephobia didn't he?" I ask and he nods through a mouthful of carrot.

"He just told us so we won't cause you any harm without knowing, not because of anything else." He says the moment he swallows and I smile, "Its alright." I say and he nods.

"Weren't you upstairs?" I ask and he grins "I was napping till I heard Miriam giving Kaifar hell for not coming downstairs, so I ran for safety." He says and I laugh "Don't tell her that I said so, but she's scary." He says reaching for more carrots.

"Help me chop up the rest and I won't tell her that you're trying to deceive her." I say and he frowns "You with wouldn't." He says and I shrug "Try me." I say and he scoffs "Alright then...Miriam Karim's ...." I begin but stop the moment he grabs the tray and start chopping the carrots.

"Nice doing business with you." I say grinning as he flips me the finger.

"I saw that!" Miriam yells as she comes downstairs dragging Kaifar and Kam along with her by their ears, with a younger girl following behind.

"Now that we're all here, you all get to work. May's with me." She says as she walks pass Karim and smacks the back of his head.

"What was that for?" He frowns and she glares "Nice try, here's a tip for next time, always drag down the ladder when you're done." She says and everyone starts laughing except from the grumbling Karim.
.........this reminds you of the family you once had doesn't it?..... yes, but you had this ruin it...

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