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"You can't not go! Tell her Kam..she can't!" Alison shouts glaring at me and I fold my arm.."Why not?" I ask raising a brow.

"Its one of the biggest social event here, all students participate." Kamir says and I scoff, "Its not mandatory is it?" I ask and Mei shakes his head, "But that's not an excuse to miss out." He says and I snort, "What will I be missing out on? Sleep?" I ask and Jonas chuckles "The fact that's its called the great sleepover doesn't mean we do nothing but sleep." He says and I hum.

"C'mon it'll be fun.." Beverly says in a whiny tone and I sigh, "I just can't.." I say drifting off and Alison raises a brow.. "That's not a reason.. I want a reason.." Alison says and I sigh "C'mon May you can tell us anything.." Jonas says staring at me.

Anything huh?

"May?" Beverly calls and I rub my neck "We already know you're haphephobic, if that's it we'll make sure no one you don't want to gets too close to you.." Mei says and I smile at him "How'll you do that?" I ask and he grins, "With my personality of course." He says and we laugh.

"Honestly May, why don't you want to go?" Kam asks and I shake my head..
"I just don't want too." I say a bit forcefully and Mei raises a brow "Don't push your luck.." I grind out sharply letting it trail off so the threat underneath it settles, as soon as it does I realize that I'm beginning to sound like my old self.

"I'm sorry,I just don't want to go." I say seeing the looks on their faces ... fear...you're beginning to sound like the bullies who've tormented them...all of them but kamir...

"Its fine if you don't want to come, we shouldn't have badgered you that much about it.." Alison says quickly as I begin to put the book I was reading into my bag and grab the pudding cup as I get up while they say nothing.

"Nightmares. I have nightmares." I say as I put on my earphones as their heads whip forward but I'm already leaving the cafeteria.

Now they pity you...which is better, to be pitied or feared?...I'll rather be feared than pitied..but when it comes to them which is better?...I'll take the pity then as long as they don't see us for the monster that we are...

As I walk out I bump into Helen or rather she bumped into me. "Watch it." She snarls and I scoff hoping she leaves me alone because I was trying hard to keep my temper in check.

"I don't have the energy to deal with you right now Helen..care to reschedule?" I ask and she laughs "Did you hear what she just said?" She asks turning to look at her minions and the growing crowd..

what's it with this school and crowds?

"She asked to reschedule." a girl I identified as Vanessa, one of Helen's minions say and Helen glares at her "That was a rhetorical question sweetie." I say with a sugary tone and she glares at me.

"Listen up May because I'm not going to be repeating myself anytime soon.." She begins but I cut her off "Then I guess you should speak up Helen, and do it quickly." I say and there's a murmur from the crowd.

"I don't care if Kamir or Karim are friends with you, or the fact that you're under their protection, that doesn't matter to me." She begins and I raise a brow "Go on.." I urge and she frowns.

"Kaifar is mine,I'm his queen, no one not even you can take my crown or my king..so stop trying or you'll be asking for war." She says stepping forward expecting me to take steps back but she's yet to realise that I've played this game better than she can ever play it.

"Your king? Your crown? His queen?" I ask taking steps forward as I say those words while she wills herself to stand her ground.

"Are you sure about that Helen?" I ask and she gulps a bit "Are you sure he's yours?" I ask again moving so close that she's forced to take a step back.

"Stay away from my Kaifar." She says finally finding her voice, "What if I don't want too, he's really handsome you know, just my type." I say and she glares.

"He's mine! My King! My boyfriend! I'm his Queen!!" She shrieks and I shrug.

"Does he know that?" I ask and she frowns "Of course he does!!" She retorts and I shrug "So if I was you know.. go and bait him he won't leave your insecure ass?" I ask and she turns red..

"You little wench." She says as I feel a smarting pain on my cheek and I realise that she just slapped me as the crowd murmurs and hoots.

Without thinking twice I hit her back and before she can hit me back I grab her arm.

"Listen up Helen because this will be the last time I'm going to say it... Don't. You. Ever. Touch. Me. Because the next time you do I'll make sure it'll be your last time because I'll break all your fingers with my shoes...you should believe me...because it's been done before." I say and the whole crowd goes silent at the dangerous tone my voice takes and I drop her hand which has gone as white as her face.

Turning around I see the crowd looking at me a bit differently...most of them fear you...let them... what about pity?...I don't need it anymore..

Walking towards my locker I stop when I see them; Kamir, Jonas, Beverly, Alison and Mei.. I didn't need to look into their eyes to know that they had seen and heard it all...monster...they can see the monster in us..I know... what are we going to do?....I don't know..should we explain?...No...what then?... Run..

And I start running past them, past Kaifar who stares at me like I just helped him prove something...they all know...they all know that I'm a monster...feeling my jacket for my keys....I run all the way to the parking lot and once I get there I enter my car and drive off crying.

Monster...they know that I'm a monster... I'm a monster..

A new chapter..this should have been up yesterday but I didn't have the chance to publish it yesterday but here it is!!
Sooo please vote,comment and share!!!
Xoxo Aria

May and Kaifar (REWRITING)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora