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Just like Alison said, war had been declared against me by Kaifar, he didn't involve his cronies or the girls who still kept on glaring at me including Helen who kept on with her snarly grade twelve taunts, and for that I at least had a tiny bit of respect for him...

I knew war had been declared when I and Alison walked to the parking lot and saw my car covered in stick it notes, from top to bottom.

"May?" Alison called uncertainly and I shrugged, "Just take out the notes from the back windshield, I'll do the same from the front one." I said and she nodded.

As a form of retaliation, Kaifar left school to meet a flat tired bike, we weren't doing anything serious at least that's what I thought till I entered my car to meet a foul smell.

"Smells like something died in here." Jonas groaned getting out quickly and Alison wrinkled her nose "Its not that bad.." She lied and I scoffed "It is. C'mon let's take the bus." I said and Jonas groaned..."Its not that bad, we'll take the windows down, c'mon let's go." He said going back inside.

"Fiinee." I say and get in, as I drive off, I pass Kaifar and flip him the bird while he gives me a shit eating grin.

The next day Kamir meet me taking the tires off Kaifar's bike, "Its gotten this serious huh?" He asks and I nod as the first tire comes off and I start with the second one. "Aren't you guys taking it too far?" He asks and I shrug.

"You're brother set the tempo I'm just following his pace." I say and he laughs while I focus on the tire I'm walking on.

"All done?" He asks and I shake my head "Can you help me lift the front end up?" I ask and he frowns before doing it and I squirt some glue on the ground and motion for him to drop it down.

Then I glue the tires to the ground then step back to admire my work "This would be expensive to fix won't it?" He asks and I shrug "Eh...it'll take the exact amount I spent to refurbish my car seats plus the amount spent on endless washing that didn't leave." I say before walking away.

It continued that way,on Monday I walked into my Ap Calc class and saw Kaifar in it, the only free seat was next to him and I grudgingly took it.

"For someone who behaves like she hates me, you seem to show up wherever I am." He said turning lazily to look at me and I scoffed, "I've been taking this class for a month now, maybe you're the one stalking me." I retorted and he scoffed "Don't flatter yourself cupcake, you're not even my type." He said and I nodded.

"Good to know that I'm not an airhead who's main ambition is to become a highschool Queen." I said and he chuckled.

"Jealous cupcake?" He asked and I scoffed "Of who?" I asked and he stared at me "You're jealous." He said and I narrowed my eyes "Jealous of who and what?" I asked and he just smiled as if he knew something I didn't before resting his head back on his desk.

I ate lunch with Jonas and his friends that day and a girl who's name I forgot looked at me and chuckled and I raised a brow "What?" I asked and she smiled "I don't know if its luck or the fact that you're just smart that's keeping you in Weston." She says and I turn to face Jonas "What does she mean?" I asked him and he shrugged "By now every other person that crossed Kaifar would've started asking for a transfer out of Weston." He says and I frown "He's that bad huh? So why is he the king?" I ask and Jonas shrugs " I don't know, let me see, he's popular? " he says and I scoff, "What other thing I ask and they frown.

" Well I heard that at first he just fought back against bullies and questioned a lot of rules and flaunted his breaking of the rules. Somewhere along the line he rose to top dog." Beverly whispers "In other words, he's not your usual popular golden boy...he doesn't even eat lunch with the other popular ones." Alison says and I look through the cafeteria and don't see any sign of him.

May and Kaifar (REWRITING)Where stories live. Discover now