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I stared at my reflection in the mirror and gave a loud sigh, wondering what Weston High founder was thinking when this uniform was designed as I stuff my hands into a coat.

Glancing at myself once more I grab my bag and keys before heading out and locking my room door before heading downstairs.

"Good morning baby." Mum croons walking over to me and giving me a peck before leading me to the kitchen as I mumble a response back.

Resting my head on the smooth marble counter, I suddenly sit up the moment I'm enveloped in a hug and turn to see Christie grinning at me.

"Chin up May, its a great day!" She chirps and I stare at her "What's so great about the morning Christina?" I ask and she smiles before dipping her hand into a bowl and licking it.
"This pancake batter for starters." She answers and I scoff before I slump back on the counter.

"Don't double dip and don't slouch." Morris says pushing a plate topped with pancakes, and I rise up from my position slowly. "I thought it was going to come after I had died slow poke." I mutter "Heard that." He calls out and I shrug "You were meant too." I say and he keeps on whistling to the tune that Christie's humming.

"What's got you two in such good moods?" I ask in between popping pieces of pancakes into my mouth and spreading syrup on it.

"College." They answer simultaneously and I shrug, taking a sip of my drink.
"Aren't you excited about your first day of school?" Mum asks and I snort "What's there to be excited about?" I ask and she smiles.

"Making new friends,new memories also..." She begins and I roll my eyes "It was a rhetorical question Mum, I didn't want answer." I say and she smiles "Alright, but just keep my answers in mind." She asks and I nod going to drop my plate into the dish washer and grabbing the smallest cooling flask.

"Again with that?" Christie asks and I shrug, "This is basically my only reason to get up every morning." I answer.
"May!" Mum gasps and I shrug before turning to Morris, "Last drawer, top corner of the fridge." He answers and Mum and Christie turns to frown at him and he shrugs it off.

Grabbing a knife and plugging in the blender and grab my ingredients and get to work.

"Can you turn it down?" Christie screams above the blender's noise and I smile before turning it off then bottling it quickly into my flask and throwing some ice cubes into it.

"I'm leaving now." I call out and Morris glares at me "And who's going to clear all that?" He asks and I shrug, "Your good mood will see you through college boy." I say grabbing my bag and keys.

. "Aren't you forgetting something?" He asks just as I reach the door and I turn around to stare at him.

"I don't think so." I say and he raises a brow "You sure?" He asks and I glare at him "Should I be forgetting something?" I ask.

"Do you still know how to catch?" He asks and I give a tired shrug "Should I?" I ask and he smiles before throwing something at me and I catch it by reflexes alone and I stare at it.

A small folded wallet that's got a winky face on it, I open it slowly and see a couple of dollar bills in it, as well as a picture of him and I when we were better.

"What?" I ask staring at him "Lunch money." He answers as I open my mouth to protest he holds up a hand, "Its from your mother." He says and I raise a brow, "Go and ask her if you want but I need my wallet back." He adds and I stare at him "Your wallet? I made that." I say and he shrugs "For me when you were ten and I liked it enough to turn it into my wallet." He says and I snort before taking out the money and throwing it back to him which he caught easily.

"Guess you didn't forget how to throw or catch." He says and I scoff before yelling goodbyes to everyone but him.

"Have a great day May." He calls out and I flip him the finger as I move to the car port.

I'm out of the house when I see a figure pass really close to the car and I immediately jam the brakes and stop the car but that's after I hear someone fall.

I get out of my car quickly and check whoever I hit but when I see who it is I frown.

"Kaifar?" I call and he sighs, "I should have known it was you muffin." He says and I fold my arm as he gets up from the floor.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask getting angry "Its simple really, I've been passing this same road for a long time and I've never been hit by a car." He says in a duh tone.

"You were not walking on the pedestrian side,you're to be blamed for your own misfortune." I say "I'm to be blamed for my own misfortunes she says, you were speeding. I could sue you." He says and I scoff, "Go right ahead Kaifar." I say going back into my car.

"What have you been calling me?" He asks moving towards my car window and I stare at him,definitely dimwitted I think.

"Kaifar, or isn't that your name?" I ask and he smirks "It is, I just remembered a little birdy telling me not to tell me my name because she wasn't going to remember it." He says and I glare at him.

"You should move before you really get a reason to sue me." I say before starting my car.

I get to school and park my car at the farthest side and get down staring at the huge building called Weston High.

Grabbing my bag and flask I lock my door and walk towards the building overflowing with students.

I quickly plug in my iPod and pocket it before looking around for any maps around. The music isn't loud so I can hear the students chatter and sometimes I hear someone call out may... Its either my mind or that word is being used in a conversation.

Someone taps me and I turn to see a grinning Kaifar, but the more I stare the more he seems less more than Kaifar.

"Please don't let me start seeing Kaifar everywhere." I mutter before stopping the music.

I stare at his face once more, he does look a bit like Kaifar and at the same time nothing like him how's that possible? the May in my head asks.

"May right?" He asks and I give a sigh "You're not Kaifar." I breath out and he smiles "I'm guessing he was quick to get on your nerves." He says smiling and I nod.

"I'm Kamir." He says stretching his hand and I shake it, "May, but you already know that." I say and he nods.

"Need any help?" He asks and I shrug, "I'm trying to locate the principal's office." I say and he nods, "C'mon I'll take you there." He says linking hands with me and dragging me along.

"You guys look alike." I mutter when I see another Kaifar talking to a girl. "Nah, that's Karim, notice that he's got two dimples, I've got just one." He says "Kaifar also has two but you can know him by his permanent smirk..." He continues "Or his annoying voice." I say and he laughs.

"I think I'm liking you." He says stopping at a door "Here we are, Principal Martin's office, gotta go, but if you need me you can find me at room 321 or the library." He says and I scoff, "I couldn't get myself here, what makes you think I'll be able to get there?" I asks and he smiles "You're smart May." He says giving me a wave and walking off.

May and Kaifar (REWRITING)Where stories live. Discover now