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I did all that Morris suggested except for the last one, I wasn't going down for dinner, with that in mind I plugged in my earphones and lay on my bed.

Admittedly this house was a better home than the old one, I would have loved it under better circumstances but not this.

My room was the second largest in the house, everyone gave it to me in a bid to make me happy I guess.

Feeling tired I closed my eyes to sleep but was jostled softly and I opened my eyes to see my older sister staring at me.
"Come downstairs May, its our first dinner here and mum wants everyone down." She says and I shake my head.

"No can do, I don't have enough strength to face him." I say and she frowns. "Him is our father." She says and I smile.

" You think I don't wish he wasn't?" I ask and she gasps, "I'll pretend that I didn't hear that." She says and I shrug "If you wish too." I say and she sighs.

"Come downstairs, it won't look nice to the neighbours if you don't come downstairs." She says and that piqued my interest.

"The neighbours next door or from the opposite house?" I asked and she shrugged, "I don't know, just know that they're our neighbours." She says and I shrug, "Enjoy your dinner." I say and roll to my side.

"At least try." She says and I pretend not to hear her.
The moment she leaves, I move to my window and stare at the house in front of me,not the house itself but just the side that shows the garden where I saw him.

Hey I wasn't looking for him, the garden just had a really nice view, it looked peaceful.

"Looking for me cupcake?" A voice asks and I turn around to stare at no other than him leaning on my door post in all his glory.

"What are you doing here?" I ask lazily moving back to my bed, "Such enthusiasm." He says and I glare.

"Last I checked.. whatever your name is, this isn't your house. Its mine." I say and he raises a brow.

"Its Kaifar." He says and I frown "What my name is...its Kaifar." He explains and I scoff.
"I don't need your name, I doubt I'll remember it by tomorrow." I say and he smirks.
"You should leave." I say and he folds his arms "Why?" He asks and I stare at him, was he stupid or just thick headed?

"Because this is my room." I say and he tilts his head to one side "You don't seem too happy about that." He says after sometime.

"Whether I'm happy or not about it doesn't change the fact that this is my room, in my house. How'd you even get in here?" I ask and he raises a brow.

"Into your room or the house?" He asks and I shrug, "Both would do." I say and he smiles, and I try not to notice that he has a smile.

"I came to have dinner, and well I asked to use the restroom then I saw this room door open and I walked in. The rest as they say is history." He says and I frown.

"So you're only supposed to be in the dinning and living area?" I asked and he nods "Don't forget the restroom too." He says and I nod.

"Of course let's not forget the restroom. So why are you in my room?" I asked and he shrugs " Iono, why aren't you downstairs?" He asks.

"None of your business." I say and he nods "Why I'm here too is none of your business too." He says. "This is my room." I say "And...?" He asks, "You need to leave." I say and he smiles.

"I'll make you a deal, I'll leave only when you do." He says and I scoff, "Like hell you will." I say and he grins before walking in and sitting on one of the beanbags.

"What do you think you're doing?" I ask eyeing him "What does it look like cupcake?" He asks, I didn't say anything about the stupid nickname the first time but now I will.

" Don't call me cupcake. " I say and he raises "Why, what do you have against cupcakes?" He asks and I give him one of my haughtiest looks.

"Whatever you want Cherry pie." He says and I groan "Will you just leave?" I ask and he smiles "Will you come down with me?" He asks and I scoff.

He brings out his phone and starts using it. "Fine I'll come downstairs, I can't stand having you in my room." I say and he sighs, "Thank goodness, I wasn't sure how long I could stand being here." He says and I stare at him.

"You're forcing me to come downstairs and you're saying that?" I ask and he shrugs "Aww, did I hurt your feelings?" He asks walking out.

"F**k you." I say about to slam my door but he places a foot in between.
"Don't take too long Sugar, dinner's about to start." He says and I mutter a curse under my breath.
Hating him is a good decision, I think to myself.

May and Kaifar (REWRITING)Where stories live. Discover now