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"Can we talk?" He asks and that frown before facing him "About what?" I say as I bend to tie my shoe lace "Us?" He says and I snort "There's no us...you killed us." I say and he gives a sigh.

"I know what I did was wrong.." He begins but I cut him off "Wrong? Is that what they told you? It wasn't wrong its unforgivable." I say getting up to make a sandwich.

"May don't you remember how we used to be, how I'll tell you stories of work and you'll tell me stories about school? Do you remember?" He asks and I shrug.

"Speaking about stories I've got one for you, get comfy, its quite long Dad." I say and he raises a brow, "Go on I even made you a sandwich." I say putting the plate on the table.

"Scared?" I ask and he takes the bait and sits. "Shall I start?" I ask and he nods.

"Once upon a time there was a man called Clayton, at the age of twenty he enlisted into the army, was there for four years and he came back a war hero and married his beloved Anna they had four children; Helen, Jefferson,Tom and Avery." I begin "May please.." He begins but I cut him off.

"Clay had big dreams, so he started this security firm, it grew quickly into a large firm, soon simple old Clay was a rich man. His business took him all over, but he didn't like leaving his family alone since they were his priced possessions, what to do?" I continued and he winced.

"He got the solution quickly, he thinks really fast, while he was gone, his brother could help him guard his family, after all who better than family to protect family right?" I asked but received no answer.

"Gerald came to stay, took such good care of them he was impressed too impressed to notice the expressions on his two youngest children faces. So Gerald kept on staying, one day Clay got a call from his wife, she was hysterical, what could've happened? He wondered as he drove home." I continued and stopped to sip a bit of water.

"He came home to hear the worse news, his brother who he trusted with his family, has been defiling his youngest son and daughter. He didn't just defile them, he branded them too, his son had taken his life, the perfectionist in him wouldn't let him life that way, he slit his age only after trying to kill Uncle Gerald." I say and watch him close his eyes.

"His youngest child that was just twelve watched it, she first got raped by her uncle then watched him rape her brother, as if it wasn't enough she watched her brother die. Uncle Gerald didn't die, he told Anna that Tom tried to rape his sister but when he tried to stop him he got violent and stabbed him, realising that he was overpowered rather that face punishment Tom committed suicide, little Avery had to speak up and tell the truth then. What do you think Clay did then?" I ask but I get no reply.

"Tell me what did you think he did? Console his daughter, prosecute his brother, stand by his priced possession? What!" I ask watching him shake his head.

"You don't know? I'll tell you. Clay ran. By the next morning he was gone leaving nothing but a flimsy note stating that he can't bear it. He left his family alone." I say.

"All through the interrogation, through the prosecution,through the court hearing, through the pains, the tears, the sleepless nights, the nightmares, hallucinations, depression, madness, through the hell, Clay never showed up, not once." I continue looking at him through eyes that have been blurred by tears.

"Four years passed, they were beginning to move on, Avery was trying to, one rainy night there's a knock on the door and guess who was there? You should know..." I say and he shakes his head softly "It was Clay, coming home to the family he bailed on, the prodigal father finally returned." I say and he looks up at me "I'm sorry..." He says brokenly.

"You wanted to talk about us, I've told you the story of us, I hope you're satisfied now Clayton. Eat you're toast before its completely cold." I say wiping my tears and walking towards the door "Hope you enjoyed the story." I say as I leave.

Pulling my hood on I start running pushing myself to go as fast as I can before crashing. The moment I hit the ground I burst into tears as I recall all the memories I don't want to.

Happy Sunday!!
This chapter is pretty short but at least you can understand May more right?

May and Kaifar (REWRITING)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora